
  • 【医】aortic stenosis
  1. 在主动脉狭窄临床实验SEAS中渐增的癌症风险是偶发事件呢?还是真实存在的呢?

    Was the increased risk of cancer in the SEAS trial due to chance or was this a true finding ?

  2. 结论:PTA及内支架治疗是胸主动脉狭窄性疾病的有效方法,具有操作简便安全、可重复治疗等优点。

    Conclusion : PTA and stent placement are effective methods for the treatment of thoracic stenosis because of its simple , safe and repeatable advantages .

  3. 结果:正常大鼠心肌没有或仅有少量CFos表达,腹主动脉狭窄后1h,CFos表达明显增加,3h达高峰,较对照组升高约3倍,12h开始下降。

    RESULTS : The expression of c-fos in the left ventricular had a significant increase after 1 h of abdominal aortic banding and reached a peak at 3 h , decreased at 12 h.

  4. GRE显示经主动脉狭窄破裂口向瘤腔内喷射高信号血流。

    Moreover , the ejection of the blood flow of aorta through the narrow rupture slit into the cavity of pseudoaneurysm was observed on GRE sequence .

  5. 方法14例主动脉狭窄患者,包括大动脉炎(TA)10例,动脉粥样硬化(AS)1例,先天性主动脉缩窄(CoA)3例,均行经皮血管内支架植入术。

    Methods Fourteen cases of stenosis of aorta including 10 with Takayasu 's arteritis ( TA ), 1 with atherosclerosis and 3 with coarctation of aorta ( CoA ), underwent endovascular stents implantation .

  6. 方法:饲以普通和高脂肪食的两组日本大耳白兔的腹主动脉狭窄至原横断面积的607%±70%,7d后处死。

    METHODS : Rabbit abdominal aortas in normal and high fat diet groups were stenosed to 60.7 % ± 7.0 % of original cross areas , they were sacrificed after 7 days , and the arteries were stained with Evans blue and Sudan ⅳ .

  7. 一项关于钙化性主动脉狭窄强化降脂治疗的随机试验

    A randomized trial of intensive lipid-lower-ing therapy in calcific aortic stenosis

  8. 血管内支架治疗大动脉炎性主动脉狭窄的护理

    Nursing care in treatment of aortic arteritis coarctation using intravascular stent

  9. 腹主动脉狭窄性高血压大鼠肾素&血管紧张素系统的动态变化

    Dynamic Changes of the Renin-Angiotensin System in Rats with Coarctation Hypertension

  10. 研究发现腹主动脉狭窄后大鼠发生了严重的高血压及心肌肥厚。

    The rats after aorta coarctation had severe hypertension and myocardial hypertrophy .

  11. 大鼠腹主动脉狭窄高血压心肌肥厚模型的优化

    Improvement of cardiac hypertrophy model induced by abdominal aortic coarctation in rats

  12. 为什么主动脉狭窄受到关注?

    Why is transposition of the great arteries a concern ?

  13. 卡托普利对实验性腹主动脉狭窄大鼠左心室肥厚的影响

    Effects of Captopril on Left Ventricular Hypertrophy in Rats with Abdominal Aortic Stenosis

  14. 主动脉狭窄和(或)闭塞性病变综合性介入治疗的临床观察

    Interventional treatment for stenosis / occlusion in aorta

  15. 应用运动试验对主动脉狭窄风险的分层

    Exercise testing to stratify risk in aortic stenosis

  16. 支架置入治疗主动脉狭窄

    Aortic Stenosis : Treatment by Percutaneous Stent Placement

  17. 主动脉狭窄时心肌细胞因子表达高于特发性扩张型心肌病

    Myocardial cytokine gene expression is higher in aortic stenosis than in idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy

  18. 方法建立腹主动脉狭窄大鼠模型。

    Methods To establish the rat model with constriction of the abdominal ( aorta . )

  19. 小儿主动脉狭窄的心导管及心血管造影检查之评价

    Evaluation of angiocardiography and cardiac catheterization for the diagnosis of congenital aortic stenosis in children

  20. 发展成风湿热的链球菌感染之后获得性主动脉狭窄可能发生。

    Acquired aortic stenosis may occur after a strep infection that progresses to rheumatic fever .

  21. 腹主动脉狭窄+倍他乐克+SCH23390组(A+B+S组);

    Aorta constriction + betaloc + SCH23390 group ( group A + B + S );

  22. 目的:优化大鼠腹主动脉狭窄高血压心肌肥厚模型的复制方法。

    Objective : To optimize the cardiac hypertrophy model induced by abdominal aortic coarctation in rats .

  23. 主动脉狭窄患者瓣膜置换术后晚期左室肥厚对心血管疾病发病率和死亡率的影响

    Impact of left ventricular hypertrophy late after aortic valve replacement for aortic stenosis on cardiovascular morbidity and mortality

  24. 氯沙坦对主动脉狭窄大鼠血清β1肾上腺素受体与M2毒蕈碱受体自身抗体产生的影响

    Effect of losartan on production of serum autoantibodies to cardiac β _1 and M_2 receptors in cardiac dysfunction rats

  25. 在过去的几十年,超声心动已经成为评价主动脉狭窄严重程度的标准。

    Over the past decades , echocardiography has become the clinical standard for the evaluation of aortic stenosis severity .

  26. C/EBP同源蛋白介导的内质网应激相关凋亡途径参与腹主动脉狭窄致大鼠心肌肥厚

    C / EBP homologous protein-mediated endoplasmic reticulum stress-related apoptosis pathway is involved in abdominal aortic constriction-induced myocar-dium hypertrophy in rats

  27. 心房利钠肽可以预测症状性主动脉狭窄术后受损心房重塑及迟发心房纤颤

    Atrial natriuretic peptide predicts impaired atrial remodeling and occurrence of late postoperative atrial fibrillation after surgery for symptomatic aortic stenosis

  28. 腹主动脉狭窄致心功能不全大鼠主动脉Na~+/Ca~(2+)交换功能变化

    Na ~ + / Ca ~ ( 2 + ) exchanger function changes in rats with cardiac dysfunction due to abdominal aorta stenosis

  29. 《国际循环》:准确评估主动脉狭窄血流动力学的严重性对于制订临床治疗决策至关重要的。

    International Circulation : The accurate assessment of the haemodynamic severity of stenosis is crucial for clinical decision making in patients with aortic stenosis .

  30. 新近研究证实,患有主动脉狭窄的男性患者,血清钙越低者主动脉瓣膜钙羟磷灰石沉积越显著,给予二膦酸盐可以有效的抑制钙化。

    Recent studies reveal that lower serum calcium levels are associated with greater calcium hydroxyapatite deposition in native aortic valves of male patients with severe calcific aortic stenosis and administration of bisphosphonates efficiently inhibit calcification .