
zhōnɡ ɡuó fǎ lǜ
  • Chinese law
  1. 中国法律与WTO规则的距离及完善

    The Distance Between the Chinese Law and WTO Regulations and Its Perfection

  2. 中国法律与WTO规则接轨的原因分析

    Analysis on the Chinese Law 's Correspondence with WTO Rules

  3. 任何一部中国法律都不存在对妇女的歧视性条款。

    No law in China contains clauses that discriminate against women .

  4. 第十四条依照中国法律在中国投资或者同中国的企业、事业单位进行经济、科学技术、文化合作以及其他需要在中国长期居留的外国人,经中国政府主管机关批准,可以获得长期居留或者永久居留资格。

    Article 14 Aliens who , in compliance for prolonged or permanent residence in China upon approval by the competent authorities of the Chinese Government .

  5. 教育对外交流与合作坚持独立自主、平等互利、相互尊重的原则,不得违反中国法律,不得损害国家主权、安全和社会公共利益。

    In conducting foreign exchange and co-operation in education , the principles of independence , equality , mutual benefit and mutual respect shall be adhered to , the laws of the People 's Republic of China shall not be violated , and the State sovereignty and security and public interests shall not be harmed .

  6. WTO与中国法律服务市场的对外开放

    WTO and Opening up of Chinas Legal Service Market

  7. 加入WTO使中国法律面临一系列冲击和影响,了解掌握世贸规则,并采取相应的法律对策,是中国法律界面临的共同任务。

    The entry of WTO makes Chinese law face a series of impact and influence .

  8. TRIPS协议地理标志保护与中国法律制度的完善

    Protection of Geographical Indication under TRIPS and Improvement of Related Law of P.R.C

  9. 在阐述了WTO的主要内容后,本论文通过比较入世前后,以及中外法律服务的不同,揭示出中国法律服务业存在的法律问题。

    The thesis exposes the matters of law in law-service trade , comparing the situation before we coming into WTO with after , and the situation in China with in other countries .

  10. 基于现有法律专业本科教育和法学硕士教育在一定程度上都存在的缺陷与弊端,JM(法律硕士)应当成为中国法律教育的主要模式选择。

    Based on the shortages and weakness existed in the bachelor education and master education of law specialty in some degree , JM ( law master ) should become main model selection of law education in China .

  11. 文章还就中国法律经济学课程的设置提出了若干思路。

    It also discusses the curriculum on Forensic Economics in China .

  12. 行政立法是行政机关的重要职能,行政机关所制定的行政法规、规章等是当代中国法律体系的重要组成部分。

    The administrative legalization is an important function of administrative organ .

  13. 谷歌申延牌照,承诺将遵守中国法律。

    Google says to'abide by the Chinese law'for license renew .

  14. 祝《中国法律》杂志越办越好。

    We wish that China Law will operate more and more successfully .

  15. 二十多年来中国法律语言研究评述

    A Research Commentary on China Legal Languages of More Than Twenty Years

  16. 传统中国法律思想一个重要的特征就是无讼。

    One of the important features of Chinese traditional law is non-litigation .

  17. 张之洞与中国法律的近代转型

    Zhang Zhi-Dong and the Transformation of Chinese Modern Legal System

  18. 中国法律援助制度的现状及其完善

    The Present Situation and the Improvement of Legal Aid System in China

  19. 中国法律哲学当下基本使命的前提性分析&作为历史性条件的世界结构

    Premise Analysis of the Fundamental Tasks of Contemporary Legal Philosophy of China

  20. 中国法律职业:迟到的兴起和早来的危机

    Legal Profession in China : Late Emergence and Early Crisis

  21. 此外,中国法律充分保障公民的结社自由。

    Chinese law also fully guarantees the freedom of association .

  22. 当代中国法律解释问题研究

    A Study on Modern Legal Interpreting Problems of China

  23. 入世与中国法律制度的革新

    WTO and The innovation of China 's Law System

  24. 中国法律语言发展和演变述论

    On Development and Evolution in China 's Legal Language

  25. 欧洲思想家对中国法律文化的认识

    European Thinkers ' Interpretation of China 's Legal Culture

  26. 中国法律改革的经验已对主流法律经济学的观点构成强有力的挑战。

    The Chinese experience in legal reform poses a serious challenge to mainstream economics .

  27. 中国法律理想图景与反本质主义&一个本质主义者的追问

    China 's Legal Ambition Prospect and Anti-essentialism & A person of essentialism question closely

  28. 中国法律书目的产生与发展述略

    The Emergence and Development of Chinese Legal Bibliography

  29. 双方之间的合同关系受到中国法律的专属管辖。

    The contractual relations between the parties shall be exclusively governed by Chinese law .

  30. 法律移植是中国法律现代化的一个重要的手段和方式。

    The transplantation of law is an important means of the law modernization in China .