
  • 网络China Business Journal;China business
  1. 笔者选取了三家主流财经报纸《中国经营报》、《经济观察报》和《21世纪经济报道》为样本,时间跨度为20082010年。

    The two issues are the core of this study was to address questions . I selected the three major financial newspaper - " China Business ", " The Economic Observer " and " 21st Century Business Herald " as a sample , the time span 2008-2010 .

  2. 跨越传统的《中国经营报》与21世纪后创办的《21世纪经济报道》、《经济观察报》等牵手而成为新财经报纸的代表。

    China Business , spanning tradition and holding hands with 21st Century Business Herald and The Economic Observer , becomes the typical representative of new economic newspaper .

  3. 论平面财经媒体的品牌构建&以《21世纪经济报道》、《经济观察报》、《中国经营报》三大财经报纸为例

    The Construction of the Brand of Printing Financial Media & A Case Study on Three Major Financial Newspapers

  4. 日前,市新闻出版局已对《中国经营报》上海记者站作出行政处罚。

    Recently , the city has to press the " Chinese business newspaper ," Shanghai reporter stations administrative punishment .

  5. 在此以中国社会科学院工业经济研究所与《中国经营报》共同开发的中国经营报企业竞争力监测体系(CBCM)为基础对我国化工行业上市公司的竞争力进行监测。

    This paper monitored the competitiveness of Chinese listed companies in chemical industry based on the China Business Enterprise Competitiveness Monitoring System ( CBCM ) developed jointly by Industrial Economic Research Institute of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences and China Business .