
yún liàng
  • cloud cover;cloud amount;cloudage;cover of cloud
云量 [yún liàng]
  • [cloud cover] 空中在视力范围内看到的云层的遮盖程度,用0-10来表示

云量[yún liàng]
  1. ISCCP产品和我国地面观测总云量差异就像我前面所说的,我的两个爸爸存在着很多观念上的差异。

    Total Cloud Amount Difference Between ISCCP Product and Ground Observation over China My two dads had opposing attitudes in thought .

  2. EOP模态二揭示出云量和降水量相对气候状态的扰动变化,以中央山脉为界总云县、低云量和降水量均有东&西向年周期的振荡。

    With the Central Mountain as the central boundary line , the annual oscillation period in west-east direction is clear with respect to total cloud amount , low-cloud amount as well as precipitation .

  3. 基于BP神经网络的单站总云量预报研究

    Single Station Forecast of Total Cloud Cover Based on BP Neural Net

  4. 1951-1994年中国各地云量变化对ENSO事件的响应

    Responses of cloud cover to ENSO events across China

  5. 对甘肃省53个测站1961&1995年年平均总云量资料用EOF等方法进行分析研究。

    By analysing 53 stations data of Gansu from 1961 to 1995 with EOF etc.

  6. 各气象条件中,云量和相对湿度对PM(10)浓度的影响最显著,风速次之,影响作用较复杂。

    Among the meteorologic conditions , the influence of cloudage and humidity are most notable , then the influence of wind speed , which is much complex .

  7. 又通过引进TRP概率模型,建立了南京地区关于低云量和能见度的TRP方程;

    TRP equations of low cloud cover and visibility at Nanjing are also developed using TRP model .

  8. 加利福尼亚沿岸低云量增加可以有效减弱赤道以北ITCZ区SST暖偏差。

    Increasing the low-level cloud fraction off California effectively reduces the SST warm biases in ITCZ north of the equator .

  9. 计算了云阵的反射率α,长波辐射通量F,有效云量Ne及云灵敏度因子δ随云量的变化,并与平面平行云模式作了比较。

    The change rate of the reflectivity , longwave radiation fluxes , and change of the sensitivity coefficient with the cloud fraction were calculated and compared with the results of a plane parallel cloud model .

  10. 类似于降水量Z指标法对旱情的监测,进行了云参数监测旱情的研究,建立了云量监测的Z指标法。

    Similar to the method of Z index of precipitation , a trial research is made on monitoring drought by the amount of cloud , and the method of Z index of cloud amount is established .

  11. 低压槽、副热带高压在夏秋季对API影响较大。湿度、云量与API呈相反走势,而温度则与API相关性不大。

    In summer and autumn low pressure ridge , subsidiary tropic high pressure affect API greatly , and the relation of humidity and amount of cloud with API show contrary trend , the temperature has little relation with API .

  12. 利用青藏高原及其周边地区75个地面气象台站的云量日均值资料,采用正交经验函数(EOF)和线性倾向估计等方法,分析了高原地区1971-2004年总云量的时空变化特征。

    With EOF and trend analysis method adopted , the spatiotemporal variation of total cloud amount is analyzed for75 stations over the Plateau during the period of1971-2004 .

  13. 本文选择全球平均地表温度T和全球平均云量n为状态变量.通过对气候系统中物理过程的研究与在气候意义上的合理近似,得到行星反照率。

    Chosen the global average surface temperature T and cloudiness n as state variables , the relations of the planetary albedo 2 and the atmospheric effective emissivity E with the state variables are given that work on the several important feedback processes in the climate system .

  14. 说明按有效云量即总云量与低云量之和的一半所判别的太阳辐射强度指数,将使Turner方法更简单、准确。

    It is also pointed out in the paper that the effective cloud amount defined as a half of the sum of total cloud cover and low-level cloud amount may simplify the cloud criteria and improve the accuracy in Turner 's approach .

  15. 太阳辐射I0和光学厚度的增大、云放射率的增大或云量的增大均是导致气候异常的重要因素。

    The increase of solar radiation , optics thickness , and cloud are all the important factors which might lead to changes of climate .

  16. 水产品中微量甲醛的色差法快速检测ISCCP产品和我国地面观测总云量差异

    Rapid Determination of Trace Amounts of Formaldehyde Based on Chromatic Aberration in Aquatic Product Logistics Total Cloud Amount Difference Between ISCCP Product and Ground Observation over China

  17. 将ISCCP总云量与地面观测总云量分布形势作了比较,证明了ISCCP-D2资料的合理性。

    Comparing the distribution of total cloud cover from ISCCP with that observed from surface stations , the rationality of ISCCP-D2 data is validated .

  18. 通过分析近45a江西地区山丘、平地和环湖站点低云、辐射、气温之间的气候变化关系,发现,1959~1971年,江西地区低云量减少时,气温下降;

    The relation between lower cloud-cover , irradiation and temperature observation over the massif , plain stations and stations around Poyang Lake in Jiangxi region during recent 45 years is analyzed .

  19. 结果表明,太阳活动与全球气温、云量、VAI、雷暴及平流层温度之间有很好的相关性。

    Results show clear correlations between solar activity and global air temperature , global cloud coverage , 500 hPa vorticity area index ( VAI ), thunderstorm , column ozone and temperature departure in the lower stratosphere on different time scale .

  20. 数目可观的Ca-K-S颗粒以及其他硫酸盐颗粒的生成与相对湿度和云量等气象条件相关,这些颗粒物可能是云中过程的产物。

    Formation of Ca-K-S and other S-containing particle classes with high number percentage was closely related to meteorological conditions such as relative humidity and cloud coverage . Those particles are probably products of cloud processing .

  21. 利用TIROS-N气象卫星白天可见光云图,统计了1979年5&8月青藏高原上空逐月高亮度云的云量分布。

    By use of the daytime visible cloud picture from TIROS-N meteorological satellite , statistics on the cloudiness distribution of high light clouds over the Qing Zang plateau month by month from May to August of 1979 has been made .

  22. 总云量平均10年减少0.03成。

    Total cloud amount reduced by 0.03 tenth per 10 years .

  23. 内蒙古地区云量时空分布及变化趋势分析

    Spatial-Temporal Distribution and Change Trend of Cloud Amount over Inner Mongolia

  24. 基于图像处理技术的地基云图云量的识别

    The recognition of ground nephogram cloudage based on image processing technology

  25. 我国东部邻海总云量时空分布特征

    Space-time distribution characteristics of total cloud amount over the East China Sea

  26. 西太平洋云量变化与中国东部的降水

    Cloudiness in the Western Pacific and Rainfall in East China

  27. 云量变化对净辐射的影响

    Change effect of variation of cloud cover on net radiation

  28. 局地云量变化气候效应的数值模拟

    Numerical simulations of effects of local cloudiness change on climate

  29. 中国西北地区总云量的气候变化特征

    Climate change features of total cloud cover over Northwest China

  30. 近20年全球总云量变化趋势分析

    Analysis of global total cloud amount variation over the past 20 years