
  • 网络lactobacillus fermentum;L.fermentum;Lactobacillus fermentium;Lactobacillus fermenti
  1. 方法:将发酵乳杆菌加入含不同浓度CPP-ACP的蔗糖培养基中,厌氧培养48h,用精密pH计检测培养基上清液的pH值,计算pH的变化值ΔpH(初始pH值-终末pH值)。

    METHODS : Lactobacillus fermentum was inoculated in medium containing 1 % sucrose and different concentrations of CPP-ACP and grew in anaerobic condition at 37 ℃ for 48 hours . The primary pH values and final pH values of the supernate were measured , then the △ pH was compared .

  2. 酪蛋白磷酸肽钙磷液对发酵乳杆菌产酸影响的实验研究

    Experimental study of casein phosphopeptide-amorphic calcium phosphate on acid production of Lactobacillus fermentum

  3. 具有益生特性发酵乳杆菌的筛选及其在豆乳中的发酵特性研究

    Screening of Lactobacillus Fermentum for Probiotic Potential and Study on Fermentation Characteristic in Soy Milk

  4. 从健康犬的肠道中分离并鉴定出5株乳酸杆菌,其中嗜酸乳杆菌3株、肠乳杆菌1株、发酵乳杆菌1株。

    Five strains of lactobacillus were isolated and identified from the intestinal tracts of healthy dogs , in which three strains are lactobacillus , one strain is lactobacillus fermenti , and one strain is lactobacillus .

  5. 肉制品发酵剂清酒乳杆菌54的研究

    Study on the starter for fermentative meat-lactobacillus sake 54

  6. 发酵乳中双歧杆菌发酵剂的制备技术

    The preparation of lactobacillus bifidus starter in fermented milk

  7. 自然发酵酸菜中乳杆菌的分离鉴定与多态性分析

    Isolation , identification and genetic diversity analysis of lactobacilli from naturally fermented northeast sauerkraut

  8. 将这两种菌以及甜味剂A、泡菜汁、低温等因素运用于泡菜发酵,发现乳杆菌B+甜味剂A+低温处理最佳。

    Combined with Sweeteners A , pickles juice and low temperature , the two Lactobacillus were applied to pickle fermentation .

  9. 发酵条件对植物乳杆菌产共轭亚油酸的影响

    Effect of fermentation condition on formation of conjugated linoleic acid

  10. 为全面系统地了解我国少数民族地区的发酵制品中的乳杆菌的多样性提供了参考,也为进一步开发和利用传统发酵乳制品中的乳酸菌资源奠定了基础。

    The results provides the basic data for systematically understanding the genetic diversity of Lactobacillus in China minority regions , and gives useful information for further exploitation and utilization of lactic acid bacteria in traditional fermented milk products . 1 .