
  1. 对学生权利和学生发展关注不够等问题。

    Little attention is paid to the students ' rights and their development .

  2. 因此,关注贫困人口、解决贫困问题自80年代以来一直都是国家经济发展关注的一个焦点问题。

    So , one of the core issues of the Chinese economic development since 1980s is always the issue of the aid-the-poor .

  3. 于是人们的认识和观念也发生了较大的转变,对经济发展关注的重点转向如何推动技术创新和技术进步。

    So cognition and thoughts change greatly . The stress on economics development has transferred to how to impel innovation and progress of technique .

  4. 夹具系统是制造系统中非常重要的子系统,但是目前对可重构夹具的发展关注较少,夹具系统可重构性不足已成为制约制造系统重构性的关键因素。

    But as an important subsystem of manufacturing system , reconfigurable fixture system ( RFS ) is merely studied , the low reconfigurability of fixture system becomes a key factor that restricted the development of RMS .

  5. 在当代,人格现代化问题已然成为社会发展关注的焦点之一,人格现代化研究具有重大的实践意义和学理价值。

    Contemporarily , the problem of personality modernization has already become one of attracting subjects of our time in social development theory . Therefore , research on personality modernization is of important practical significance and theoretical values .

  6. Internet和Internet2的最新发展值得关注。接入网技术可能代表未来通讯技术发展的潮流。

    It is worth to note the recent developments of Internet and Internet 2 . Communication network technology could represent the developing trend of communication technology in future .

  7. 新疆可持续发展需关注的六大战略问题

    The Six Strategic Problems in the Course of Sustainable Development in Xinjiang

  8. 生态社会主义的诞生就是其关注人类发展、关注人类幸福的结果。

    Ecological socialism is born under the attention human development and happiness .

  9. 工业化是发展经济学关注的重要问题之一。

    Industrialization is an important research domain in development economics .

  10. 企业发展要关注和适应金融改革

    The Enterprises Should pay Attention to and be Suited to the Financial Reform

  11. 法的发展应关注人性塑造

    Legal Development Should Put Emphasis on Human Nature Moulding

  12. 辅助技术&特殊教育发展值得关注的新趋势

    Assistive Technology : the New Trend of Special Education

  13. 黑龙江林业的发展应该关注森林碳汇问题

    Forest Carbon Sink In Forestry Development Of Heilongjiang Province

  14. 节能是目前社会经济发展必须关注的话题。

    Energy-saving is the necessary measure for the social and economic development at present .

  15. 然而在欠发达的西部地区的民办学校,对于教师专业发展的关注却很少。

    However in the underdevelopment western region , the concerns of the teacher professional development are few .

  16. 尤其在我国现阶段,人们对中职生家庭教育的发展状况关注更少。

    In particular , for the family education of secondary vocational students , people give little attention .

  17. 由关注一部分学生的发展向关注全体学生发展转变。

    It changes from concerning part of students ' development to all students ' development . 5 .

  18. 强调对学生生活和社会发展的关注和对学生和教师主体性的尊重等。

    They focus on students ' life and social development , attach importance to the subjectivity of students and teachers .

  19. 中学语文课堂教学改革由教学法发展到关注整体化改革。

    High school Chinese classroom teaching reform was developed from the teaching method to the concern of the wholism reform .

  20. 在广告设计中要树立以人为本的思想,关注人性的发展,关注人类的情感,关注真、善、美。

    Advertising design should be human-oriented , concerned about human development and emotions , and highlight truth , good and beauty .

  21. 在这样的背景下,人们越来越多地关注自身的发展,关注生活内容的丰富和质量的提高。

    In this context , people are increasingly concerned about their own development , concern for the rich content and quality .

  22. 近年来,国际社会对生存环境质量、生物多样性保护与可持续发展日益关注。

    Recently , more and more attention has been paid to living environment quality , biodiversity conservation and sustainable development internationally .

  23. 由于石油等化石燃料资源的消耗殆尽,新型能源的发展备受关注。

    As oil and other fossil fuel resources are exhausted , the development of new energy is gaining much more attention .

  24. 随着新课改的深入,教育界逐步加强了对学生自身持续发展的关注。

    With the deepening of the new curriculum reform , we gradually strengthened the sustainable development of the students ' attention .

  25. 进入新世纪,教学质量成为高等教育改革与发展广泛关注和高度重视的问题。

    Entering new century , teaching quality becomes the question paid close attention to extensively in high educational reform and development .

  26. 增加农民收入,解决三农问题已经成为我国经济发展所关注的重点。

    Increase the famers ' income , solve the " three rural " problem has become the focus of our economic development .

  27. 作为初次研究此领域的研究者,以期在现代农业园发展备受关注的大背景下,为现代农业园景观的研究工作提供一些研究思路。

    As a primary researcher in this field , I wish to provide some ideas for modern agricultural park landscape under the concerned background .

  28. 自从20世纪中期以来,企业战略研究逐渐成为企业发展所关注的关键问题。

    Since the mid-20th century , the enterprise strategy research has gradually become the key question which manager pays attention in the enterprise development .

  29. 希望通过对温德青及其现代打击乐作品的深度解析,从而进一步引起人们对海外中国作曲家和中国现代音乐创作发展的关注。

    By Wen Deqing and its people concerned so as to further work on the development of overseas Chinese composers and contemporary music concerns .

  30. 在整个教育过程中,它特别关注人的发展、关注人的需要、关注人的成长、关注人的价值、关注人的个性。

    In the whole process of the education , the course especially concentrates on the development , need , growth , value and personality of human .