
chéng wù rén yuán
  • flight attendant;steward;crew member;trainman;train conductor;attendant on a train
乘务员 [chéng wù yuán]
  • [steward;attendant] 飞机、公共汽车、轮船、火车上的服务员

乘务员[chéng wù rén yuán]
  1. 偷渡者假扮成乘务员。

    The stowaway masqueraded as a crew member .

  2. 大韩航空公司就周五发生在纽约肯尼迪国际机场的事件致歉,事件经过是该航空公司副社长赵显娥因服务规格与乘务员发生争论。

    Korean Air apologized for Friday 's incident at New York 's John F. Kennedy International Airport in which Heather Cho , a vice president of the airline , took issue with a crew member for substandard service .

  3. 乘务员都戴了臂章。

    The stewards all wore armbands .

  4. 她现在是空中乘务员了,去国外旅行对她已失去吸引力。

    Now that she 's a flight attendant , foreign travel has lost its glamour for her .

  5. 他们还声称保安人员将一位乘务员推搡至一边。

    They also claim that the security team elbowed aside a steward

  6. 他签约了P&O航运公司,成为了一名乘务员。

    He signed up as a steward with P & O Lines

  7. 女乘务员体贴地给我拿来了毯子。

    The stewardess kindly brought me a blanket .

  8. 乘务员是叙利亚人。

    The crew-members were Syrians .

  9. 为乘务员制作了徽章,这样它们就不会从车厢上脱落下来,也不会被传来传去。

    The stewards ' badges are made so they do not unstick from a car and therefore cannot be passed around .

  10. 乘务员哨声一响,司机开动机车。

    At the conductor 's whistle the engine-driver starts his locomotive-engine .

  11. (列车)乘务员用剪票夹在我们的车票上打孔(验票)。

    The train conductor punched our tickets .

  12. 乘务员要事事设身处地为旅客着想。

    The attendants should look at everything from the passengers'angle and take care of their every need .

  13. 乘务员端来了一碗牛肉清汤,深受那些在海风中感到凉意的人们的欢迎。

    The cup of bouillon served by the stewards was welcomed by those who had been chilled by the cold ocean breezes .

  14. 全日航空将提供现场音乐表演,客舱乘务员将像读飞行广播那样宣读贺词。

    ANA will provide live music performances , and cabin attendants will read out congratulatory messages as if they were making normal in-flight announcements .

  15. 八月份,边疆航空的一名乘客在从费城飞往迈阿密的途中因对乘务员动手动脚而被绑在座位上。

    A Frontier Airlines passenger was taped to his seat after he allegedly groped and assaulted flight attendants during a Miami-bound flight from Philadelphia in August .

  16. 不愿透露姓氏的乘务员朱迪丝说,在近十年的飞行经历中,她从未和乘客发生过肢体冲突。

    In almost a decade on the flight deck , Judith , who declined to provide her last name , said she 's never had to get physical with a passenger .

  17. 空中乘务员SCL-90心理量表的测量分析

    The measurement and analysis of SCL-90 psychological scale on air crew

  18. 列车乘务员SCL-90评定结果分析

    Analysis of the Assessment Results for the Train Conductors with SCL_90

  19. 旅客列车乘务员EPQ调查

    EPQ investigation among the passenger train stewards

  20. 本文利用SimulatedEvolution方法(SE法)和模糊数学手段对乘务员运用计划的优化编制进行研究,并进行实例测算,得到较好效果。

    This paper studies the optimization of crew scheduling with the Simulated Evolution ( SE ) method and Fuzzy Set , and gets a good result in the practical experiment .

  21. 方法采用SCL-90自评症状量表和艾森克个性问卷调查某航空公司123名空中乘务员的心理健康状况及其个性特征。

    Methods We selected 123 cabin crew in an airline company to fill out Symptom Checklist , SCL - 90 and Eysenck Personality Questionnaire ( EPQ ) .

  22. 结果乘务员SCL-90测量的大部分因子与全国常模相比无显著差异,“躯体化”、“焦虑”、“恐怖”因子稍高。

    Results SCL-90 Results on Crew compared with the national norm was no significant difference ," body " and " anxiety "," terror " factor is slightly higher .

  23. 美国联合航空公司的发言人卡伦·梅(KarenMay)在电话采访中说,该公司不会公布涉事飞行员或乘务员的名字。不过该公司发布了以下声明:

    The airline will not be releasing the names of the pilot or the flight attendant involved , Karen May , a spokeswoman for the airline , said on the phone . United did issue the following statement :

  24. 不过麦科伊的嫌疑被排除了,FBI表示,他不符合乘务员们描述的外貌特征,此外还有其他一些不便透露的因素。

    But Mr. McCoy was ruled out because he did not match descriptions provided by flight attendants , and for other undisclosed reasons , the F.B.I said .

  25. 因为我完全可以想象乘务员们会为此争执不下,到底谁该去头等舱厨房里帮助Gaga一边转圈一边把那身黄黑色胶带的衣服脱下来呢。

    Because I can totally see a crew bickering over whose turn it is to spin Lady Gaga around in the first class galley in order to unwind the yellow and black tape .

  26. ABC新闻频道(ABCNews)在Yahoo.com上发布的相关报道不到24小时就收到一万多条评论,有些人严厉批评这家人养育孩子的方式,也有些人谴责乘务员对有特殊需求的乘客过于冷漠。

    and a report by ABC News , published on Yahoo.com , has received more than 10000 comments in less than 24 hours , ranging from harsh criticism of the family 's parenting practices to reprimands of flight attendants for being insensitive to passengers with special needs .

  27. 英国民航管理局发言人理查德•泰勒(RichardTaylor)表示,航空公司“非常可能”很快就会收到命令,要求当一名飞行员离开驾驶舱去休息时,必须有一名乘务员留在驾驶舱里,这在美国已是常规。

    Richard Taylor , CAA spokesman , said it was " very possible " that airlines could soon be required to have a member of the cabin crew stay in the cockpit if a pilot left for a break , as is the norm in the US .

  28. Yau说,将离婚率按'职业类别'划分,'那些从事交通和材料运输职业的人员,比如乘务员和公交车司机,他们的离婚率往往更高。

    Splitting the divorce rates into ' occupation category ' , Yau said , ' Those in transportation and material moving , such as flight attendants and bus drivers , tend to have higher divorce rates .

  29. 船上的一个乘务员正在舷梯口等着他们;船长想邀请他们先到房舱里去喝两杯酒。如当事各方无意越过船舷交货,则应使用CPT术语。

    At the gangway a steward awaited them with an invitation to join the captain for drinks in his cabin . If the parties do not intend to deliver the goods across the ship 's rail , the CPT term should be used .

  30. Sternberg说:“处理这类处境的方法在于让自己逐渐地感觉你仿佛处于控制中、让一个不可知地处境似乎是可知的”去观察乘务员。

    " The trick in these kinds of situations is to make yourself feel , little by little , as though you 're in control , to make an unknowable situation seem knowable ," Sternberg says .