
fā jiào zhōu qī
  • fermentation period
  1. 最适发酵周期为24~30h;

    The optimum fermentation period was 24 ~ 30 h.

  2. 结果表明,荧光假单胞菌AR4对生产环境中噬菌体的抗性稳定,发酵周期短,发酵转化率高;

    The results showed that the mutant resistance against the phages was stable , with shorter fermentation period and higher fermentation conversion rate than its parent .

  3. 主要探讨接种量、种龄、温度、初始pH值和发酵周期对细菌纤维素产量的影响,以确定静态培养发酵生产细菌纤维素的条件。

    Experiments were undertaken in order to determine the static fermentation condition of bacterial cellulose .

  4. 该菌株最适培养条件为:培养温度25℃,起始pH值5.0,接种体积分数15%,发酵周期10d。

    The optimal cultivation conditions of Pholiota adiposa were : initial pH 5.0 , culture temperature 25 ℃, fermentation time 10 d , and inoculating amount 15 % .

  5. 与在整个发酵周期内控制一种温度和不控制pH值的传统工艺相比,该策略可提高西索米星产量10%。

    Compared with the traditional techniques of constant temperature and pH value without controlling in whole fermentation process , the control strategy could increase sisomicin product about 10 % .

  6. 在发酵周期相同,装料相同的情况下,三级发酵与二级发酵比较,三级发酵阿维菌素B1的发酵单位提高10%以上,阿维菌素B1的发酵总亿提高20%以上。

    The results indicated that the titer and total productivity of avermectin B1 in the trinary fermentation increased by 10 % and 20 % respectively compared with the secondary fermentation under the same conditions .

  7. 在这里加入碳源后,生长良好,发酵周期缩短,在降低其COD的同时,氢气产量大大提高。

    By adding some nitrogen sources , with the reduce of COD , they can grow very well and produce a lot of hydrogen .

  8. 优化后的工艺为:接种量4%、食盐4%、番茄汁5%、甜蜜素0.3g/k,20~25℃,发酵周期2d。

    Optimized craft was 4 % inoculate the deal , 2 % salt , 5 % tomato juice , 0.3g/kg sweet vegetable , 20 ~ 25 ℃ and ferment the period of 2 days .

  9. 发酵周期缩短至12d。

    Zymolytic periods shortened to 12 days .

  10. 与相同条件下不使用酸性蛋白酶的比较,发酵周期缩短10~16h,相对原料出酒率提高2.99%~5.73%

    As compared with no adding acid protease , the fermentation time was decreased 10 ~ 16h and the alcohol yield of raw materials was increased by 2.99 % ~ 5.73 % .

  11. 结果表明,质量浓度为15g/L的真菌多糖对鼠李糖乳杆菌的增殖效果最显著,其活菌数最大可达到3.08×1010mL-1,能够使发酵周期提前2~3h。

    The results showed that 1.5 % ( m / v ) polysaccharides had the greatest influence on the strain 's multiplication . The number of alive probiotics achieved 3 . 08 × 1010CFU / mL , the time of fermentation was shortened for 2-3 h.

  12. 结果为:装量50ml/250ml、接种量10%、pH7.0、温度25℃、转速170r/min、发酵周期26h。

    The results were : inoculating quantity 10 % , flask content 50ml / 250ml , pH7.0 , temperature 25 ℃, rotation speed 170r / min , and fermentation time 26h .

  13. 采用紫外线和氯化锂为复合诱变剂,对NU-2原生质体进行诱变,筛选出发酵周期和NU-1菌株相同步的NU-2-16菌株,其晶体蛋白含量比出发菌株提高了10.03%

    The NU-2-16 strain whose fermentation period was accordant to NU-1 was selected . Its crystal protein content was increased by 10.03 % comparing with original strain .

  14. 在培养温度20~25C。相对温度70%~85%的条件下,采用0.5~1.0×10~6孢子/ml悬浮液喷洒豆腐白坯,可缩短前发酵周期1/3。

    We use the spore suspension ( 0.5-1.0 × 106 spore / ml ) to spray on the beancurd for pure culture . That is under the conditions : temperature between 20-25 ℃, relative humidity 70 % - 85 % .

  15. 以木薯干片为原料时,甘油产率最高为11~12%,全糖转化率为47~49%,发酵周期为60~66h;

    And the following results were obtained : the productivity of glycerol was 11-12 % from cassava , and the conversion rate of sugar was 47-49 % and fermentation period was 60-66 hours .

  16. 提高酱油质量缩短发酵周期

    Improving the quality of soy sauce , shortening the period of fermentation

  17. 该菌发酵周期短,提取工艺简单。

    The fermentation cycle was short and the extraction process was simple .

  18. 链霉素发酵周期与经济效益的关系

    Relation between running time and profit of streptomycin fermentation

  19. 倒仓破碎对缩短发酵周期后生活垃圾堆肥腐熟度的影响

    The Effects of Pile Turning and Crushing on Municipal Solid Waste Compost Maturity After Shortening Composting Periods

  20. 试验结果表明固定化细胞发酵周期均比游离细胞缩短了一半。

    The fermentation time of immobilized cells is 1 / 2 shorter than that of free cells .

  21. 黄酒醪中添加植酸,发酵周期缩短且各项理化指标均有较大改善,从而提高了黄酒产量和质量。

    PA shortened fermentation cycle period , improved yellow rice wine ingredients , and increased yield and quality .

  22. 此菌株产酶量高,发酵周期短,具有良好的应用潜力。

    This strain with higher yield of chitosanase and shorter fermentation period displayed good potential for future applications .

  23. 在烟叶发酵周期内,控制发酵库的温度、湿度,使温度值和湿度值保持在预定曲线所确定的数值上,可以让烟叶发酵达到理想的效果。

    Only when we keep the temperature and humidity of fermentation chamber at the predetermined value can we successfully achieve an ideal effect .

  24. 具有发酵周期短、低盐、外形可塑性强等优点。

    It had a lot of merits , such as its short fermentation period , low-NaCl , good plasticity contour and so on .

  25. 两株菌生长迅速,产酯能力强,发酵周期短,具有潜在的应用价值。

    The two strains have a potential value of application because of their rapid growth ability , high ester-producing capability and short fermentation period .

  26. 用匀浆化菌种代替传统工艺中直接用斜面母种作为一级摇瓶种源,使发酵周期缩短了2~3天。

    The fermentation period is2-3 days shorter by utilizing homogenated culture as culture seed in first step instead of slant cultures used in traditional technique .

  27. 结果表明,适当的温度和压力相结合,既能缩短啤酒发酵周期,控制啤酒风味物质的组成,又不影响啤酒风味。

    The results suggested that adequate temperature and pressure could shorten beer fermentation period and control beer flavoring substances with no adverse influence on beer flavor .

  28. 试验结果表明,通过接种植物乳杆菌、添加番茄汁,可以明显缩短发酵周期、提高苔菜泡菜的质量。

    The results showed that the pure breed inoculation in vegetables pickles inside , the tomato juice make the pickles ' quality obvious exaltation , ferment period to shorten .

  29. 结果表明,两者均以糯米为原料采用淋饭法酿制而成,但酒曲制作差异、发酵周期不同导致了各自独特的风格。

    The results showed that although both of them were produced by rice sprinkling method , the difference in starter-making and fermentation period finally led to different wine styles .

  30. 结果表明:固定化复合酵母在耗糖能力、产乙醇能力方面明显优于游离酵母细胞,且发酵周期明显短于游离细胞。

    The results of industrial experiment show that the capacity of producing alcohol and declining fermentable sugar of immobilized complex yeast cells is superior to that of free yeast cells .