
  • 网络CANGO;China Association for NGO Cooperation
  1. 而中国国际民间组织合作促进会则表示,由于该组织的秘书长正在欧洲出差,该组织无法立刻置评此事。

    Cango said it could not comment immediately because the organisation 's secretary-general was in Europe on a business trip .

  2. 安子杰教授最近参加了由中国国际民间组织合作促进会(CANGO)主持召开的有关这一新法律的会议。

    Prof Spires recently attended a meeting on the new law hosted by the China Association for NGO Co-operation , or Cango , at which participants were extremely critical .

  3. 安子杰教授最近参加了由中国国际民间组织合作促进会(CANGO)主持召开的有关这一新法律的会议。在此次会议上,与会者对该法律表示“极大谴责”。

    Prof Spires recently attended a meeting on the new law hosted by the China Association for NGO Co-operation , or Cango , at which participants were " extremely critical . "