
  • 网络intermediate;Intermediate links;intermediary
  1. GDP数值只计算最终产品,不包括中间环节,但在确定产品是否是最终产品就会遇到困惑,因为最终产品很难确定。

    GDP is only the figure of the end products , not shows any intermediate link .

  2. 为了克服度量方法本身的一些局限性,对现有的GQM度量模型进行改进,使其深入到过程的中间环节,以支持过程内部的度量。

    The current GQM metric model was reformed and applied to the intermediate steps of the process to support the metric of process interior .

  3. 驱动web服务的xml消息在到达目的地之前,通常需要经过多个中间环节。

    XML messages that drive web services often need to go through multiple intermediaries before they reach destinations .

  4. 结论ET、NO水平的变化可能作为一种中间环节参与了克山病的发病机制;

    Conclusions The change of ET and NO may join the incidence of KSD .

  5. 以PLC为中间环节,实现设备与监控部件之间的数据联系。

    The PLC works as middle link to implements data communication between the equipments and the monitoring parts .

  6. 结论:T可促进支持细胞tPA的分泌,T可能是通过调节支持细胞tPa的分泌间接参与精子发生,tPA可能是T调节精子发生的一个中间环节。

    Conclusions It can be concluded that testosterone controled the spermatogenesis by regulating the secretion of tPA .

  7. CAPP是企业信息化建设中联系设计和生产的纽带,同时也为管理部门提供相关数据,是企业信息交换的中间环节。

    CAPP serves as a tie between the design and production in the enterprises ' information construction and provides relevant data for the management .

  8. CAPP不仅能实现工艺设计自动化,也是把CAD和CAM连接起来,实现CAD/CAM一体化,建立计算机集成制造系统(ComputerIntegratedManufacturingSystem&CIMS)的关键中间环节。

    CAPP can not only realize automation of process planning , but also realize integration of CAD and CAM which is the key of constituting CIMS ( Computer Integrated Manufacturing System ) .

  9. 该方案使用多媒体Server和客户端应用程序,利用流媒体技术,使视听信息从发送系统直接传送到接收者,节省了中间环节的带宽和存储空间。

    The new scheme uses multimedia server , client software and multimedia streaming , which directly transfer the multimedia information from sender side server to the recipient , reducing the consumption of bandwidth and redundant disk storage .

  10. 而且,即刻早期基因c-fos,c-jun涉及边缘区内学习记忆的信号转导过程。但边缘区在参与学习记忆过程中还启动了其他哪些中间环节?

    The immediate-early genes such as c-fos and c-jun participate in the signal transduction of learning and memory in the marginal division .

  11. 另一方面,nfsd是将NFS服务提供给客户端的中间环节。

    On the other hand , nfsd is the liaison that provides NFS services to clients .

  12. 有关内存(RAM)的概念是新显示器将使各种设计师免除许多昂贵费时的中间环节,直接从计算机图像过渡到最终产品形象。

    RAM 'S idea is that the new monitor will allow designers of all sorts to go straight from computer image to final product , eliminating many costly and time-consuming middle stages .

  13. 中枢5-HT对TSH的分泌有促进作用,在甲状腺激素对TSH的负反馈调节中,5-HT可能是中间环节之一。

    The secretion of TSH is stimulated by 5-HT neuronal activity and 5-HT may be a mediate factor in the negative feedback effect of thyroid hormone on TSH .

  14. biod守护进程提高了整体NFS性能,因为它可以充当与客户端应用程序之间的中间环节,既可以清空缓冲区缓存,也可以填满缓冲区缓存。

    The biod daemon improves overall NFS performance as it either empties or fills up the buffer cache , acting as a liaison of the client applications .

  15. 该算法采用PLL的角度输出来构造一个两倍频的分量,用来抵消中间环节的两倍频分量,来达到消除低通滤波器延时的目的。

    This algorithm uses the angle output of the PLL to construct a two-octave component in order to offset middle part of the two frequency components and achieve the purpose of eliminating the delay of the low-pass filter .

