
Wū Kè Lán yǔ
  • Ukrainian
  1. 所以,如果你看看这张地图,紫色的西半部实际上主要是讲乌克兰语。

    So , if you look at this map , this purple western half , this actually mostly speaks Ukrainian .

  2. 谈话是这么开始的:她感谢我教我的女儿们学习乌克兰语。

    Her gambit : she thanks me for teaching my daughters Ukrainian .

  3. 在俄语和乌克兰语中指的是祖母。

    which are the Russian and Ukrainian words for grandmother .

  4. 乌克兰语是唯一的官方语言。

    Ukrainian is the only official state language .

  5. 该地区的人民部分为天主教徒,大部分则讲乌克兰语。

    It is partly Catholic and mostly Ukrainian-speaking .

  6. 添加保加利亚语、白俄罗斯语、马其顿语、俄语、塞尔维亚语和乌克兰语等语言支持。

    Adds Bulgarian , Belarusian , Macedonian , Russian , Serbian , and Ukrainian language support .

  7. 所以现在那三款产品就只有乌克兰语标签而没有条形码。

    So at present the three items only have the sticker in Ukrainian but without barcode .

  8. 本文首次尝试对乌克兰语和汉语词汇进行对比分析。

    This thesis is the first attempt for carrying out a comparative analysis of the lexis of Ukraine and Chinese languages .

  9. 医院的主任医师弗拉基米尔?裘伊科为小婴儿取了一个小名叫「波丹」,这个名字在乌克兰语里指「上帝的礼物」。

    Volodymyr chuiko , the head doctor at the hospital , christened the baby " bohdan ", as the name in Ukranian means " gift of god " .

  10. 斯拉夫语印欧语系的一支,包括保加利亚语、白俄罗斯语、捷克语、马其顿语、波兰语、俄语、塞尔维亚-克罗地亚语、斯洛伐克语、斯洛文尼亚语、乌克兰语和文德语。

    A branch of the Indo-European language family that includes bulgarian , belorussian , czech , macedonian , polish , russian , serbo-croatian , slovak , slovene , ukrainian , and wendish .

  11. 这个国家的名字在乌克兰语中意为“边境之地”,而今年乌克兰或许成为许多热爱历史的“穷游族”的旅行首选。

    Ukraine Its name translates as " land on the edge , " and this year Ukraine may be on the edge of discovery for budget travelers in search of rich history .