
fā zhěn
  • Rash;dermexanthesis;exanthesis
发疹[fā zhěn]
  1. 发疹型药疹、大疱性表皮坏死松解型药疹患者血清中TNF-a、IL-8水平变化与临床关系的研究

    Study on Relationship between TNF-a 、 IL-8 in Serum and Exanthematic Eruptions 、 Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis

  2. 方法用免疫组化LSAB法对34例发疹型药疹患者皮损组织和8例对照皮肤中ICAM-1和HLA-DR及LFW-1进行了检测。

    Mathods The deposits of HLA - DR , ICAM - 1 and LFA - 1 were detected in biopsy specimens from acute lesions of 34 patients with EDE and 8 controls by LSAB of immunohistochemistry .

  3. 在发疹早期两组病例的CD+4、CD+4/CD+8比值均低于正常(P0.01)。

    In the early stage of eruption , CD + 4 and ratio of CD + 4 / CD + 8 were both below normal ( P 0.01 ) and CD + 8 was above normal ( P 0.01 ) in the two groups of patients .

  4. 报道1例罕见的持久性发疹性斑状毛细血管扩张症。

    A rare case of telangiectasia macularis eruptiva perstans is reported .

  5. 沿着神经线路发疹并伴随着神经痛。

    Eruptions along a nerve path often accompanied by severe neuralgia .

  6. 麻疹样发疹患者柯萨奇B型病毒检测

    Detection of Coxsackie B viruses for patients with morbilliform maculopapular eruption

  7. 报告1例发疹性毳毛囊肿。

    A case of eruptive vellus hair cyst was reported .

  8. 以瘙痒及丘疹样发疹为主要表现的儿童艾滋病1例

    A Case of Child AIDS Presented with Itch and Papule-like Eruption Lesions

  9. 小腿毛根鞘囊肿面部发疹性毳毛囊肿

    Trichilemmal cyst in the leg Eruptive vellus hair cysts on the face

  10. 报告1例面部发疹性毳毛囊肿。患者女,35岁。

    A 35-year-old female patient with eruptive vellus hair cysts is reported .

  11. 蜘蛛咬伤后发生急性泛发性发疹性脓疱病:3例病例报道

    Acute generalized exanthematous pustulosis following a spider bite : Report of 3 cases

  12. 克林霉素引起急性泛发性发疹性脓疱病

    Acute generalized eruptive pustulosis secondary to clindamycin use

  13. 某些儿童发疹性疾病与早期肾小管损伤的相关性研究

    The study of rash and early renal damage

  14. 表现为中毒性表皮坏死松解症的急性泛发性发疹性脓疱病

    Acute generalized exanthematous pustulosis mimicking toxic epidermal necrolysis

  15. 发疹性毳毛囊肿1例

    A case of eruptive vellus hair cyst

  16. 面部发疹性毳毛囊肿

    Eruptive vellus hair cysts on the face

  17. 发病以先有神经痛而后发疹者为最多见(72%);

    The most patients had neuralgia before the onset of the rash ( 72 % ) .

  18. 目的:提高临床医师对药物引起急性全身发疹性脓疱病的认识。

    To improve clinicians in the understanding of drug-induced acute generalized exanthematous pustulosis ( ACEP ) .

  19. 毛囊角化病样发疹性汗管瘤1例

    A Case of Keratosis Follicularis

  20. 有急性泛发性发疹性脓疱病病史患者斑贴试验和淋巴细胞增殖反应的交叉比较研究

    Cross - comparison of patch test and lymphocyte proliferation responses in patients with a history of acute generalized exanthematous pustulosis

  21. 麻疹病例定义为发烧、发疹伴以咳嗽、流涕或结膜炎等一种或多种症状。

    A measles case was defined as fever and rash and one or more of cough , coryza or conjunctivitis .

  22. 经表皮试验及淋巴细胞转化试验证实由A组皮质类固醇激素诱发的口服泼尼松龙后出现急性泛发性发疹性脓疱病

    Oral prednisolone induced acute generalized exanthematous pustulosis due to corticosteroids of group A confirmed by epicutaneous testing and lymphocyte transformation tests

  23. 报告2例发疹性毳毛囊肿。2例患者皮损组织病理学检查均见呈典型的发疹性毳毛囊肿样改变。

    Two patients with eruptive vellus hair cysts are reported . Histopathology findings confirmed the diagnosis of eruptive vellus hair cysts .

  24. 发疹型药疹最为常见,其次为固定性红斑和荨麻疹与血管性水肿。

    It showed that the most common form among them was exanthematous type , secondly were fixed eruption and urticaria angioedema types .

  25. 痘痕,麻子由天花或其他发疹性疾病遗留在皮肤上的窝状疤痕是的。我有麻烦了。

    A pitlike scar left on the skin by smallpox or another eruptive disease . Yes , please . I have a trouble now .

  26. 最常见的药疹类型为麻疹及猩红热样发疹型(63.4%)、荨麻疹型(14%)和多形性红斑型(8%)。

    The most common clinical types were morbiliform-scarlatiniform ( 63.4 % ), urticaria ( 14 % ) and erythema multiforme type ( 8 % ) .

  27. 疱疹几种病毒性疾病之一,引起皮肤表层水泡状小泡或粘膜发疹,尤指单纯性疱疹或带状疱疹。

    Any of several viral diseases causing the eruption of small blisterlike vesicles on the skin or mucous membranes , especially herpes simplex or herpes zoster .

  28. 这样能使你在接下来的一天中血糖保持稳定,让你能够更好地对抗皱纹、发疹和皮疹。

    This helps keeps your blood sugar stable the rest of the day , so you 're better able to fight wrinkles , breakouts , and rashes .

  29. 方法:分析11例急性全身性发疹性脓疱病的病因、症状、体征、实验室检查和病理,诊断及鉴别诊断。

    Methods : A comprehensive analysis of data , including etiology , clinical manifestations , laboratory and histological findings , diagnosis and differential diagnosis , of 11 patients with AGEP induced by drugs were made .