
  1. 二是完善行政效能监察法规。

    Second , improve the administrative efficiency supervision and regulations .

  2. 四是行政效能监察法规体系不完善。

    Fourth , inadequate administrative efficiency supervision and regulation system .

  3. 特种设备安全监察法规标准体系

    Regulation and Standard Systems for Safety Supervision of Special Equipment

  4. 文中还简要介绍了电站锅炉的安全监察法规体系、锅炉标准体系和电力标准体系。

    In Safety Regulations of Utility Boilers , Boiler Standards and Power Plant Standards is provided .

  5. 监察法规的完备是元朝监察制度和政治制度的一个突出特点。

    The completing of supervisory regulations was a prominent feature of supervisory and political system in Yuan Dynasty .

  6. 同时客观分析了元朝监察法规发达的原因,简要说明了元朝监察法规对后世的影响以及对中华法系发展的贡献。

    It also analyzes objectively the reason for the flourishing of supervisory regulations in Yuan Dynasty , explains briefly the influence and contribution of supervisory regulations in Yuan Dynasty .

  7. 第一部分主要阐述元朝监察法规的立法背景,并对元朝主要的监察法规进行分类,为本文以后的论述打下了基础。

    The first part mainly expounds the legislative background of supervisory regulations in Yuan Dynasty . It also catalogued the main supervisory regulations in Yuan Dynasty , and laid the foundation for later discussion .

  8. 谈监理工作的12345论中国公司的内部监察&兼及相关法规的完善

    The " 12345 " of Supervision Comment on the Supervision within Companies in China & perfecting related statutes

  9. 通过对比,可以证明劳动保障监察中的责令改正行为是劳动保障监察部门针对违反劳动保障监察法律法规的违法行为作出的不同于行政处罚、行政强制措施、行政命令的一项独特的行政处理行为。

    By contrast , it can be proved that it is a different action with the administrative punishment , the mandatory administrative measures and the administrative orders which is done by the supervision department of the labor security to the act in violation of the labor security regulations .