
wū dōnɡ
  • blackbird;ousel
  1. 一只乌鸫飞下来,停在他窗外的矮墙上。

    A blackbird flew down and perched on the parapet outside his window .

  2. 这只乌鸫迅速警惕地张望了一眼,以防那只猫就在附近。

    The blackbird had a quick , wary look in case the cat was anywhere around

  3. 乌鸫交配时会保护自己的地盘,不允许外来者侵入。

    Mating blackbirds will defend their territory against intruders .

  4. 我很久没有听见乌鸫的夜鸣了。

    It 's been a long time since I heard a blackbird 's song in the evening .

  5. 北美洲乌鸫,其蓝黑色的羽毛在秋天呈现铁锈红色的边。

    North American blackbird whose bluish-black plumage is rusty-edged in the fall .

  6. 翅膀上有红色斑点的北美洲乌鸫。

    North American blackbird with scarlet patches on the wings .

  7. 她能维妙维肖地模仿乌鸫的叫声。

    She can do a wonderful imitation of a blackbird 's song .

  8. 远处传来了清晰的乌鸫鸣叫声。

    From a distance the blackbird gave a loud , clear call .

  9. 长尾美洲乌鸫,有闪亮的黑色羽毛。

    Long-tailed American blackbird having iridescent black plumage .

  10. 乌鸫又回到树上,正陶醉地歌唱。

    The blackbird had returned to it , and was chanting out his heart .

  11. 就在那一刻附近一只乌鸫叫起来,在它周围,隐隐,

    And for that minute a blackbird sang Close by , and round him , mistier ,

  12. 乌鸫一种东半球鸣禽(乌鸫),其雄性为黑色,鸟嘴呈黄色。

    An Old World songbird ( Turdus merula ), the male of which is black with a yellow bill .

  13. 坦德拉姆先生先看到了标签,就在那只乌鸫站立的位置附近。

    Mr. Tandram was the first to see the little label , close to where the blackbird had been sitting .

  14. 原先名为乌鸫的六只小鸟、皇冠以及完全虚构的德拉莫特家族徽章都消失了。

    Gone were the six birds called the merlettes , the crown , and the entire fabricated de La Mothe family crest .

  15. 他正要继续他的散步时,突然附近的一只乌鸫开始唱起歌来。他抬头望去,看到距他大约五码的一棵小树的树枝间栖息着那只小鸟。

    He was on the point of resuming his promenade , when a blackbird close by burst into song , and , looking up , Mr. Nilson saw at a distance of perhaps five yards a little tree , in the heart of whose branches the bird was perched . 5 .