
  1. 外商直接投资(FDI)与中国的对外贸易之间的关系,前者对后者的影响在哪里?这样的话题已经多次被学者提到。

    The relationship between Foreign Direct Investment ( FDI ) and Foreign Trade ( FT ) in China , this top , has been mentioned so many times .

  2. 我已得知中国的对外贸易发展显著。

    I have learned that China 's foreign trade has developed remarkably .

  3. 此外,本文还还就中国的对外贸易现状的提出了若干具体政策措施。

    And it contains specific policies and measures for China trade present condition .

  4. 14.工作组审议了中国的对外贸易制度。

    14 . The Working Party reviewed the foreign trade regime of China .

  5. 与此同时,你们可以对中国的对外贸易略窥一斑。

    Meanwhile , you can get a glimpse of China 's foreign trade with other countries .

  6. 中国的对外贸易:发展态势、体制变迁与改革取向

    China 's Foreign Trade : Tendency , Changes , and Trend of Reform Research Group of RUC Economic Studies Report

  7. 并在此期间设立了许多金融机构,垄断中国的对外贸易。

    The western colonists had set up a lot of financial institutions during this period to monopolize the foreign trade of China .

  8. 去年中国的对外贸易增长了3.4%,达到31万亿元人民币,约合4.6万亿元。

    China 's foreign trade rose by 3.4 percent last year to 31 trillion yuan , or about 4.6 trillion U.S. dollars .

  9. 在未来中国的对外贸易中,就逐步完善出口商品结构,促进国内经济增长的良性发展。

    In the future China 's international trade , we should continue consummating the export commodity structure and promoting the domestic economy growing .

  10. 在此基础上,强调了中国的对外贸易政策以自由贸易为基本取向的同时,要进行适度的贸易保护。

    The author stresses that free trade should be the main stream of Chinese foreign trade policy with proper trade protection as its supplement .

  11. 商务部发言人沈丹阳表示,中国的对外贸易发展速度平稳,进程良好。

    Ministry of Commerce spokesperson Shen Danyang said that foreign trade in China has been developing at a stable pace and going quite well .

  12. 近年来,我国经济学界出现了关于比较优势和竞争优势的论争,争论的焦点在于中国的对外贸易发展是应该以比较优势抑或竞争优势为基础。

    In the recent years , two schools of economic scholars have been debating on comparative edges and competitive edges , develop-ment basis of national foreign trade .

  13. 消费电子产品在中国的对外贸易发展中不仅占有极其重要的地位,而且其影响也越来越大。

    Consumption electronic product not only has a great important status in the foreign trade of China , but also has greater and greater impact on it .

  14. 在这十年中,中国的对外贸易飞速发展,与他国的贸易摩擦和纠纷也愈来愈多。

    During the first decade , China has been developing rapidly in foreign trade , and more and more disputes and conflicts occurred at the same time .

  15. 长期以来,中国的对外贸易的竞争力主要来源于比较优势,但是这种竞争力并不持久。

    For a long time , the competitive force of Chinese foreign trade mainly comes from the comparative advantage , but this kind of competition does not last .

  16. 改革开放30年来,中国的对外贸易与经济增长均取得了举世瞩目的成就。

    There has been 30 years since the reforms and opens start in China , and she has gained great achievements on both foreign trade and economic growth .

  17. 根据以往各年的数据可以预测,中国的对外贸易仍然会在中国国民经济中占有巨大比重。

    According to the statistics of previous years , it is anticipated that the external trade of China will continue to seize a considerable portion of its national economy .

  18. 同时,随着我国经济发展水平的提高,中国的对外贸易模式正逐步向产业内贸易发展,但具有明显的垂直型产业内贸易的特点。

    With the rapid economic growth in china , the trade pattern in china is progressively changes to intra-industry trade , and vertical intra-industry trade is the main trade pattern .

  19. 从而为今天我们更好地发展中国的对外贸易提供了借鉴,同时也为促进克什米尔问题的早日解决提出了一个崭新的视角。

    It gave us a reference to develop Chinese external trade better . Moreover , it offered a brand-new visual angle to promote the resolution of the conflicts in Kashmir .

  20. 从内生和外生的角度对比较优势进行扩展,从而将比较优势和竞争优势纳入统一分析框架之下,为贸易理论和中国的对外贸易发展能够提供更为合理的分析基础。

    This paper , the interior-and outer-catalysis , aims to broaden the theoretic framework by integrating the two models a more rational understanding and trade theory for developing the foreign trade .

  21. 本文的研究具有重要的政策意义,在改善中国的对外贸易失衡、调整实际有效汇率之时,不应该仅仅局限于货币手段,财政政策也是可以使用的重要工具。

    There is important policy implication of this paper : despite of monetary policy , fiscal policy is another important policy instrument in adjusting trade imbalance and real exchange rate in China .

  22. 以不完全竞争和规模经济为基础的产业内贸易是当今世界贸易的主流形式,也在中国的对外贸易中占据着重要地位。

    Intra-industry trade , which is based on the imperfect competition and scale economy , is the main form of world trade , and occupies a very important position in Chinese international trade .

  23. 而现今,如何更好地分析并预测今后我国贸易结构调整的方向,使中国的对外贸易模式关联机制得到更好的发展,是我们必须正视和研究的问题。

    However , how to analyze and predict the adjustment direction of China 's trade structure so as to have a better development in foreign trade is the problem we face and have to study .

  24. 中国的对外贸易总额在过去的五年中已经从全世界第六位上升到第三位,进出口总额年增长达到24.6%。

    Fu said the country 's foreign trade rose from the sixth to the third in world rankings in the past five years , with imports and exports volume growing at an average annual rate of24.6 percent .

  25. 本文试图从中国的对外贸易的发展入手,研究中国对外贸易结构,分析其变动现状和发展趋势,并对影响我国贸易结构变动的主要因素进行分析。

    This paper tried to investigate the structure based on the development of China 's foreign trade , analyze the alteration trend and evolutive rule and find out main factors that influence the structure of China 's foreign trade .

  26. 美国次贷危机的影响还未逝去,欧债危机愈演愈烈,全球经济陷入再一次的不景气阶段,中国的对外贸易出口面临增幅不断缩减的境况。

    The influence of the US subprime mortgage crisis is not lost , the European sovereign debt crisis intensified , the global economy fell into the recession phrase again , as a result , the foreign trade export growth of China faced a shrinking situation .

  27. 然而,进入90年代以来,中国丝绸的对外贸易出现巨幅振荡,经过几年调整,仍未完全摆脱困境。

    However , since 1990 's China 's silk foreign trade has been up and down .

  28. 于此同时,海外市场需求,中国主要的对外贸易经济动力,在本月初似乎有开始衰退的迹象。

    Meanwhile , external demand , a key driver of China 's economic expansion , is likely to dry up further in the months ahead .

  29. 目前,中国的石油对外贸易面临着较为复杂的局面,例如石油进口安全问题、国际油价波动、跨国公司的竞争、大国的牵制等。

    At present , China 's foreign petroleum trade face more complicated situation , such as security of oil import , fluctuation of international oil price , MNC 's competition , and great power 's containing , and so on .

  30. 中国食用菌的对外贸易

    China 's Foreign Trade on Edible Fungi