
  1. GIS技术在中国流域研究中应用进展及展望

    Review and Prospect of GIS Applied to Basin Study in China

  2. GIS环境下基于DEM的中国流域自动提取方法

    Automated extraction of drainages in China based on DEM in GIS Environment

  3. 中国流域综合水管理目标模式研究

    Study on Target Model of Integrated Water Management for River Basin in China

  4. 中国流域综合管理可行框架的近期进展

    Recent progress of IRBM enabling framework in China

  5. 中国流域水污染现状与控制策略的探讨

    Analysis of current situation of water pollution and its control strategy for Chinese river basins

  6. 中国流域自然作用和人类活动对(河流)入海泥沙的影响

    Impacts of Natural Processes and Human Activities on the River Sediment Flux into the Sea and Its Environmental Significance , China

  7. 然而从现有文献看,既有研究大多停留在现象描述层面,很少有从理论上深入探究中国流域水环境管理体制的成果。

    However most of existing literature is describing phenomena , and there is little research deeply exploring river basin water environment management system .

  8. 中国流域生态经济的休养生息策略&兼论'98大洪灾后的良性循环重建

    The Strategy for the Environmentally Sound Recuperation and Propagation of China 's River Basins & in combination with rebuilding the eco-system after the 98 floods

  9. 本文首先对中国流域污染的规制现状进行了实证研究,对我国越界水污染的影响因素进行了探讨。

    First of all , the thesis makes an empirical study on the status quo of river-basin pollution regulation system in China and identifies the factors that influence the transboundary water pollution .

  10. 红花石蒜LycorisradiataHerb为石蒜科石蒜属植物,广泛分布于中国长江流域以南各省区。

    Lycoris radiata Herb , is a plant of Lycoris Herb . ( Amaryllidaceae ) with a wide distribution in the most provinces in the south of the Yangtze River .

  11. 利用西伯利亚地区的一个试验点资料和1998年中国淮河流域试验(HUBEX)的加密观测资料对一个改进的BATS陆面过程模式进行了模拟检验。

    By use of a single station data in Siberia area and 1998 GAME / HUBEX IOP data the performance of a newly modified BATS land surface process model are evaluated .

  12. 中国大流域生态恶性传递与对策研究

    Big Drainage in China : Bad Ecological Transmit and Its Countermeasures

  13. 中国西部流域水循环研究进展与展望

    The progress and Prospect of water cycle study in Western China

  14. 中国主要流域盆地风化剥蚀率的控制因素

    Natural Controls of Fluvial Denudation Rates in Major Drainage Basins of China

  15. 中国黄河流域粮食产出规模效率及结构优化策略研究

    Grain Production Scale Efficiency and the Optimizing Strategy in Yellow River Basin

  16. 中国七大流域水系与洪涝的分维及其关系研究

    Fractal Analysis Applied to the 7 Drainage Basins and the Flood in China

  17. 探索中国推进流域综合管理的发展路线图

    Development roadmap of exploration on promoting IRBM in China

  18. 中国西部流域水循环重大科学问题及研究展望

    Important scientific problems and prospect of research about basin hydrological cycle in western china

  19. 夏季中国南方流域性致洪暴雨与季风涌的关系

    Correlation between Monsoon Surge and Heavy Rainfall Causing Flash-flood in Southern China in Summer

  20. 中国西江流域喀斯特景观趋异与晚新生代流域环境变迁

    Divergence of karst landscape in Xijiang catchment and environmental change of the region in Late Cenozoic

  21. 西北太平洋夏季风对中国长江流域夏季降水的影响

    Influence of the Western North Pacific Summer Monsoon on Summer Rainfall over the Yangtze River Basin

  22. 发生在中国长江流域的中华鲟伤亡事件每年都在增加。

    Every year , greater numbers of Chinese sturgeon are found dead in the Yangtze River .

  23. 论文是关于中国黄河流域中游原始建筑可能性的探索。

    This article discusses the possible of the primitive architecture in the middle reaches of Yellow River .

  24. 东亚冬季风环流异常与中国江淮流域夏季旱涝天气的关系

    The relationship between the Anomalous Winter Monsoon Circulation over East Asia and summer drought / flooding in the Yangtze and Huaihe River Valley

  25. 以洛阳为中心的黄河南北地区是中国黄河流域农业文明的起源地。

    Centering on Luoyang , the southern and northern areas along Yellow River are the origin of agriculture culture of Yellow River drainage area .

  26. 研究人员还说,他们的基因研究支持了一些考古数据。这些数据显示,水稻在8200年到1万3500年前首次在中国长江流域进行种植。

    The researchers also say their genetic research supports archeological data suggesting that rice was first cultivated in China 's Yangtze Valley between 8,200 and 13,500 years ago .

  27. 对流域生态系统管理的理论和应用展开研究,探讨支撑流域生态系统管理的保障体系,对中国实施流域生态系统管理同样具有重要的现实意义。

    To study the theory and application of watershed ecosystem management , discussing the ensuring system of it is same very important for realizing the watershed ecosystem management in China .

  28. 过去,该属的种类描述相当混乱,文献中已经存在180多个种名,但估计种数约有近70个,绝大部分种类分布在中国长江流域及以南各省区和日本。

    It is quite confused in the genus for species description . By estimate there are ca. 70 species worldwide though more than 180 species names are documented in references ;

  29. 河南省的大部分地区自古至今都是我国主要的农业区,以洛阳为中心的大河南北地区是中国黄河流域农业文明的起源地。

    The most places of Henan are principal agricultural area since ancient times , the place around Luoyang city along the banks of Yellow River is the birthplace of Chinese agricultural civilization .

  30. 文中总结了现有的流域服务市场的现状,揭示了市场发展存在的约束因素,以及目前存在的解决对策和潜在的解决对策,其中的经验教训对制订中国的流域补偿国家政策具有借鉴意义。

    The main problems of market development are denoted . And existing and potential solvents are discussed . The experiences will be helpful for establishing Chinese policy on the market for watershed services .