
wū tóu jiǎn
  • aconitine
  1. 乌头碱对新生大鼠心肌细胞DNA损伤的影响

    Effects of aconitine on DNA damage in myocytes of neonatal rats

  2. 毒毛旋花子甙K或冰凉花总甙与抗心律失常药合用于小鼠乌头碱诱发的心律失常

    Action of k-strophanthin or adoniside with antiarrhythmic drugs on aconitine induced cardiac arrhythmia in mice

  3. 几个新乌头碱型&二萜生物碱的~(13)C核磁共振谱研究

    ~ ( 13 ) c NMR spectroscopic studies of several new diterpenoid alkaloids from Aconitum species

  4. 比较在不同pH的缓冲液溶剂中,新乌头碱体外渗透速率的差异。

    To compare the percutaneous speed ( J ) of MA with different pH buffer solution .

  5. HPLC测定小金胶囊中乌头碱的含量

    HPLC assaying of aconitine in Xiaojin capsules

  6. 目的:建立HPLC法测定三乌胶中乌头碱限量的检查方法。

    Objective : A HPLC method was established for the detection of aconitine in sanwujiao .

  7. 采用HPLC和GC法分别测定了东莨菪碱和麝香酮的含量。规定了乌头碱的限量检查。

    The content of scopolamine and muscone were determined separately by HPLC and GC .

  8. 合成了五组B环具不同取代基的黄酮和黄烷酮-7-o-异丙醇胺衍生物,并进行了对乌头碱诱发大鼠室性心律失常预防作用的药理试验。

    Five groups of B-ring substituted flavone and flavanone-7-O-isopropanolamine derivatives were synthesized and tested on rats for the ventricular arrhythmia induced by aconitine .

  9. 恒速iv乌头碱7.48mg/L·min~(-1)可引起小鼠多种心律失常。

    The constant iv. of aconitine can induce the varied arrhythmias in mice .

  10. 盐酸美金刚胶囊人体药代动力学研究HPLC测定小金胶囊中乌头碱的含量

    Pharmacokinetics of memantine hydrochloride capsule in Chinese healthy volunteers HPLC assaying of aconitine in Xiaojin capsules

  11. 乌头碱对小鼠腹腔巨噬细胞Ia抗原表达影响的研究

    The effect of aconitine on Ia expression of peritoneal macrophage of mice

  12. 结论:在pH4.0&9.0的缓冲条件下,乌头碱的直流电促透皮量随pH的下降而增加;

    Conclusion : Within pH 9.0 to pH 4.0 , if the pH of buffer solution decreases , the percutaneous absorption of Aconitum alkaloids increases .

  13. 本文报道在一定pH值条件下,乌头碱水解为二个一级反应的连串反应。

    Under the condition of constant acidity , it has been shown that the hydrolysis of aconitine is a consecutive first-order reaction containing two successive steps .

  14. 阳虚模型小鼠腹腔巨噬细胞Ia抗原表达及乌头碱的作用

    Ia Antigen Expression of Peritoneal Macrophage in Mice Model of Yang Deficiency and the Effect of Aconitine

  15. 在单细胞水平应用心脏毒素乌头碱和哇巴因可致心脏微环境改变,引起Ito的变化。

    The micro-environment alteration induced by cardio-toxin , aconitine and ouabain resulted in abnormality of Ito in single cardiomyocyte .

  16. 乌头碱的LC-MS定量分析

    Quantitative Analysis of Aconitine by LC - MS

  17. 乌头碱、人参皂苷Rg1与延胡索乙素经皮渗透及协同促渗研究

    Study on Percutaneous Absorption and Synergistic Penetration Enhancement Effect of Aconitine , Ginsenoside Rg_1 and Tetrahydropalmatine

  18. 苦参碱对Ito无明显影响,但对心脏毒素乌头碱诱发的Ito改变确有干预作用,是一个有前途的调节微环境并使之保持稳态的物质。

    Matrine had no obvious influence on Ito , but it prevented effects of aconitine on Ito . It is indicated that matrine will be an ideal substance modulating the micro-environment and maintaining the homeostasis .

