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  • 网络hair band;hair ties;hair ring;blue haze
  1. 为了打造新学期的返校造型,现在20%的女孩子都会戴超大号的JoJoBows时髦发带,而77%的母亲在小时候更喜欢简单的发圈。

    To finish off the school-ready look , one in five girls now don trendy outsize JoJo Bows , compared to 77 percent of mums who preferred ' scrunchie ' hairbands .

  2. 你居然让女主角戴着发圈,在城里趴趴走,发圈

    You have your leading lady running all over town wearing a scrunchy .

  3. 发饰:发箍,发夹,边夹,发圈。

    Barrettes : hair band , hair Barrettes , hair clip , hair loop .

  4. 一大堆纽约女人会戴发圈

    Many New York women wear scrunches .

  5. 那是什么,束发圈?

    Cal.What is that , a scrunchie ?

  6. 专业建议:为了头发看上去更加光润,可以把辫子绕着束发圈缠起来。

    INSIDER TIP : Add polish to the sleek style , wrap hair around the elastic .

  7. 我不知道你到底哪根筋不对,但重点不是发圈

    I don 't know what your problem is , but it has nothing to do with a scrunchy .

  8. 胡扯,我每天都在纽约看到女人戴发圈

    You 're full of shit . I 've seen women every single day All over New York City wearing scrunches .