
  1. 步行穿过位于中央大街的公园。

    Take a walk through the park on Center Avenue .

  2. 中央大街环境综合整治的经验和启示

    Experience And Revelation Of Compositive Environment Renovation Of Centrality Street

  3. 他要求带他去俱乐部,中央大街,聚会。

    He asked to take him to clubs , central streets , parties .

  4. 本文介绍了中央大街的历史情况,建筑风格。

    This paper introduced the history and the architecture style of central street .

  5. 二,对中央大街的不同建筑进行深度的挖掘。

    Two of the central avenue , the different buildings of mining depth .

  6. 中央大街的建筑最抢眼。

    Central Street 's architecture is most attractive .

  7. 这趟汽车停靠中央大街吗?

    Does this bus stop at center street ?

  8. 我刚才看到她跟你的儿子走在中央大街上

    I 've just seen her strolling down the main street with your boy .

  9. 从城市空间角度看哈尔滨中央大街

    Look at center street from city space

  10. 哈尔滨中央大街空间特色剖析

    Space characteristics of Harbin Central Street

  11. 在哈尔滨有名的步行街叫中央大街,在街头一幕夜景。

    Harbin in the famous pedestrian street called Central Avenue , the street scene in the night .

  12. 附近有一家银行吗?有,在中央大街上。

    Is there a bank near here ? Yes , there is . It 's on Center Street .

  13. 百年老街展新姿&哈尔滨市中央大街改建后的新貌

    Centuries - old Street Takes On A New Look - The New Look Of Harbin 's Central Street After Rebuilding

  14. 早上当我站在公园街和中央大街的拐角处我看见了一起事故。

    I saw an accident this morning while I was standing at the corner of Park Street and Central Avenue .

  15. 此时此刻,一个开着绿色大型卡车的女人正沿着中央大街缓慢行驶。

    At the same time , a woman in a large green pick-up truck was driving along Central Avenue very slowly .

  16. 哈尔滨中央大街是一条集商业、文化、旅游、社会公众活动等多种功能于一体的标志性街道。

    Centeral Street is a symbolical street in Harbin , which has many functions highlighting commercial , cultural , tourist and public activities .

  17. 对其空间环境进行系统的特色分析,并对中央大街的发展与保护问题提出建议。

    We analyzes the characteristics of the space environment systemic and proposes some suggestions for the development and the protection of the center street .

  18. 重写老街史今日换新貌&记哈尔滨中央大街完全步行街建设冠状动脉二支主干堵塞行介入治疗完全血运重建

    On the Construction of an Exclusive Pedestrian Street in Harbin Complete revascularization of total occlusion of two major coronary arteries by percutaneous coronary intervention

  19. 在这种历史与文化的多重书写下,中央大街呈现出怎样的身份特征,体现着怎样的历史生产机制。

    According to the history and culture , the central avenue shows how the identity characteristics of how history , embodies the production mechanism .

  20. 我们一边在购物中心的中央大街上漫步,一边听着瘦削的戈登伯格给我们讲解模仿加泰罗尼亚小镇风格的建筑细节。

    As we walk down the central avenue of the mall , the lanky Goldenberg points out the architectural details that mimic small-town Catalonia .

  21. 本文结合中央大街保护与开发的具体措施,提出了历史街区的保护与开发对策。

    Combining the concrete measures of the protection and development of Central Street , this paper proposes the protection and development measures of historic street .

  22. 哈尔滨中央大街九至十一道街建筑改造&关于城市建筑再利用和激活城市空间的科学性探讨

    Architectural Transformation for No.9 to 11 Lane of the Central Pedestrian Street in Harbin & Scientific Discussions on Urban Architecture Reutilization and Activation of Urban Space

  23. 全文共分四章,拟解决以下四个问题:一,从中央大街名称变迁的角度出发,探究中央大街这个街道的身份在不同历史时期的表述特征。

    One , from " the central avenue " name change Angle , explore the identity of this street in different historical periods of expression features .

  24. 三,主要探讨的是中央大街的商业资本符号,试图从表象特征下挖掘出广告的生产机制,以及消费文化对大众的意识形态操控。

    Three , this paper mainly discusses the commercial capital of central avenue , attempts to sign next unearth advertising image characteristics of production mechanism , and consumer culture to public ideology manipulation .

  25. 很多人沿着穿越公园中央的大街走。

    Many people walked down the avenue through the center of the park .

  26. 联合车站的另一台电梯,从中央大厅一直到大街上,因为要改造目前也处于停运状态。

    Another one of the station 's elevators , which runs from the concourse up to the street , is also out of service as a result of planned renovations .

  27. 乔治在中央大道和百老汇大街之间的布里奇街上开了一家小咖啡馆。我们都说这条街是美国最短的一条街,只有一个街区的三分之一长。

    George ran a little caf é on Bridge Street between Central Avenue and Broadway , which we claimed was the shortest street in America , stretching all of a third of a block .