
  • 网络China's tourism resources;Visitor attractions in China
  1. 中国旅游资源分类系统与类型评价

    Study on the Tourist Resources Classification System and Types Evaluation in China

  2. 莆田市旅游资源十分丰富而独特,按照《中国旅游资源普查规范》标准,莆田市共有旅游资源5类12种。

    The tourism resources of Putian City are very rich and special .

  3. 中国旅游资源的分布规律及其可持续发展意义

    The Law of Distribution of Resource of Chinese Tourism And Sustainable Development Meaning

  4. 中国旅游资源分系列初步研究

    Preliminary Research into Chinese Tourism Resource Series

  5. 中国旅游资源丰富,就已开辟的旅游热点和热线而论,喀斯特旅游占据着重要地位。

    China is abundant in tourism resources .

  6. 中国旅游资源地域分异规律及其开发研究

    On the Distribution of the Regional Diversity in China 's Tourism Resources and Its Study for Development

  7. 中国旅游资源开发模式与旅游区域可持续发展理念

    The patterns of developing tourism resources and the reasonings of sustainable development of tourism areas in China

  8. 典型的乡村旅游景观是中国旅游资源景观开发的最后一块处女地。

    Typical scenery of rural tourism is the last to be developed in China 's development of tourism resources .

  9. 新疆幅员广阔,深居内陆,自然复杂,人文多样,是中国旅游资源特丰区。

    Xinjiang is rich in tourism resources , a vast country , complex in nature and vary in human , in China .

  10. 再次,本文根据目前中国旅游资源组合存在的负面问题,对中国旅游资源合理组合从理论和实际案例两方面进行了研究。

    Thirdly , this paper gives theoretical and case study about building reasonable tourism resource combination complying with current problems in Chinese tourism resource combination .

  11. 曲靖市不仅具有《中国旅游资源普查规范》确定的六大类旅游资源,而且拥有丰富的民族文化旅游资源。

    There are not only the six types of tour resources defined in Tour Resources Survey in China , but plentiful tour of ethnic community cultures .

  12. 西部地区是中国旅游资源宝库,但生态环境脆弱,保护西部生态环境是发展西部旅游业必须遵循的前提,而打造中国西部绿色旅游供应链是西部旅游业可持续发展的必由之路。

    Western Region was the tourism resources treasury of China , but its ecological environment was fragile . Energetically developing ecotourism and building tourism green supply chain would promote the sustainable development of western tourism and western economy .

  13. 以《中国旅游资源普查规范》(试行稿)为基础,拟定湖南省旅游资源的分类系统,共7大类96种基本类型;

    Based on " the Criterion of Investigation of China Tourism Resources "( trial edition ), this paper drafts " the System of Classification of Hunan Tourism Resources " which classifies the Hunan Tourism Resources under seven categories consisting of ninety six basic kinds .

  14. 中国旅游地质资源分类、分区与编图

    Maping , division and classification of Tourist Geological Resources of China

  15. 中国岩溶旅游资源及其在世界上的地位

    China Karst Tourism Resources and their position in the world

  16. 中国武术旅游资源的开发前景

    Discussion on prospects of touristic resource exploitation of Chinese Wushu

  17. 试论中国缩微旅游资源

    On the Development of China Man made Mini tourism resource

  18. 中国人文旅游资源多为儒道佛思想文化载体。

    Chinese cultural and tourist resources are mostly carriers of thoughts and cultures of Confucianism , Taoism , and Buddhism .

  19. 湖南是中国的旅游资源大省之一,长株潭三市又是湖南旅游业的中心和重轴。

    Hunan Province is rich in tourism Resource in China , and the Chang Zhu Tan cities cluster is the center of tourism industry in Hunan Province .

  20. 结果表明,中国红色旅游资源在全国和全国八大一级旅游分区两种尺度的测度中都呈集聚型分布,不同区域的红色旅游资源具有不同的历史主题。

    It was concluded that , the distribution of the Red Travel resources in China was a type of agglomeration , and different regions had different Red Travel subjects .

  21. 根据旅游资源的竞争优势、资源评价、组合条件和调整方向,分析了中国西部旅游资源的发展现状。

    The tourist development status in Western China has been analyzed from the views of competition dominance , resource evaluation , combination condition , and location advance and adjustment direction .

  22. 男:你的论文主题可能是企业管理或中国的旅游资源,论文长度不能少于15页。问:说话二者之间可能是什么关系?答案解析:正确答案为D。

    M : The theme of your paper can be about business management or touring resources in China , and the length of the paper should be no less than fifteen pages .

  23. 中国草原生态旅游资源及可持续开发利用

    Study on the Ecotourism Resources and Sustainable Utilization of Chinese Grassland

  24. 中国旅游饭店人力资源管理现状及对策研究

    China Tourist Hotel Human Resources Management Present Situation and Countermeasure Research

  25. 新亚欧大陆桥中国段沿线旅游资源特征

    Tourist resources along Chinese segment of new Eurasian Continental Bridge

  26. 中国竹文化旅游资源的开发路径

    Approach of the Development of Bamboo Culture and Tourism Resource in China

  27. 中国地大物博,旅游资源丰富。

    China is a vast land rich in tourism resources .

  28. 中国天气景观旅游资源的类型与成因分析

    The cause and characteristic analysis of Chinese tourist weather spectacle

  29. 21世纪中国西部地区旅游资源开发对策

    Strategy for 21st tourism resources exploitation in west China

  30. 中国名山旅游气候资源及气象景观评价

    Evaluation of travel climate resources about famous mountain and weather landscape in China