  16. 使用该装置不仅能使用户省去两侧PCM交换机设备,而且也使得信息传输的中间环节减少,缩短了传输时延,提高了传输的可靠性(目前大量的通道联调问题存在于此)。

    Furthermore it can reduce the numbers of middle devices of transmission loop and reduce the total transmission delay and get the high reliability ( currently , most of the channel testing problems is fixed in this area ) .

  17. 构造岩的体积应变和质量迁移分析是构造时限年代学和流体/岩石比值研究的中间环节,它还在估算挤压构造带缩短量以及求算碳酸盐岩脱排CO2资源量等方面具有广泛的应用前景。

    The analysis of volume strain and mass transport of tectonite is an intermediate link of the examination of structural chronology and fluid / rock ratios , and will be widely used in the ( estimation ) of shortening volumes of compressional structural zones and the resources .

  18. 如运用ABC存货管理法加强存货管理,降低仓储费用;利用价值链等原理,加强招标管理,逐步向制造商倾斜,减少中间环节采购费用等。

    Such as the use of ABC inventory management method to strengthen the inventory management , reduce storage costs ; the use of value chain theory , strengthening bidding management , and gradually to the manufacturer to tilt , reduce intermediate links procurement cost .

  19. Commonities可以生效消费者手中,直接或以低价最少的中间环节。

    Commonities can come into the hands of consumers directly or with fewest intermediate links at cheap prices .

  20. 肝纤维化是由各种致病因子所致肝内结缔组织异常增生,导致肝内弥漫性细胞外基质(extraceilularmatrix,ECM)弥漫性过度沉积的病理过程,是慢性肝病发展为肝硬化的中间环节。

    Liver fibrosis is caused by a variety of pathogenic factors of intrahepatic connective tissue dysplasia , resulting in the excessive deposition of the pathological process of diffuse intrahepatic diffuse extracellular matrix . It is the middle of the development of chronic liver disease to cirrhosis .

  21. IGFs是这一系统的中间环节,与IGFs受体作用刺激卵巢细胞中类固醇激素的生产和DNA合成,能够介导和扩大促性腺激素对卵巢功能的作用。

    IGFs is the center of this system , which can accelerate the production of steroid and synthesis of DNA in ovary cells , and mediate or magnify the effect of gonadotropins on the function of ovary following its binding to IGFs receptors .

  22. 在HP阳性感染患者中,cagA基因型患者血浆HCY水平显著高于非cagA基因型患者,可能是cagA基因型HP患者感染后,通过增高血浆HCY水平这一中间环节致动脉粥样硬化的发生、发展。

    HP-positive infections in patients , cagA genotype was significantly higher than the plasma HCY levels in patients with non-cagA genotype may be infected with cagA genotypes of HP patients , through increased levels of plasma HCY induced the middle part of the occurrence of atherosclerosis , development . 2 .

  23. 再利用生成的DYN文件,就可组合出汽车-护栏系统耐撞性研究的各种中间环节的有限元模型,最终实现汽车-护栏-乘员-座椅-安全带系统模型的一体化。

    By these formulated DYN files , the finite element model for the crashworthiness system study of various intermediate links of vehicle and crash barrier system could be composed . Eventually , the integrated model of " automobile - crash barrier - passenger-seat-seat belt " is obtained .

  24. 电影发行是联结电影制作和放映的中间环节。

    Movie distribution is the intermediate link of film-making and exhibition .

  25. 在该过程中,事实认定成为至关重要的中间环节。

    In this process , fact-finding serves as a key link .

  26. 它使得网络上的沟通变得更容易、更直接,真正地消除中间环节。

    And it makes communication on the internet easier and more direct .

  27. 尽量杜绝在中间环节免税;

    Duty free is avoided in the middle link ;

  28. 印度似乎在中间环节显出弱势。

    India appears to have a weak middle step .

  29. 减少中间环节,加快期刊传递;

    Reducing intermediate links and speeding up the delivery of books and periodicals ;

  30. 论从认识向实践飞跃的中间环节

    Transitional Stage of the Leap from Knowledge to Practice