
jī cénɡ fǎ yuàn
  • basic-level court;grassroots court
  1. 诉讼过程中的逆向选择及其解释&以契约纠纷的基层法院判决书为例的经验研究

    Reverse Choice in Lawsuits and Its Explanation & An Empirical Study of Written Judgments on Contract Disputes by a Grassroots Court

  2. 作者以北京某基层法院的契约纠纷判决书为研究对象,试图通过对原被告的胜诉情况、违约原因及其裁决等方面的分析,揭示并解释目前存在于司法过程中的逆向选择效应。

    By taking the verdicts on contractual disputes by a grassroots court as its object of study and through analyzing winning and losing of plaintiffs and defendants , reasons for contractual defaults and court decisions , the paper reveals and make explanations for he reverse choice in legal proceedings .

  3. 对我国基层法院民事审判组织的研究

    Research on Civil Judicial Organization of Local Courts in Chinese Mainland

  4. 从民事审判看中级、基层法院的司法运作

    The Administration of Grassroots Courts from the Perspective of Middle-ranking Civil Trials

  5. 当前我国基层法院巡回审判制度研究

    On Current Assizes System of Chinese Basic People 's Courts

  6. 基层法院离婚判决书研究(1978-2008)

    The Study of Divorce Case Judgement in the Basic Court ( 1978-2008 )

  7. 一是微观层面是基层法院案多人少。

    One is the micro level of grass-roots court case is more less .

  8. 关于基层法院民事调解工作的调查、分析和思考

    About Analysis and the Investigation of Grass-roots Judicial Civil Conciliation Work with Thought

  9. 本人作为一名基层法院的法官,也时常碰到如此困惑。

    I work as a basic level court judge , encountered so confused sometime .

  10. 此外,在基层法院,调解主体多局限于法院法官。

    In addition , the court mediation subject , limited to the court judge .

  11. 法官职业化的困境&以西部基层法院为视角

    The Plight of Judges ' Professionalization & in the Perspective of western grass-roots courts

  12. 一些基层法院在尝试探索普通程序简易化审理,由于这种改革在理论上和制度上的准备还不成熟,不可避免要面对一些现实问题和冲突。

    In practice , some local law courts are trying to simplify the general procedure .

  13. 二是对我国基层法院片面追求司法效率的个案进行的分析。

    It is to our country basic unit court sided pursuit of judicial efficiency case analysis .

  14. 程序·制度·组织&基层法院日常的程序运作与治理结构转型

    Procedure , Institution and Organization : Routine Procedures in Grass-roots Courts and the Transformation of Governance Structure

  15. 基层法院的网络组建

    Network Construction for Primary Court

  16. 为何基层法院乃至法官问题屡屡,《法官法》是空法?

    Why the Grass-roots court and even judge the question repeatedly ," Judge is Law " spatial method ?

  17. 近年来,习惯性规范越来越多地得到我国法院尤其是基层法院的重视。

    In recent years , more and more Chinese courts particularly inferior courts emphasis customary norms in the judicature .

  18. 诉前调解在实践中操作不统一,而且基层法院法官对诉前调解认识有偏差。

    Pretrial mediation in practice operation is not unified , and the grass-roots court judge on pretrial mediation understanding deviation .

  19. 第一部分,论述了基层法院的内部机构、法官配置和审判效率的基本理论。

    The first part , discusses the fundamental theory about internal institutions , judges configuration and trail efficiency in basic court .

  20. 论繁简分流视野下基层法院初步审判庭的设立

    On the Establishment of the Prosecution Court in Grass-roots Courts in the View of the Separation of Simple from Complicated a preliminary hearing

  21. 在我国的司法审判中,基层法院法官常纠缠于格式化的司法与非格式化的现实之间。

    In Chinese judicial trial , the judges in the basic level usually are entangled into the law in forms and the facts .

  22. 近几年全国基层法院的受案数量直线上升,导致了全国基层法院一味的去追求司法效率。

    In recent years the number of accepting the nationwide grassroots courts upwards , led to the national grassroots courts blindly pursuing judicial efficiency .

  23. 笔者结合实习期间的经历,同时参照几个基层法院的调研情况,对执行现状做了详细的分析。

    During the internship experience of the author , and several basic reference to the court , executive situation investigation has made the detailed analysis .

  24. 本部分从三个方面进行了论述:一是我国基层法院片面追求司法效率的主要表现。

    This section are discussed from three aspects : one is our country basic unit court sided pursuit the main performance of the judicial efficiency .

  25. 因此,作为基层法院单位来说,应当时刻把握时代的脉搏,顺应时代的发展。

    Therefore , as the basic unit court unit , it should grasp the time the pulse of TheTimes , with the development of times .

  26. 刑事判决形成的实践/制度逻辑:以某基层法院无罪辩护案件为起点的调查与分析

    The Practical / Institutional Logic of Criminal Judgments ' Formation : the Investigation and Analysis Based on the Cases Defended for Innocence in Certain District Court

  27. 另外,本文还基于我国法院制度改革的特点和方式,就基层法院制度改革提出了若干切实可行的建议。

    In addition , some practical suggestions also can be found in this thesis concerning the innovation of court system based on its character and fashion .

  28. 加强某市基层法院法官队伍建设,是当前乃至今后一个相当长的时期内法院队伍建设的一个重大课题。

    Strengthen team construction in the basic court judge is current and even henceforth a fairly long period of time the court building is a major issue .

  29. 基层法院送法下乡服务是当前基层法院参与社会管理创新工作的重点内容,是基层法院对自身角色的反省与重新定位表现。

    The rural law campaign of lower court is the key content of its participation in social management innovation and the self-examination and relocation of its own role .

  30. 本文通过对基层法院职业化改革样本的实证研究,揭示司法职业化在基层法院实现的基础、可能和途径。

    This essay presents the foundations , possibilities and measures of judicial professionalization in primary courts through the empirical research of the reform samples of primary court professionalization .