
  1. 它反映了具有近代性质的对外观念的发展,包括接受新的观念;同时也揭示了列强的强权政治和中外条约的不平等性。

    It reflects the nature of the external concept with modern development , including the acceptance of new ideas ; and also reveals the powers of power politics and foreign treaty inequality .

  2. 辛亥时期,正是中外条约关系急剧发展并走向强化的时期,期间的种种显著变化作为社会存在深刻地反映于革命派的思想意识中,成为其条约观形成的客观依据。

    Xinhai period was a treaty relationship period of rapid development , many significant changes in this period as a social existence profoundly reflected in the revolutionary ideology , became the objective basis of their treaty views .

  3. 完善中外税收条约,防范电子商务中外商避税。

    Improving the Chinese and foreign treaty of tax revenue .

  4. 我国《引渡法》和中外双边引渡条约也确定了这一引渡原则。

    Extradition Law in China and Sino-Foreign Extradition Treaty have both prescribed this principle .