
  1. 组建这家新的中国对外投资基金(ChinaOutboundFund),是中投公司近几个月来的几项举措之一。

    The new China Outbound Fund is one of several initiatives from CIC in recent months .

  2. 美国智库&传统基金会(HeritageFoundation)发布的另一份数据显示,今年上半年中国对外投资出现了罕见的下降。

    In the first half of this year there was a rare drop in outbound Chinese investment , according to alternative data published by the US think-tank the Heritage Foundation .

  3. 根据普华永道(PwC)的数据,去年中国对外投资总额约为380亿美元&大约占整个地区的四分之一。

    Last year , about $ 38bn in outward bound investment came from China , according to data from PwC – about a quarter of the total for the region .

  4. 笔者受控外国公司税收法律问题研究认为随着中国对外投资的增加和以后外汇管制的取消,中国有必要建立CFC立法。

    The author is of the opinion that , with the increase of China 's investment abroad and the abolishment of foreign exchange control in the foreseeable future , it is necessary for the legislators of China to adopt the CFC legislation to protect its domestic tax base .

  5. 长中国对外投资增长的趋势是显而易见的。

    The trend of growing outbound Chinese investment is unmistakable .

  6. 《经济学人》好象总认为中国对外投资就是狐狸给公鸡拜年。

    The Economist seems bent on making all China 's foreign investments look sinister .

  7. 只有约3%~4%的中国对外投资流向了美国。

    Roughly about 3 % to 4 % of Chinese outward investment goes into the U.S.

  8. 按目前增长速度,中国对外投资今年有望首次超过外商在华投资。

    At current growth rates , outbound Chinese investment could exceed inbound foreign investment for the first time this year .

  9. 但随着国内经济增长放缓,中国对外投资首次超过了外资流入。

    But as economic growth slows in China , outward investment flows are exceeding inward ones for the first time .

  10. 中国对外投资企业聘用当地员工接近80万人,每年在当地纳税超过100亿美元。

    Chinese enterprises operating overseas employed nearly 800,000 people locally and paid over US $ 10 billion in taxes every year .

  11. 因此,澳大利亚等吸引中国对外投资的国家已开始引起律所的注意。

    Countries that attract Chinese outbound investment , including Australia , have also become attractive to law firms as a consequence .

  12. 中国对外投资时间还短,我们十分缺乏经验。

    As it has not been long since China began to make investment overseas , we have little experience in this area .

  13. 中国对外投资和跨国经营发展迅速,但由于起步较晚,在境外的发展尚不成熟,存在不少亟待解决的问题。

    Although our foreign investment and multinational management have developed fast , they still lag behind with a lot of problems existed .

  14. 中国对外投资把英国作为优先方向之一,也欢迎英国企业把中国作为主要投资目的地。

    China regards the UK as a choice of destination for outbound investment and hopes British companies will take China as their major investment destination .

  15. 这种资产结构不仅使中国对外投资的收益较低,且对所投资国经济的影响力较弱,使对外投资的许多重要作用难以发挥。

    Such asset structure involves not only external investment income and insufficient referent power of host country but also the weak roles of external investment .

  16. 本文主要从中国对外投资概述、中国发展对外投资的影响因素以及改善中国发展对外投资的措施等几个方面进行初步分析。

    This paper is mainly about the summary of Chinese investments abroad , influence factors of investments abroad in China and improving measures of investments abroad .

  17. 中国对外投资和中国企业积极“走出去”,有力促进了所在国经济增长、就业增加和社会事业发展。

    China 's economic growth has encouraged Chinese businesses to " go-global " and contributed to economic and social progress and job creation across the world .

  18. 虽然早期的中国对外投资集中于发展中国家的能源和自然资源资产,但投资者目前转向美国和欧洲物色机会。

    While early Chinese investments focused on energy and natural resource assets in developing countries , investors are now looking to the US and Europe for opportunities .

  19. 按当前的增长速度,今年外商直接投资再次达到去年的水平将属好运,而2014年中国对外投资总额可能接近1300亿美元。

    At current rates of growth , inbound FDI will be lucky to reach that level again this year , while outbound investment could come in at close to $ 130bn for 2014 .

  20. 10年前,中国对外投资的主要焦点是在非洲和拉丁美洲等地获取自然资源供应,而且是由国有能源和矿业公司推动的。

    A decade ago , Chinese overseas investment was primarily focused on securing supplies of natural resources in places such as Africa and Latin America , and was driven by state-owned energy and mining companies .

  21. 随着“走出去”战略的实施,中国对外投资规模不断扩大,累计对外直接投资已经达到370亿美元,开始为世界经济的发展提供资本贡献。

    With the implementation of going global strategy , investment of China to foreign countries is expanding Co tantly , it is already up to us $ 37 billion , and China begi to make capital contribution for development of the international economy .

  22. 尽管相对于其经济规模,中国对外投资总规模仍较小,但多数分析人士认为,中国即将加快海外投资,而深陷经济危机的欧洲被视为最具吸引力的市场之一。

    Although total Chinese outbound investment is still small compared with the size of its economy , most analysts say the country is on the verge of ramping up its spending abroad , with crisis-hit Europe seen as one of the most attractive markets .

  23. WTO与中国企业对外投资的多元化战略

    WTO & the Pluralistic Strategy of the Overseas Investment of Chinese Enterprises

  24. MIGA与中国对外直接投资法律问题研究

    Studies on Some Legal Issues of China Overseas Direct Investment and MIGA

  25. 2009年至2014年,中国对外直接投资平均每年增长19%,同期流入中国的外国直接投资(FDI)的年均增速仅为5%。

    China 's ODI grew 19 per cent year-on-year on average between 2009 and 2014 . This compared with foreign direct investment ( FDI ) into China growing on average 5 per cent year-on-year during the same period .

  26. 本文通过对中国对外直接投资与邓宁投资发展路径的经验研究,表明中国的对外投资实际基本符合IDP理论,我国的净对外直接投资与GDP之间存在开口向上的二次函数关系。

    This thesis shows that the empirical data of China 's net outward investment basically corresponds with Dunning 's theory of IDP . The u-curve appears in the relationship between China 's net outward investment and GDP .

  27. 依据发展中国家对外直接投资理论,特别是Dunning的投资发展路径假说(InvestmentDevelopmentPathHypothesis,IDP),对中国对外直接投资发展阶段进行实证分析,表明中国的对外直接投资滞后于国民经济整体发展水平。

    On the basis of theory of direct investment from developing countries , especially the Investment Development Path Hypothesis of Dunning , this paper investigates the development stage of China 's outward direct investment and reveals that China 's outward direct investment lags behind the economic growth as a whole .

  28. 最后,在中国对外直接投资区位选择实证分析的基础上,同时结合中国的实际国情,根据区位优势和不同类型的OFDI,提出了针对性的区位选择策略。

    Finally , on the basis of the empirical analysis , combined with the development of Chinese enterprise OFDI location selection and Chines actual conditions , according to location advantage and different types of OFDI puts forward some corresponding recommendations .

  29. 中国对外直接投资区域及现状分析

    The analysis of the region and current situation of China FDI

  30. 中国对外直接投资的逆向技术溢出效应研究

    Research on Reverse Technology Spillover of Foreign Direct Investment of China