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  1. 《生活》周刊系1925年10月10日由黄炎培创办于上海,初为中华职业教育社的机关刊物,以刊载职业教育信息等内容为主。

    Life Weekly was established by Huang Yan-pei in Shanghai on October , 1925.It grew out of an official magazine of the professional education society of China , which focused on the information of professional education .

  2. 以江恒源为代表的中华职业教育社在乡村改进试验中提出了富教合一理论,这一理论将富农与教农并重,随富随教,在实践中受到了积极效果。

    Jiang Hengyuan , one of the representatives of China Vocational Education Society , put forward the combination of wealth and education theory in countryside improving experiments , which took enriching and teaching farmers as the same important position . It made some positive and effective results in practice .