
zhōnɡ wèi shù
  • median
  1. 语言使用者数量的中位数仅为6000人,这意味着世界上有一半语言的使用者都不到6000人。

    The median number of speakers is a mere 6,000 , which means that half the world 's languages are spoken by fewer people than that .

  2. 结论1.已建立的天津地区孕中期DS筛查人群中位数系统是稳定的,可靠的。

    The Tianjin median values system is stable and reliable . 2 .

  3. 把每一组的频率逐组相加,找出包含中位数的那一组。

    Add the frequencies in each class to find the class that contains that centermost element .

  4. 死亡病例年龄中位数:脑血管病为72.07岁,缺血性心脏病为68.28岁,二者有显著性差异(P<0.05)。

    ( P < 0.01 ) . The median ages of the dead cases of the cerebrovascular diseases and ischemic heart diseases were 72.07 and 68.28 respectively .

  5. 原发性PSD发生的时间中位数是3.5天。

    The medium time of PSD occurring is 3.5 days .

  6. 结果治疗后6周与12周哮喘患儿的哮喘症状评分中位数比较,差异有显著性(P0.05);

    Results After treated for 6 and 12 weeks , the asthmatic symptom scores showed significant difference ( P0.05 );

  7. 结果:A、B组身高均值与标准值相比均在中位数以上,C、D组身高接近均值;

    Results : The mean and standard value of height exceed the median in both A and B group and approximate the median in both C and D group .

  8. CBM法选用绝对距离与中位数法。

    Method CBM used absolute distance and median method .

  9. 所有DNA二倍体肿瘤的SPF变异中位数为3%(0~7%)。

    The median SPF value in all DNA diploid cases was 3 % ( 0 % ~ 7 % ) .

  10. 小于胎龄儿追赶生长在3个月内,SDS值低于中位数。

    The catch up growth of SGA was within 3 months . SDS was below median .

  11. 老年AL骨髓原始细胞中位数明显低于非老年组(P<0.05);

    The median of bone marrow blast cell in the aged group was significantly lower than that in the young group ( P < 0.05 );

  12. 结果随年龄增长,男、女额面QRS中位数电轴一致性地逐渐向左(上)偏移大约27°(从70°偏移到43°,P<0.001)。

    Results Median QRS axis gradually shifted to the left by about 27 ° with increasing age for both sexes ( P < 0.001 ) .

  13. ICU恢复时间中位数为16h。

    Median length of ICU stay was 16 hours .

  14. 它们的平均水平(中位数)为312.0μg/kg,人均日摄入总量为286.5μg。

    The average level of them was 312.0 μ g / kg ( median ) . The day intake of the nitrosamines was 286.5 μ g / head / day .

  15. 利用已建立的天津地区孕中期DS筛查人群中位数系统进行筛查,可以有效降低假阳性率,提高阳性预测值。

    It can effectively reduce the false positive rate and increase the positive predictive value by using the Tianjin median values system .

  16. 按照Twitter发行价的中位数计算,公司联合创始人埃文•威廉姆斯持有的股票价值将超过10亿美元。

    Company co-founder Evan Williams ' stake would be worth just over $ 1 billion if twitter prices in the middle of its range .

  17. 潜伏期2~14d,中位数4d。

    The latent period varied from 2 to 14 days ( median 4 days ) .

  18. 其血清HBVdna中位数水平轻度升高至86Meq/ml,其中15%病人ALT高于治疗前水平。

    Their serum HBV DNA levels were slightly increased to bDNA median level 86 Meq / ml and 15 % of the patients they were ALT exceeded baseline levels .

  19. 研究者报道,“4次检查期间的PGA评分的中位数变化是零”。

    " The median change in PGA scores between the four examination periods was zero ," the investigators report .

  20. 用该法测定的117例血透病人血清AGE水平中位数为0.5μg/ml,而年龄匹配的正常人中仅有9.4%的血清AGE含量>0.1μg/ml。

    The median value of serum AGE was 0.5 μ g / ml in 117 HD patients , but only 9.4 % of the age matched normal subjects had the serum AGE level above 0.1 μ g / ml.

  21. 检测3岁以上居民166人,血清维生素A含量为(0·45±0·1)mg/100ml,血清维生素E(中位数)为0·61mg/100ml;

    Of the 166 residents over 3 , serum vitamin A content was ( 0.45 ± 0.1 ) mg / 100 ml , serum vitamin E ( median ) was 0.61 mg / 100ml ;

  22. 以鸡胗为材料提纯结蛋白,经鉴定后免疫BALB/c小鼠,采用杂交瘤技术建立了能稳定分泌抗结蛋白单抗的杂交瘤细胞株AD1,其染色体中位数为77。AD1单抗属小鼠Igg1亚类;

    BALB / c mice were immunized with desmin isolated from chicken gizzard .

  23. 方法采用LMS(λ中位数变异系数)法对西安市0~18岁儿童青少年身高百分位数进行拟合。

    Methods Using LMS (λ median coefficient of variation ) method fitting height centile curve for children and adolescence aged 0 ~ 18 years .

  24. 植入125I粒子数为9~48粒(中位数为28粒)。

    The number of seeds implanted in lesion was 9 to 44 ( median 28 ) .

  25. 根据美国大学和雇主协会(NationalAssociationofCollegesandEmployers)的调查,2012届毕业生的起薪中位数达42569美元,比2011届毕业生的起薪中位数高出4.5%。

    According to the National Association of colleges and employers , the median starting salary for class of 2012 grads is up 4.5 % ( to $ 42,569 ) from that of the class of 2011 .

  26. 第3组大鼠存活时间中位数为30.9d(9.0),与第1,2组显著延长(P0.01)。

    The survival duration median of the third group was 30.9 days ( 9.0 ), significantly longer than that of the other two groups ( P 0.01 ) .

  27. KPS评分提高的中位数为10;

    KPS rised median 10 ;

  28. 表现为“差异”的均值和中位数趋势上不断缩小,判别系数R2越来越接近1。

    Show as the mean and the median of the difference dwindle constantly trendly , differentiate coefficient R2 closes to1.2 .

  29. 血清免疫球蛋白水平:IgA型,多发性骨髓瘤(MM)的IgA中位数为2200毫克/分升;

    The serum levels of immunoglobulin were : me-dian value of IgA > 2,000 mg dl ~ ( - 1 ) in IgA type of multiple myeloma ( MM );

  30. 支持时间1~15d,中位数5d。

    The mean time on ECMO was 1 ~ 15 days ( median 5 days ) .