
shū běn
  • book
书本 [shū běn]
  • [book] 装订成册的著作

  • 书本教育

书本[shū běn]
  1. 这本书本周出版。

    The book comes out this week

  2. 不可满足于仅仅有一点书本知识。

    Never content ourselves with book knowledge only .

  3. 有些学校缺少资金购买书本、铅笔之类的基本用具。

    Some schools lack money for basics like books and pencils .

  4. 我们可以看到书本从印刷机上源源不断地印出。

    We were able to watch the books rolling off the presses .

  5. 书本经常乱七八糟地堆在地板上。

    Books are often stacked in higgledy-piggledy piles on the floor .

  6. 马克常常带着书本去贝丝家学习。

    Mark often took his books to Bess 's house to study

  7. 我认为把书本同生活混为一谈是大错特错。

    I think it 's a serious mistake to confuse books with life

  8. 我当了老师,因为我更喜欢书本和人而不是权术。

    I became a teacher because I preferred books and people to politics

  9. 我视书本为救星。

    I consider books my salvation .

  10. 他把桌子上凌乱堆放着的书本和报纸推开,摆了两套餐具。

    He pushed aside the litter of books and papers and laid two places at the table .

  11. 将从书本上学来的知识付诸实践的机会很多。

    Opportunities to practice what has been learned from books are plentiful .

  12. 书本上讲的也有不足为训的。

    What is stated in books is not always true .

  13. 我们对农业的知识至今只限于书本上所说的。

    Our knowledge about agriculture has so far been exclusively confined to books .

  14. 我们从书本中获得知识。

    We obtained knowledge through books .

  15. 我的孩子不应该,把书本尽可能放远,以便使睫状肌松弛?

    Shouldn 't my child hold the book as far away as possible to relax the focusing muscles ?

  16. 麦琪:你妹妹拿好了书本笔记本纸张铅笔讲义夹绘图仪器。

    Maggie : well your sister has her books , notebooks , paper , pencils , binders , course dividers .

  17. 我用高中时赚到的钱支付生活费和书本费,已故祖父留给我一小笔,大学基金和我出生时父母开设的一个普通存储账户作为补充。

    Living costs and books I paid for with money earned during high school , supplemented by a small college fund my deceased grandfather left for me and a modest savings account my parents created when I was born .

  18. 她说这一年她在书本和程序的访问代码上花费了900美元。

    This year she said she spent $ 900 on access codes to books and programs .

  19. 我能想象老师在说什么,以及书本上看起来是什么样。

    I could imagine what the teacher was saying or what it looked like in the book .

  20. 但你不能强迫孩子仔细思考,享受书本,消化复杂的信息,或培养学习的兴趣。

    But you can 't force the child to think carefully , enjoy books , digest complex information , or develop a taste for learning .

  21. 这也不能说明你喜欢用手敲打书本的原因。

    It doesn 't mean you enjoy beating your books with your hand .

  22. 我们知道有哪些知识是别人头脑中或书本上的,哪些是我们自己拥有的。

    We know what knowledge lies in other brains or books , and what lies in our heads .

  23. 所以,我认为最有意义的是我别无选择,只能使用日常语言技能,而不是书本上的语言。

    So , What I thought most meaningful was that I had no choice but to use everyday language skills , rather than the language from books .

  24. 他成功了!借助他从书本中学到的知识,他把一个机械臂放在了床的末端。

    He made it ! With the help of what he had learned from the books , he put a mechanical arm at the end of the bed .

  25. 冰已经升华掉了,剩下的是干燥的完好无损的书本。

    The ice sublimed away , leaving the books , dry and undamaged .

  26. 只是重复书本是没有用的

    It 's no use just parroting textbooks .

  27. 这部小说最初于1929年刊登在《黑色面具》杂志上,并于次年以书本形式出版。

    It originally appeared as a serial in Black Mask magazine in 1929 and was published in book form the next year .

  28. 这时班上那个被叫做“精仔”的男孩尖着嗓子回答说:“是的,老师,而且还很幸运。如果他是坐在学校里看着书本,就什么也不会发现了。”

    The " smart boy " in the class replied in a high voice : " Yes , teacher , and he was very fortunate . If looking at his books , he wouldn 't have discovered anything . "

  29. 玉寿听了,觉得很有道理,当场就将随身携带的书本全部烧掉,并为自己所获得的轻松和领悟的道理而高兴得手舞足蹈。

    After hearing this , Yu Shou thought what he said made sense . Then he burned all the books he had brought at spot , and flourished with joy because of the relaxation1 he got and the truth he perceived .

  30. A有的书本数是B的两倍。A有的现金是B的两倍。

    A has twice as many books as B. A has twice as much cash as B.