  19. 方法:采用Langendorff灌流法,观察药物对乌头碱所致离体大鼠心律失常的影响;

    Method : Langendorff perfuse was applied in the experiment , the antiarrhythmic action was to study by using aconitine on the the isolated heart ;

  20. 静脉注射碘化二甲基木防己碱(DMT)1mg/kg,有对抗乌头碱诱发大鼠心律失常的作用。

    In anaesthetized rats the onset of arrhythmia induced by aconitine was shown to be delayed by iv injection of dimethyltrilobine iodide ( DMT ) 1 mg / kg .

  21. 这提示,乌头碱虽不影响心肌细胞Cx43蛋白总量,但却能诱发其脱磷酸化,且呈一定的浓度依赖性。

    The observations indicated that treatment of cardiomyocytes with aconitine did not affect the total amount of Cx43 , whereas aconitine induced the dephosphorylation of Cx43 and present a concentration-dependent effect .

  22. 耐药机制与乌头碱能够降低Pgp蛋白的表达、促进肿瘤细胞凋亡、影响MAPK信号转导等有密切关系。

    The drug resistance mechanism is related to that the aconitine can decrease the expression of the Pgp protein , accelerate the apoptosis of the tumor cell , effect the signal transduction of MAPK .

  23. 结论:本实验结果证明,乌头碱可通过下调Pgp蛋白表达、影响细胞凋亡及其相关基因和MAPK信号转导系统等发挥抗耐药效应。

    Conclusion : Aconitine can make a role of reversing drug resistance by many approaches that include degrading the expression of Pgp protein , influencing apoptosis and MAPK signal transduction system and so on .

  24. 结果乌头碱在心脏、脾脏、肺脏、肾脏的线性范围:0.4-100μg·mL-1,r分别为0.9972,0.9986,0.9993,0.9994;

    Results The linear ranges of aconitine in the heart , spleen , lung and kidney were 0.4-100 μ g · mL ~ - 1 , the correlation coefficients were 0.997 2 , 0.998 6 , 0.999 3 and 0.999 4 , respectively .

  25. 羌活提取物(ENR)对乌头碱致大鼠、哇巴因致豚鼠心律失常及麻醉大鼠缺血-再灌注心律失常有保护作用。

    Extract of Notopterygium root ( ENR ) inhibited the arrhythmias induced by aconitine in rats , or by ouabain in guinea-pigs and by ischemia-reperfusion in anesthetized rats .

  26. 方法ig给药(5mg·kg-1)后,收集给药后♂家兔尿液,固相萃取柱富集、液相色谱电喷雾离子阱质谱法分离鉴定乌头碱代谢物。

    METHODS After oral administration of aconitine ( 5 mg · kg - 1 ), the urine of male rabbits was collected and extracted by solid phase extraction and analyzed by liquid chromatography ion trap mass spectrometry .

  27. 目的:研究钠通道失活门抑制剂乌头碱(aconitine)对受损背根节(DRG)神经元不同模式的背景放电的作用。

    AIM : To study the effect of aconitine , an inhibitory blocker of inactivation gate of sodium channel , on the background firing with different patterns originating from injured dorsal root ganglion ( DRG ) neurons .

  28. 建立了准确、灵敏的HPLC法测定三种双酯型生物碱〔乌头碱(aconitine)、次乌头碱(hypaconitine)和新乌头碱(mesaconitine)〕的含量。

    HPLC method , sensitive and accurate , for the determination of three kinds of diester-diterpene type Aconitum alkaloids ( aconitine , hypaconitine and mesaconitine ) and HPLC method for the fingerprint were established .

  29. 利用基因芯片技术研究乌头碱抗KBV(200)细胞耐药机制

    Using Gene Chip Technology to Investigate the Mechanism of Aconitine 's Reversing the Drug Resistance of the KBV_ ( 200 ) Cell

  30. 电喷雾电离(ESI)质谱(包括串联质谱)技术是一种快速、灵敏地分析乌头碱的分析方法之一。

    Electrospray ionization mass spectrometry ( ESI-MS ) is a commercially available analytical tool , which has been widely used in trace analysis of organic compounds such as Berberine , due to the high sensitivity , high throughput and high specificity .