
  • 网络Sino-African relations
  1. 中非关系经受了时间与国际风云变化的考验。

    Sino-African relations have stood the tests oftime and drastic international changes .

  2. 中非关系史上承先启后、继往开来的新里程碑

    A New Milestone in History of Sino-African Relations

  3. 南非斯坦陵布什大学(StellenboschUniversity)中国研究中心主任马丁•戴维斯(MartynDavies)认为,这是中非关系日益成熟的最新迹象。

    Martyn Davies , head of the Centre for Chinese Studies at South Africa 's Stellenbosch University , argues it is the latest sign of the maturing of the relationship .

  4. 经济合作与发展组织(OECD)中非关系专家安德里亚•戈尔德施泰因(AndreaGoldstein)表示,随着时间的推移,中国向非洲的低成本出口将成为造成紧张局面的一个关键因素。

    Andrea Goldstein , a Sino-Africa researcher with the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development said low-cost Chinese exports to Africa could develop into a key source of tension over time .

  5. 人们完全有理由相信,中非关系将得到更大发展。

    There is every reason to think the relationship can blossom .

  6. 这是中非关系史的一个重要的分水岭。

    This was an important watershed in the history of China-Africa relations .

  7. 中非关系:从政治上相互支持到经济上互利共赢

    China-Africa Relationship : From Mutual Support Politically to a Win-Win Outcome Economically

  8. 我对非洲的未来充满信心,对中非关系的未来充满信心。

    I am full of confidence about the future of Africa and China-Africa relations .

  9. 也许现在预测中非关系将变成什么样子还为时太早。

    Perhaps it is too early to predict what will become of this relationship .

  10. [王毅]我想中非关系可以用三句话来概括。

    Wang Yi : Let me make three points to sum up the China-Africa relationship .

  11. 双边合作视角下的吸引力常常涉及中非关系史的发展。

    Attraction from bilateral cooperation in many ways relates to the historic development of China Africa relations .

  12. 中非关系能够经受住国际风云变幻的考验,始终保持蓬勃发展的势头,患难与共、相互支持是基础;

    China-Africa relations have withstood the test of international vicissitudes and maintained the momentum of robust growth .

  13. 他表示,随着中非关系走向成熟,非洲政府逐渐形成了两个阵营。

    As the relationship matures , there are two camps emerging among African governments , he says .

  14. 从历史和现实的角度看,中非关系和欧非关系的内涵与外延有不同特点。

    From the historical and realistic view , Sino-African relations and Euro-African relations have different connotation and extension .

  15. 这凸显了中非关系的特殊性和中方对非洲的一贯友好和支持。

    This emphasised the special nature of China-Africa relations and Chinas long-standing friendship with and support for Africa .

  16. 面对现在国际金融危机,您对中非关系的发展有何展望?

    In the light of the current international financial crisis , what are the prospects of China-Africa relations ?

  17. 对于非洲各国政府而言,基础设施投资可以说是不断加深的中非关系最为重要的副产品。

    For African governments , the investment in infrastructure is arguably the most important spin-off of the intensifying liaison .

  18. 50年的中非关系是平等互利、真诚友好、互相支持、全面合作的新型国家关系。

    Sino African relations have been equal ones with mutual benefit , sincere cordiality , mutual support and comprehensive cooperation .

  19. 建立在社会经济和政治合作基础上中非关系,不断发展变化。

    Built on the foundation of socio-economic and political cooperation , the relationship has witnessed a changing pattern of development .

  20. 准确理解并妥善应对这些挑战,对中非关系的稳定健康发展至关重要。

    Correct understanding and proper handling of such issues are critical to the steady and healthy development of Sino-African relations .

  21. 同时,冷战开始。这一章还研究了冷战至千禧年之间的中非关系。

    This chapter also studies the dimensions of relations during the Cold War years , up to the new millennium .

  22. 近年来,迅速提升的中非关系、日益密切的中非合作,吸引了全世界的目光。

    The rapidly growing relations and cooperation between China and Africa have attracted the world 's attention in recent years .

  23. 作为国际政治理论的重要分支,建构主义可以为理解中非关系提供新视角。

    As an important branch of the international political theory , constructivism could offer a new angle to perceive China-Africa relations .

  24. 所以,如何从长远着眼发展中非关系,还需要一些具体措施和具体制度。

    Therefore , in order to improve Sino-African relationship in the long run , certain specific measures and system would be required .

  25. 深刻了解和认识日本与印度对非洲政策的异同,对于中国制定对非洲政策及发展中非关系具有一定的启示。

    It will give enlightenment to China in formulating its African policy to understand the difference between Japanese and Indian African policies .

  26. 中非关系是不断发展深化的关系,从平等互利的交往到新型伙伴关系再到新型战略伙伴关系,不断加深。

    Continuous development of Sino-African relations is to deepen the relationship of equality and mutual benefit from the exchanges to a ne .

  27. 他们业务的国际化发展。”金融合作是中国提出的“十大计划”的一部分,该计划的目标是进一步挖掘中非关系的潜力。

    ess . " Financial cooperation is part of China 's ten-point plan to further tap the potential of the Sino-Africa relationship .

  28. 对非援助深化了中非关系,推动了受援国的经济发展,对非洲各国乃至世界减贫都做出了重要的贡献。

    China foreign aid to Africa contribute to the bilateral relationships , Africa countries development and reduce the poverty in the whole world .

  29. 这一章进一步讨论了在中非关系衰退之后,殖民时期中非关系的发展。

    The chapter progresses to discuss the development of relations during the post-colonial period , after a period of recession in their relationship .

  30. 国际格局转换与中非关系这两种倾向矛盾共存,较量激烈,影响着国际形势的发展,牵动着国际格局的演变。

    These two inclinations exist together and fight severely to affect the development of the international situation and the change of the international setup .