
  • 网络UmA;Umma;ummah
  1. 我们想去帕罗乌玛酒店用晚餐。

    We want to have dinner in Uma Paro .

  2. 在乌玛酒店,客人们有时候会要求提供西式餐点,对于地处不丹郊外旷野之中的这家酒店来说,这可不是件容易的差事。

    Uma Paro guests sometimes ask for Western meals , no easy feat in the rugged Bhutanese countryside .

  3. 乌玛贡把我们带到了北面这里的变异人总部。你会装成是GDI军队进攻。变异人会怪罪GDI,而我们会赢得支持。

    Umagon has led us to the mutant headquarters here in the north . You 'll attack posing as GDI force , the mutants will blame GDI , and will gain us support .

  4. 一是乌玛党的影响。

    The first is the influence of The Umma party .

  5. 作为评审团成员的乌玛-瑟曼出席开幕影片《午夜巴黎》的红地毯仪式。

    Jury member Uma Thurman arrives on the red carpet for the screening of " Midnight In Paris " .

  6. 一位推着婴儿车的母亲绕过了乌玛,接着是一群冷眼旁观的女性拖着箱子离开了。

    A mother with a pram manoeuvred around her , then a group of women pulling suitcases turned a blind eye .

  7. 英国电影学院奖赢家海伦·米伦为皇室成员以及其他包括海伦娜·伯翰·卡特,乌玛·瑟曼和史提夫·麦昆在内的贵宾进行了表演。

    BAFTA winner Helen Mirren performed for the royal audience and other guests including Helena Bonham Carter , Uma Thurman and Steve McQueen .

  8. 海伦设计了一套极为精美的配饰,加之乌玛的帮助,她们按时完成了任务。

    Helen had designed an extremely elaborate set of accessories , but with UMA to facilitate the implementation she was able to complete them on time .

  9. 乌玛先出现在路边,一个人站在聚集的人群中间,抱着她的粉色娃娃,脸上是害怕受伤的表情。

    Uma went first , standing alone in the middle of the concourse , holding her pink doll and putting on a good act of being scared and vulnerable .

  10. 比如,玛西亚对织物制品有独特的鉴赏力,海伦在挑选配件方面有不俗的能力,而乌玛更善于制作仿造珠宝。

    Marcia , for example , had an eye for fabric , whereas Helen had a great facility for choosing accessories and UMA excelled at making fancy fake jewelry .

  11. 两位学者师从穆斯林乌玛知识最渊博的圣门第子之一伊本·阿巴斯(愿主喜之)。

    Both scholars received knowledge at the hands of one of the most knowledgeable persons in the Muslim Ummah , Ibn'Abbas ( may Allah be pleased with him ) .

  12. 20分钟过去了,尽管一些路人确实看到了乌玛,当中没有一个停下来询问7岁的乌玛的情况。

    After 20 minutes , not a single person had stopped to ask the seven-year-old if she was all right , even though some of them had plainly seen her .

  13. 阿拉伯世界复兴主义运动的本质是缩小乌玛的理想与现实之间的差距,其现代化则是乌玛面临欧洲文明挑战的一种应对方式。

    The essence of the revivalism in the Arab World was to narrow the gap between the ideal and reality , and the modernization was a kind of coping styles with the challenge of the European civilization .