
  • 【物】tandem accelerator
  1. HI-13串列加速器电阻分压系统研制

    The new voltage divider system of the HI-13 tandem accelerator

  2. 该系统与北京HI-13串列加速器的束流传输系统有良好的光学匹配,束流传输效率较高。

    The efficiency of beam transport is good .

  3. HI-13串列加速器的第二剥离器系统研制

    Development of second stripper on HI-13 tandem accelerator

  4. 研制了北京HI-13串列加速器AMS专用高分辨注入器系统。

    The Beijing HI-13 tandem accelerator AMS high resolution injector system was developed .

  5. HI-13串列加速器上的氚气体靶装置

    A tritium gas target for neutron production at HI-13 tandem accelerator

  6. HI-13串列加速器头部电场改进计算

    The modification of the terminal electrostatic field of HI-13 tandem accelerator

  7. HI-13串列加速器辅机系统计算机自动控制设计

    Design of Computer Control for the Auxiliary System of HI-13 Tandem Accelerator

  8. HI-13串列加速器框架式电阻分压系统的改造

    Improvement of the Frame Type Resistor Divider System-for the HI-13 Tandem Accelerator

  9. HI-13串列加速器重离子扫描辐照装置

    An irradiation system with heavy ion scanning at HI 13 tandem accelerator

  10. HI-13串列加速器上的原子核高自旋态研究

    Study of high spin states in nuclei on HI 13 tandem accelerator

  11. 利用HI-13串列加速器进行空间辐射效应实验研究

    Simulation Investigation of Space Radiation Effects by Use of HI-13 Tandem Accelerator

  12. HI-13串列加速器十年运行、维修与改进

    Ten years ' operation maintenance and improvement of the HI 13 tandem accelerator

  13. HI-13串列加速器升级工程144MHz铜铌溅射超导腔物理设计

    144 MHz Niobium Sputtered Superconducting Cavity Physical Design for HI-13 Tandem Upgrade Project

  14. 北京HI-13串列加速器四年的工作状况

    The status report on CIAE HI-13 tandem accelerator in the last four years

  15. HI-13串列加速器升级工程在线同位素分离器高质量分辨谱仪物理设计

    Physical Design of High Mass Resolution Spectrometer for ISOL

  16. HI-13串列加速器加速管技术改造

    Up-grading of Accelerating Tube on HI-13 Tandem Accelerator

  17. HI-13串列加速器的改进

    Improvements of the HI - 13 tandem accelerator

  18. HI-13串列加速器的光学特性

    The beam optical characteristics of HI-13 tandem accelerator

  19. 根据串列加速器中铯溅射负离子源(SourcesofNegativeIonsbyCesiumSputtering,SNICS)产生负氘离子的要求,制备了一种氘化钛阴极。

    For the sources of negative ions by cesium sputtering ( SNICS ) in the tandem accelerator to produce negative deuterium ions , a titanium deuteride cathode is prepared .

  20. HI-13串列加速器质谱测量中的粒子鉴别技术

    Particle identification for HI-13 tandem AMS measurements

  21. 北京HI-13串列加速器兰姆移位型极化源聚焦系统

    Focusing system of a Lamb shift polarized ion source for Beijing HI 13 tandem accelerator

  22. 在2×1.7串列加速器上利用束-箔方法和装有CCD的Spectrapro-500i光谱单色仪的测量装置,在2MeV束能下研究了250nm&350nm波长范围离化态氧原子光谱。

    Spectra of the ionized oxygen atom were researched with the Pro-500i monochromator equipped with CCD . The beam foil method was used at energy of 2 MeV in a 2 × 1.7 Tandem accelerator .

  23. HI-13串列加速器核孔膜辐照专用束流线的研制

    Development of the Special Beam Line at HI-13 Tandem Accelerator for Irradiation of Nuclear Track Membrance

  24. 在HI-13串列加速器上建立了我国第一台氚气体靶装置。

    A tritium gas target was built and employed in neutron physics experiments at HI13 tandem accelerator .

  25. 利用该装置在激光辐射效应实验装置及HI-13串列加速器上成功地进行了SRAM的辐射效应实验。

    Using the equipment , successfully make SRAM radiation effect experiment in laser testing equipment of radiation effect and HI-13 tandem accelerator .

  26. HI-13串列加速器上卫星器件空间辐射效应模拟研究简况

    Outline of the Simulation Investigation of Space Radiation Effects in the Spacecraft Devices With HI 13 Tandem Accelerator

  27. 新奇核性质的研究&论HI-13串列加速器核物理实验室的发展

    Study of the property of exotic nuclei & about the development of HI-13 tandem accelerator Nuclear Physics Laboratory

  28. 在HI-13串列加速器上利用逆几何反应产生次级放射性核束的可行性研究

    On the feasibility of producing secondary radioactive nuclear beams using reactions in reversed geometries at HI-13 tandem accelerator

  29. 串列加速器QWR超导腔低温系统的设计分析

    Design and Analysis of the Cryogenic System for QWR Superconducting Cavity

  30. 在中国原子能科学研究院HI-13串列加速器上建立了一套高分辨的弹性反冲探测分析系统。

    Elastic recoil detection technique with high depth resolution has been developed at the HI-13 tandem accelerator of CIAE .