
zhòng dú
  • methysis;intoxication;venenation;poison
中毒 [zhòng dú]
  • [poison] 受到有毒物质的侵害

  • 煤气中毒

中毒[zhòng dú]
  1. 在过去的两年里,食物中毒事件增加了两倍。

    Cases of food poisoning have trebled in the last two years .

  2. 遇到食物中毒,幼儿尤其容易受危害。

    In cases of food poisoning , young children are especially vulnerable .

  3. 他是怎么死的?是中毒吗?

    How did he die ? Was it poison ?

  4. 每年至少有1万名儿童意外中毒。

    At least 10 000 children are involved in accidental poisonings every year .

  5. 有些生物会导致食物变质并引起食物中毒。

    Some organisms are responsible for spoiling food and cause food poisoning

  6. 因吸入有害气体而中毒的员工昨天被送进了医院。

    Employees were taken to hospital yesterday after being poisoned by fumes

  7. 验尸报告上显示死因为中毒。

    The autopsy report gave the cause of death as poisoning .

  8. 他极费力地拖着那条中毒的腿走路。

    He was barely able to drag his poisoned leg behind him

  9. 铅会在体内积聚直至造成铅中毒。

    Lead can accumulate in the body until toxic levels are reached .

  10. 马尔科夫身中毒镖而亡。

    Markov died after being struck by a poison dart .

  11. 在圣诞假期里,他经历了一次严重的食物中毒。

    He had suffered a serious case of food poisoning over the Christmas holidays .

  12. 很多医生没有报告病例,尽管食物中毒是应该通报的。

    Many doctors fail to report cases , even though food poisoning is a notifiable disease .

  13. 他由于吃了腐肉而中毒。

    He is poisoned by eating rotten meat .

  14. 有十几个人食物中毒,立刻送医院急救。

    A dozen or so victims of food poisoning were sent to the hospital for emergency treatment .

  15. 认识早期迹象桉油中毒和过敏反应桉油是非常重要的。

    Recognizing the early signs of eucalyptus oil poisoning and allergic reactions to eucalyptus oil is very important .

  16. 例如,2001年人们担忧铅会引发中毒,因此环保局限制了家庭和儿童保育设施中油漆和土壤中可能存在的铅的种类和数量。

    In 2001 , for example , the Environmental Protection Agency restricted the type and amount of lead that could be present in paint and soil in homes and child-care facilities , after concerns were raised about lead poisoning .

  17. 事实证明,铅中毒更难处理。

    Lead poisonous has proved more difficult to deal with .

  18. 上世纪80年代,电线和铅中毒几乎使它们濒临灭绝。

    In the 1980s , electrical lines and lead poisoning nearly drove them to dying out .

  19. 短暂访问大自然母亲让我休了两天假,从严重晒伤以及儿子食物中毒的医院账单里恢复了过来。

    This brief visit with Mother Nature cost me two days off from work , recovering from a bad case of sunburn and the doctor 's bill for my son 's food poisoning .

  20. 紫杉树叶会令牛中毒。

    The leaves of yew trees are poisonous to cattle .

  21. 许多毒性物质可引起代谢性酸中毒。

    A number of intoxicants are associated with metabolic acidosis .

  22. 一氧化碳中毒引起的一连串死亡

    a series of deaths caused by carbon monoxide poisoning

  23. 治疗中毒病例,洗胃比用催吐剂好

    Gastric lavage is preferable to emetics in poisoning .

  24. 警方掘出尸体,发现有中毒的痕迹。

    When the police exhume the corpse , they discover trace of poison in it .

  25. 经皮穿刺置管的手术并发症显著高于手术置管组(P均<0.01).痊愈20例均为急性肾功能不全、药物或毒物中毒及坏死性胰腺炎。

    The complications of percutaneous puncture tube placement were obviously higher than those of surgical tube placement .

  26. 目的:提高对百草枯中毒肺损害的X线与CT表现的认识。

    Objective : To enhance the understanding of paraquat lung on chest radiography and CT .

  27. 颅脑MRI检查在非乙醇中毒性韦尼克脑病诊断中的价值

    Value of cranial MRI on diagnosing nonalcoholic Wernicke 's encephalopathy

  28. 结果:急性重度CO中毒时血浆β-EP水平明显升高;

    Results : The plasma bata-endorphin level of acute severe CO toxicity patients apparently increased ;

  29. 急性CO中毒17例并迟发脑病1例临床分析

    Clinical analysis on 17 cases of acute carbon monoxide poisoning and one case complicated with delayed encephalopathy

  30. 方法:对52例慢性酒精中毒病人的EEG检查结果进行分析。

    Methods : EEC of 52 cases with chronic alcohol toxication was analysed .