
yún dī
  • cloud droplet;cloud drop;water dust
云滴 [yún dī]
  • [cloud drop] 云中的小水滴

云滴[yún dī]
  1. 初始云滴浓度(CCN)对对流性降水作用的数值试验

    The numerical test of initial cloud droplet concentration ( CCN ) effect on convectional precipitation

  2. 云滴浓度与平均直径之间呈负相关关系;

    Between cloud droplet and average diameter are negative correlation factor .

  3. 然后借助于随机过程理论,在传统的Markov链分析中运用鞅理论,证明了云滴算法在一定条件下几乎肯定强收敛。

    Based on the theory of stochastic processes , the almost sure convergence of the proposed algorithm is proved under certain conditions by introducing a martingale approach into traditional Markov Chain analysis .

  4. 实验采用朴素贝叶斯和SVM这两种分类器来验证这种方法的有效性。第三、在文本聚类中,利用云模型理论将特征词映射成聚类词云滴,并将词云滴跃升聚类文档云。

    In the experiment , we use naive bayes classifier and SVM classifier to verify the effectiveness of this method . Thirdly , in text clustering , we also map terms into cloud droplets and condense them into clustering-document-cloud .

  5. 可以计算在不同条件下的云滴增长率。

    The rate of droplet growth under different conditions can be evaluated .

  6. 云滴增长的另一个过程是各云滴间的碰撞和并合。

    The other process of droplet growth is by collision and coalescence .

  7. 云滴谱的垂直分布是典型的3种类型;

    The vertical distribution of cloud droplet spectra has three typical sorts .

  8. 随着云滴数目的增加,云滴的有效半径会减小;

    The effective radius decreases as cloud drops number increases .

  9. 计算中包括云滴与气溶胶的吸收作用。

    The absorption of cloud droplets and aerosol is included in the computation .

  10. 受污染的云滴内NOx光化通量的计算

    NO_x Actinic Flux Enhancement Inside Dirty Water Droplet

  11. 闪电冲击波对云滴运动及碰并的影响

    The effect of lightning shock wave on the motion and the coalescences of cloud droplets

  12. 讨论了闪电冲击波对云滴碰并增长的影响。

    The influence of lightning shock wave on the coalescence growth of droplets is also discussed .

  13. 虽然云滴大小并不均匀,但差异也不很大。

    The droplets are not uniform in size , but the spread is not so great .

  14. 计算表明,闪电冲击波猛烈地冲击云滴,使它加速并在短暂的瞬间移动很长距离。

    The calculation shows that lightning shock wave strikes the droplets strongly and forces them to move a distance .

  15. 该模型由云滴生成模块、云滴检验模块和贝叶斯反馈模块等组成。

    The model is composed of the cloud droplet generation module and cloud droplets test module and the Bayesian feedback module .

  16. 云滴下落速度不大,下降的云滴对清除较小粒子并不十分有效。

    The falling speed of cloud droplets is small and falling cloud droplets are not very effective in scavenging smaller particles .

  17. 如果该理论正确,那么宇宙射线形成的云同其他方式形成的云相比,小云滴的数量更多。

    If it is correct , then cosmic rays may create clouds with more small droplets than would otherwise be the case .

  18. 拟想云核浓度与云滴浓度之间有或多或少的一一对应关系是合理的。

    It is legitimate to envisage a more or less one-to-one correspondence between cloud nucleus concentration and the concentration of cloud droplets .

  19. 混合态云中,Sc-下层As云底-对流泡顶,高过冷水区的云滴有效半径随着高度增加而依次增加。

    The droplets effective radius of high supercooled water area increased with the increasing cloud height in the bottom of Sc and As .

  20. 在高空200~300hPa层的云滴蒸发效应可能是形成相应层气旋中心非绝热冷却峰值的主要原因;

    The cloud drops evaporation effects at 200-300 hPa levels caused likely a diabatic cooling peak of corresponding levels above the cyclone center .

  21. 在近红外和中红外光谱区,云的反射函数主要依赖于云滴有效半径。

    In the near infrared and middle infrared spectral region , the cloud reflection function depends mainly on the cloud particle effective radius .

  22. 而海盐粒子的存在,加剧了水汽的供应不足,从而可以在很大程度上进一步降低云滴数目。

    Sea salts can enhance cloud drops number concentration under the case of large updrafts and decrease under the case of low updrafts .

  23. 在积云云底之上较底的高度上可以较早地形成较为稳定的云滴谱谱型,而在较高的高度上则要晚一些。

    Cloud droplet spectra could be formed in a comparatively low level above cloud base and developed later in higher levels . 3 .

  24. 考虑到云模型的优势,及云滴本身具有的随机性、稳定倾向性等特点,可有效维护种群多样性。

    Considering the advantages of cloud model and cloud the characteristics of randomness and stable tendency of droplets can effectively maintain the population diversity .

  25. 从室内试验看,爆炸冲击波似乎能促进云滴的碰并过程。

    It seems that explosion in cloud could promote the droplet coalescence process and produce some larger droplets which would grow through further coalescence .

  26. 这类由较多小云滴组成的云所能维持的时间之久异乎寻常,因为大云滴比小云滴更容易转变为雨滴。

    Such clouds would persist for an unusually long time because small water droplets are less likely than big ones to turn into rain .

  27. 比较了几种盐核谱及不同湍流交换强度等情况下凝结形成的云滴谱特征。

    The characteristics of condensation spectra of cloud droplets formed under the condition of various spectra of condensation nuclei and turbulence exchanges have been compared .

  28. 结果表明,云底直径大于0.1μm的气溶胶数浓度与云滴数浓度密切相关,粒子数浓度与云滴大小呈反相关关系。

    The results indicate that the number concentration of below-cloud aerosol particles ( 0.10 μ m diameter ) was correlated with cloud droplet number concentration .

  29. 云滴粒子有效半径和云层光学厚度是两个比较重要的微物理特征参量,利用卫星探测资料结合辐射传输模式可以实现对这两个参数的反演。

    Cloud particle effective radius and optical thickness are important micro-physical parameters ; they can be retrieved by using satellite data together with radiation transfer model .

  30. 气溶胶不但散射和吸收太阳辐射(直接强迫),而且还会影响云滴尺度、云滴浓度和云的生命期,从而改变地气系统的辐射平衡(间接强迫)。

    And also it effects on size , concentration and lifetime of cloud droplet , leading to change of earth-atmosphere radiation balance ( indirect effect ) .