
  • 网络china agricultural university;China Agriculture University;cau;
  1. 中国农业大学的张福锁教授绘制了一张土壤PH变化的趋势图。

    The trend has been charted by soil scientist Zhang Fusuo of China Agricultural University in Beijing and colleagues .

  2. 2002年SCI收录中国农业大学论文统计与分析

    Analysis of Scientific Publications of China Agricultural University Collected by SCI in 2002

  3. 土壤为中国农业大学科学同试验田的0~10cm表土。

    Soil from the test-field of CAU was the topsoil of 0 ~ 10cm depth .

  4. 设计了1套用于番茄DFT无限生长栽培系统根际环境调控的营养液半导体制冷温控系统,并在中国农业大学设施园艺工程中心实验温室进行了现场试验。

    A set of temperature control system has been accomplished . The system was used to control roots area environment of the infinite-growth-type tomato cultivated by the DFT hydroponics technique . And experiments have been done in the experimental greenhouse of the Horticultural Engineering Center of China Agricultural University .

  5. 同时,利用与中国农业大学合作研究开发的主效QTL分子标记,将分子标记辅助选择与常规育种相结合,采用杂交-回交-自交的方法,建立玉米抗丝黑穗病分子标记育种平台。

    At the same time , using the main QTL molecular markers developed by us and China Agricultural University , Combining marker-assisted selection and conventional breeding , making use of the methods of hybrid-backcrossing then self-crossing , molecular marker breeding platform of corn Head Smut resistance will be build .

  6. 一到首都机场,17岁的薛铎晓(音译)就马上打开手机浏览微博、潜入好友的QQ农场偷菜。然后才上网查找去中国农业大学的路线。

    UPON arrival at Beijing Capital International Airport , Xue Duoxiao , 17 , switched on his cell phone . He browsed the news on microblogs , and sneaked into friends ' QQ farms and stole some " ripe " vegetables , before searching online for directions to China Agricultural University .

  7. 为了使农业工程文献信息资源能快速、准确、完整地提供给广大农业工程科技人员参考利用,中国农业大学图书馆(东区)利用现代信息技术构筑了农业工程知识仓库(AEKD)。

    In order to supply agricultural engineering information more efficiently , accurately and completely for agricultural engineering technicians , China Agricultural University Library at East Campus is making use of modern network technology to build an Agricultural Engineering Knowledge Database ( AEKD ) .

  8. 中国农业大学产业实践与发展之探讨

    Discussion on Practices and Development of Industries at China Agricultural University

  9. 中国农业大学奥运摔跤馆停车场管理及交通规划

    Parking Management and Transportation Plan for China Agricultural University Olympic Wrestling Gymnasium

  10. 中国农业大学研究生教育的改革和发展

    Graduate education reform and development of China Agricultural University

  11. 本实验在河北安国和中国农业大学完成。

    This text is finished in Anguo of Hebei and China Agricultural University .

  12. 首先采集土壤样品,来自中国农业大学科学园区不同作物的根际,以及药用植物园内多种木本和草本植物根际。

    Soil samples from rhizosphere of different kinds of crop and officinal were collected .

  13. 单位:中国农业大学食品与营养工程学院。

    SETTING : College of Food Science and Nutritional Engineering , China Agricultural University .

  14. 发展中的中国农业大学图书馆

    The development of China Agricultural University Library

  15. 1947年生人,现中国农业大学动物科技学院教授。

    1947 births , the China Agricultural University associate professor with the Institute of Animal Science .

  16. 这是中国农业大学动物科技学院的网站。

    This is the website of College of Animal Science and Technology , China Agricultural University .

  17. 试验于2010-2012年在中国农业大学曲周实验站进行。

    The study was carried out in Quzhou experimental station , China Agricultural University , during the year 2010-2012 .

  18. 检测分析了混合基质的理化性状,并在北京中国农业大学草地研究所进行草皮卷生长试验。

    The physical and chemical properties of the mixtures were analyzed and the effects on sod establishment were tested .

  19. 中国农业大学食品科学与营养工程学院院长罗云波认为,该委员会的成立将是食品安全监管方面的最大进步。

    At China Agriculture University in Beijing , says he considered the food safety commission the most important progress .

  20. 中国农业大学金融专业学士(1993年);美国斯坦福大学经济学专业博士(2001年)。

    China Agricultural University , BS , 1993 , Finance ; Stanford University , PhD , 2001 , Economics .

  21. 并在北京市园林科研所和中国农业大学测定了不同绿地类型上的降尘量。

    Dustfalls were measured in different greenbelt types in Beijing Landscape Scientific Institute and in China Agricultural University respectively .

  22. 李红艳是中国农业大学的老师,她每节课之后都会看看自己的手机。

    Li Hongyan , professor of communication at China Agricultural University , checks her phone for new messages after every class .

  23. 在中国农业大学的谷物干燥研究领域中,重点是数学模型和计算机模拟。

    Mathematical modeling and computer simulation of grain drying are the major emphasis of grain drying research in China Agricultural University .

  24. 当前形势下高校图书馆科技查新服务的新特点与新对策&以中国农业大学图书馆为例

    Countermeasure and characters of science technological novelty search services under the current environment & A case study of china agricultural university library

  25. 不同于上面两位女生,中国农业大学毕业生、今年25岁的隋欣对如何保护自己了如指掌。

    Unlike Song and Wang , Sui Xin , 25 , a graduate at China Agricultural University , knows how to defend herself .

  26. 中国农业大学曲周试验站在总结前人基础上,结合当地农村实际经济水平和耕作制度,提出了玉米秸秆整株还田方法。

    Tests of the whole maize straw incorporation and the smashed ones were conducted on tideland of semi-arid area of Quzhou , Hebei Province .

  27. 而中国农业大学管理学专业大三学生、21岁的贾德宝(音译)则认为冷清也有冷清的好处。

    But there are a few advantages , according to Jia Debao , 21 , a junior majoring in administration at China Agricultural University .

  28. “我喜欢看历史方面的授课视频。”中国农业大学大三学生,21岁的罗静青表示。

    " I like to watch videos of lectures on history ," said Luo Jingqing , 21 , a junior at China Agricultural University .

  29. 本文就中国农业大学的大学英语网络教学实验的过程和结果进行分析和讨论。

    This paper analyses and discusses the procedures and results of a pilot project on the net-based College English teaching in China Agricultural University .

  30. 本文介绍了作者在中国农业大学反刍动物营养实验室工作期间建立的绵羊营养外科模型。

    A nutritional sheep model built by the authors in the ruminant nutrition laboratory of China Agricultural University is introduced in the present paper .