
  1. 对研究中国古代物理学史具有一定的参考价值。

    The work in this paper is helpful to study the history of Chinese physics .

  2. 文献计量学对中国古代科技史著作评价的参考&以中国古代物理学史为例

    A Reference to the History of Chinese Science and Technology by Literature Metrology & Taking Chinese Ancient Physics History as an Example

  3. 这支庞大的知识分子大军,对中国近代科学教育发展产生了深远的影响,也在20世纪中国物理学史上写下了浓墨重彩的一笔。

    Chinese modern science educational development was deeply affected by this huge intellectual army . They also had a huge affection on the history of Chinese physics .