
  1. 欧盟委员会官员预计,目前正在谈判的中欧投资协定(EU-ChinaInvestmentAgreement)框架协议将会出现更多此类的妥协。

    Commission officials expect more of these sort of compromises to feature in the framework of a trade accord called the EU-China Investment Agreement , currently under negotiation .

  2. 官员表示,中国和欧盟谈判代表正对中欧投资协定开展法律审核。

    Officials say Chinese and European Union negotiators are a necessary legal review of the China-E.U. investment agreement .

  3. 他表示,中方愿与欧方共同推动中欧投资协定的签署和生效。

    He says China stands ready to work with the E.U. to jointly promote the signing and entry into force of the China-EU investment agreement .

  4. 历经7年35轮谈判,中欧投资协定谈判于去年底完成。

    Following 35 rounds of negotiations over the course of seven years , negotiations for the investment agreement were completed at the end of last year .

  5. 我们还希望推动加快中欧投资协定谈判,而且着眼于今后的中欧自贸安排。

    We also hope to speed up the negotiation toward a China-EU investment agreement , with a view to future free trade arrangements between China and Europe .

  6. 他表示,中方愿继续推动中美关系协调、合作、稳定发展。中国商务部近日公布了中欧投资协定谈判的最新进展。

    He says China is willing to continue to push forward coordinated , cooperative and stable development of its ties with the U.S. The Ministry of Commerce has revealed the latest progress in China-EU investment agreement negotiations .

  7. 十一、双方对中欧投资协定前两轮谈判的成果表示欢迎,并期待尽早达成这一具有雄心的协定。

    11 . The EU and China welcomed the outcome of the first two rounds of negotiations on an EU-China Investment Agreement covering investment protection and market access , and looked forward to the timely conclusion of an ambitious agreement .

  8. 积极参与高标准自贸区建设,推进中美、中欧投资协定谈判,加快与韩国、澳大利亚、海湾合作委员会等自贸区谈判进程。

    We will actively participate in developing high-standard free trade areas ; continue negotiations on investment agreements with the United States and the European Union , and accelerate free trade area negotiations with the Republic of Korea , Australia , and the Gulf Cooperation Council .

  9. 双方支持中欧加快投资协定谈判,提升双方务实合作水平,特别是为相互进入投资与服务市场提供便利。

    Both sides support negotiations for an EU-China investment agreement to lift pragmatic cooperation to a new level , in particular , to facilitate mutually beneficial access to each others investment and services markets .