
  1. 是啊,谁会去买呀

    Yeah , who 's gonna buy that ? We will .

  2. 我问我太太:到底我们这是给谁买呀?

    I turn to my wife and said , Who are we buying this for ?

  3. 他甚至让聋子能听见,瘸腿的能行走。巴底买呀!耶稣还使瞎眼的能看见!

    Why He even made the deaf to hear , and the lame to walk , and Bartimaeus ! Jesus even made a blind man to see !

  4. 一美元能买什么呀?

    Nancy : What can I get for a dollar ?

  5. 殡馆的家伙给你孙儿买玩具呀。

    The undertaker will buy a toy for your grandson .

  6. 愚人回答说:“我为自己买的呀!”

    He answered ," For myself , of course !"

  7. 问题是他那我的钱去买的呀。

    The real problem is that he 's suing my money for them .

  8. 可我真是在这儿买的呀。

    I really bought it in your shop .

  9. 那她有没有进来买东西呀?

    Did she come in and buy something ?

  10. 快来‘买’呀!又红又大的苹果!不用钱,但必须讲英语!

    Would you like some big red apples ? You don 't need money but English !

  11. 你抓早儿上街买东西去呀!

    You 'd better hurry and go shopping .

  12. 对了,大牛你买了什么呀?

    Oh , yes , what did you buy , Daniel ?

  13. 就是帮我赚钱买保时捷的呀,你到底有没有在听?

    The ones that got me the porsche ! Will you keep up !

  14. 我三年前买的菜籽呀。

    I bought the seeds three years ago .

  15. “你为我买了什么呀?”他的妻子问道,然后就往镜子里瞧去。

    What have you bought for me ? @ his wife asked and looked into the mirror .

  16. 京晶:那就有些令人烦躁了:新买的东西呀,豪华大餐呀,美得令人屏息的风景呀,不过,你难道不为你的朋友们感到高兴吗?

    That can be annoying : new possessions , fancy meals , breathtaking sights ... Aren 't you happy for your friends , though ?

  17. 您这次主要想买些什么东西呀?

    What products do you want to purchase this time ?

  18. 那我们什么时候去买鞋子和蜥蜴呀?

    So when are we getting the shoes and lizards ?

  19. 他们就能买起一份饭呀。

    All they can afford is one meal .

  20. 好比会买礼物给我们呀,说的对

    Like give us presents . Yes .

  21. 你要到前面去买一张彩票呀?

    LL : Well , we can buy a lottery ticket at the front of the grocery store .

  22. 想想看,若是现在就给他们,夫人,他们肯定会赌个精光或拿去买一夜之欢呀。

    If you give them the silver here , my lady , they will dice it away or spend it all for a night 's pleasure .

  23. 我循着这上帝的召唤来到附近的一所教堂,一进教堂我就被那钢琴的乐音吸引住了,简直不能自拔。可是我父母哪儿买得起钢琴呀。

    Tracing that call of God into a neighbouring church , I found myself inexorably attracted by the melody of a piano - something beyond the means of my parents .