
  • 网络yunnan university;Yunnan;Kunming, Yunnan University;University
  1. 对象:实验于1999-07/2002-07在云南大学分子生物学实验室完成。选用健康2月龄雌性SD大鼠96只,平均质量160~200g。

    MATERIALS This study was conducted at the laboratory of Molecular Biology Department of Yunnan University between July 1999 and July 2002 . We recruited 96 healthy female SD rats of 2 months old and with the mean body mass of 160 to 200 g.

  2. 在对通用搜索引擎体系结构和构建搜索引擎关键技术研究的基础上,结合优秀开源框架Nutch和Lucene设计一个运用在云南大学校园网的搜索引擎框架,并且已经实现大部分功能。

    In the general search engine architecture and building search engine based on the key technology , combined with excellent open-source Nutch and Lucene to design a framework used in the Yunnan University campus network search engine framework , and has achieved most of the functionality .

  3. 独立学院办学特色观探析&以云南大学旅游文化学院为例

    An Analysis of Characteristics View for Operating Schools of Independent College

  4. 单位:云南大学分子生物学实验室。

    SETTING : Laboratory of the Department of Molecular Biology of Yunnan University .

  5. 2005年毕业于云南大学生命科学学院生物科学专业。

    And graduated from the life science college of Yunnan University in 2005 .

  6. 云南大学电缆电视系统的技术特点

    The Characteristics of the CATV System of Yunnan University

  7. 一九五六年毕业于云南大学中文系。

    She graduated from the Department of Chinese Literature of Yunnan University in1956 .

  8. 云南大学图书馆书目流通系统

    A Circulating Management System of Library in Yunnan University

  9. 云南大学化学学科的回顾与展望

    Retrospect and Prospect to Chemistry of Yunnan University

  10. 云南大学生物学科55周年

    Fifty Five Years of Biology of Yunnan University

  11. 高荣基在云南大学读中文,要准备汉语考试,课余时间还打工。

    He is preparing the HSK test and doing some part-time job after class .

  12. 云南大学会泽楼建筑初探

    Introduce for Huize Building in Yunnan Province University

  13. 以学科建设为龙头构建云南大学的核心竞争力

    To take construction of subjects as the lead to constructive Yunnan University core competitiveness

  14. 云南大学物理学科60年

    Sixty Year of Physics of Yunnan University

  15. 云南大学统计系;

    Department of Statistics , Yunnan University ;

  16. 现于云南大学亚洲国际河流中心攻读自然地理学硕士学位。

    Now he continues to take his Master degree of physical geography in international river center in Asia of Yunnan University .

  17. 改革开放以来高校毕业生就业政策的演变&以云南大学为例

    Evolution of College Graduates ' Employment Policies since the Reform and Opening-up of China & A Case Study of Yunnan University

  18. 云大宾馆是准三星级商务型宾馆,坐落在风景秀美的云南大学西侧,交通十分便利。

    Yunda Hotel is a three-star business hotel which locates next Yunnan University in the east with beautiful landscape and convenient transport .

  19. 不仅对处于艰难时势中的云南大学提供了巨大的支持,而且还促使云南师范大学的诞生;

    It not only offered great support to Yunnan University in difficult situation , but also promoted the birth of Yunnan Normal University .

  20. 高校一卡通与机房门禁管理问题分析与系统设计&以云南大学公共计算机机房为例

    Design and analysis of all-purpose card system of college public computer lab management & Taking the public computer labs of Yunnan University for example

  21. 云南大学电子信息技术基础实验中心被评为省级实验教学示范中心。

    The Basic Experiment Teaching Demonstration Center of the Electronic Information Technology of Yunnan University has been rated as the provincial experiment teaching demonstration center .

  22. 在研究过程中,对云南大学东南亚留学生学习汉语的目的动机进行抽样调查,为汉语推广策略的研究寻找实践支持。

    Sampling surveys on the goals and motivations of studying Chinese for Southeast Asian students in Yunnan University was conducted over the course of the research .

  23. 采取基于现代软件工程的问题分析方法和敏捷的开发思路,设计并实现了云南大学奖学金管理信息系统。

    By adopting the analytic technique and design philosophy in modern software engineering , this paper develops the information system for scholarship management in Yunnan University .

  24. 日前,位于昆明的云南大学的学生们在课上看幻灯片时,一条意外的错误消息在学校文渊楼的屏幕上弹出。

    As students at Yunnan University in Kunming sat through powerpoint lectures , a surprise error message popped up on screens throughout the school 's Wenyuan building .

  25. 19岁的张力(音译)是来自云南大学植物学专业的一名大二学生。当他在当地一所驾校学开车时,自信心受到严重打击。

    Zhang Li , 19 , a sophomore majoring in botany at Yunnan University , nearly lost confidence when he learned to drive at a local driving school .

  26. 在亚洲,“对跨界水资源利用的竞争将会非常激烈,”位于昆明的云南大学亚洲国际河流中心主任何大明说。

    In Asia ," competition for transboundary water utilization will be fierce ," says He Daming , director of the Asian International River Centre of Yunnan University in Kunming .

  27. 最后本文对系统进行了功能和性能方面的测试,实验结果证明该系统的性能良好,已能够基本满足云南大学校园网信息检索的需要。

    Finally , the system functional and performance testing , experimental results show good performance of the system , basically to meet the Yunnan University campus network information search needs .

  28. 本文以云南大学体育馆为例,探讨了在拥挤的城市环境条件下的创作,从理论与实践上阐述了构思的过程。

    Taking the gymnasium of YunNan University for an example , this article discusses architecture creation under the crowded urban environment , and expounds the thinking progress of the design in theory and practice .

  29. 进人21世纪,云南大学作为云南唯--一所实施国家“211工程”的地方综合性大学,将抓住机遇,团结一致,开拓创新,锐意进取,为云南省经济建设的发展和国家实施西部大开发战略作出更大贡献。

    In the new century , as the only local comprehensive university listed in the nation " Project 211 " in Yunnan Province , Yunnan University will seize the chance in the light of being united , realistic and innovative to contribute to the economic development of Yunnan Province and the national strategy of the West Development .

  30. 赤峰学院科技处OA系统设计与实现云南民族大学科技处经费管理系统设计

    Design and Implementation of Office Automation System for Science and Technology Department of Chifeng University