
  • 网络China scenery;Chinese Scenery;CHINA BEAUTIFUL LANDSCAPES
  1. 我期望有机会能游历更多的中国风光,并且遇到更多的有趣、善良的人们。

    I am looking forward to having the chance to see more of the scenery of China , and meet more of the interesting and kind people here .

  2. 于是我们在挑选参展作品时,选择了多元,选择了自由表达,也选择了对过去几十年“中国式沙龙风光摄影”的突破和反叛。

    So when we do selection of the exhibited works , we choose variety , free expression , as well as breakthrough and rebellion to the " Chinese salon landscape photography " in the past decades .

  3. 这次从首都一路到敦煌、重庆再到上海的旅程能让你领略到大部分中国主要景点的风光。

    This tour From the capital to Dunhuang , Chongqing , and then to shanghai shows you a big part of the basic sightseeing of China .

  4. 展示了中国古老的文化、朴实的民风中国风光的天然美、原始美、自然美,展示了人类与自然的和谐。

    Shows the ancient Chinese culture , and simple folk customs of China 's natural scenery of the United States , the original United States , natural beauty , showing the harmony of mankind and nature .

  5. 因为我们对中国、中国的文化以至从照片上看到的中国风光都深感兴趣。

    Because we were deeply interested in China and Chinese culture , even in the landscapes of China that we had seen in pictures .