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yún dǐ
  • cloud base
云底[yún dǐ]
  1. 扫瞄辐射计用于遥感云底温度的试验

    Remote sounding of cloud base temperature by using a ground base scanning radiometer

  2. 在地面上利用SF&1型双通道扫瞄辐射计10微米窗区的测量结果,配合探空资料可以求得云底温度和云底高度。

    Measurements by the SF 1 2 channel radiometer on the ground was made . Cloud base temperatures and cloud heights have been calculated by using the measurements of the 10 micron channel of the scanning radiometer combined with the measurements of radiosonde .

  3. 梯级先导离开云底向地面传播的速度为2.7×105m/s;

    The speed of stepped leader below thunderstorm to the ground is about 2.7 × 10 5m / s.

  4. 定常积云的云底抽吸与Haltiner气柱模式

    The pumping at steady cumulus base and haltiner 's air column model

  5. 不同云底温度雹云成雹机制及其引晶催化的数值研究

    Numerical study on ice seeding in hailstorms with various cloud base temperatures

  6. 人工催化暖云底积雨云的个例数值试验

    A numerical experiment of cloud seeding in cumulonimbus

  7. 研究了云底高度和云层厚度在不同天气下的变化情况。

    The variation of the cloud-base height and cloud thickness in different weather is researched .

  8. 云顶和云底高度除了随季节变化显著外,还有明显的区域特征。

    Altitude of cloud layer also changes with territories apparently , besides obvious seasonal variation .

  9. 利用EOS/MODIS数据反演水云云底高度的初步研究

    A Preliminary Study of Cloud Base Heights Retrieved for Water Clouds with EOS / MODIS Data

  10. 地基热红外亮温遥感云底高度可行性的模拟研究

    A feasibility study of cloud base height remote sensing by simulating ground-based thermal infrared brightness temperature measurements

  11. 通过海水的颜色判断水深,通过天上云底的反光判断远方的礁湖。

    He could detect shallower water by colour , and see the light of invisible lagoons reflected in the undersides of clouds .

  12. 混合态云中,Sc-下层As云底-对流泡顶,高过冷水区的云滴有效半径随着高度增加而依次增加。

    The droplets effective radius of high supercooled water area increased with the increasing cloud height in the bottom of Sc and As .

  13. 在积云云底之上较底的高度上可以较早地形成较为稳定的云滴谱谱型,而在较高的高度上则要晚一些。

    Cloud droplet spectra could be formed in a comparatively low level above cloud base and developed later in higher levels . 3 .

  14. 云底高度作为重要的云宏观物理特征参数,在云层与地表之间的能量交换中起着重要作用。

    Cloud base height as an important cloud macro physical parameter , plays an important role in energy exchanges between the cloud-layer and the surface .

  15. 结果表明,云底直径大于0.1μm的气溶胶数浓度与云滴数浓度密切相关,粒子数浓度与云滴大小呈反相关关系。

    The results indicate that the number concentration of below-cloud aerosol particles ( 0.10 μ m diameter ) was correlated with cloud droplet number concentration .

  16. 雨幡自云底下落,但在到达地面之前已蒸发了的降水尾迹神幡在人群上方飘扬,向前移动,犹如在波浪上起伏。

    Wisps of precipitation streaming from a cloud but evaporating before reaching the ground . the banners oscillate and move over the crowd as over the waves .

  17. 云中过冷水含量与云底高度为负相关,与过冷层厚度为正相关。

    The super-cooled water content in the cloud has a negative correlation with the height of cloud base , and has a positive correlation with the thickness of super-cooled layer .

  18. 假设自由对流高度为云底高度,考虑模式模拟次网格尺度降雨的云下拖曳清除作用。

    Supposing that the level of free convection is equal to the cloud bottom level , we considered the pulling effects of simulated sub-grid scale precipitation , which is under clouds .

  19. 与旬邑相比,玛曲零度层低,云底温度低、比湿小,为冷云过程。

    Comparing with Xunyi , the 0 ℃ level and temperature of cloud bottom was lower and the specific humidity is small in Maqu area . The mainly process of convective cloud is cold .

  20. 云中滴谱随高度的分布特征是:自云底往上,云滴谱先随高度的增加而展宽,然后又迅速的变窄。云滴谱随高度的这种分布特征与云中宏观场的分布特征密切相关。

    The distribution of the droplet spectra dependant on height was that from above the cloud base , droplet spectra were first broadened then narrowed with the height , which closely related to the macro-structure of the cloud .

  21. 一种便携式激光测云仪的云底高度反演方法

    Portable lidar ceilometer for cloud-base height measurement

  22. 结果表明,提高云模式分辨率后,模拟的对流云底增高,对流过程加剧,最大上升速度和最大下沉速度增大,最大上升速度、最大下沉速度及最大地面风速都提前数分钟。

    Results are showed that bottom of the simulated convective cloud rises , the convection process intensifies , the maximum lifting speed and sinking speed significantly increase , the maximum lifting speed and the maximum sinking speed as well as the maximum surface wind speed happen several minutes in advance .

  23. 云观测是气象日常业务重要内容之一,包括云状、云底高、云量三个要素。

    Cloud observation is an important content of daily meteorological tasks , mainly including cloud form , cloud base height , and cloudiness .