
yì dì
  • cemetery;public cemetery
义地 [yì dì]
  • [public cemetery] 旧时掩埋穷人的公共墓地

义地[yì dì]
  1. 这是目前中国的最革命的政策,反对和阻碍这个政策的施行,无疑义地是错误的。

    This is the most revolutionary policy for China today , and to oppose or impede its execution is undoubtedly a mistake .

  2. 当我们能够清楚无二义地联系任何关联结尾和外键时,我们可以把通讯应用于指明外键指向的是哪个主键。

    When we are able to relate without ambiguity any association end to a foreign key , we can apply the correspondence to specify to which primary key the foreign key refers .