
  • 网络Community;online community;network community;SNS
  1. 网络社区服务(SNS)真的会代替传统社交吗?

    Will the SNS ( Social Networking Services ) replace the traditional ways of social intercourse ?

  2. 随着新一代网络社区的形成,特别是随着WEB2。

    With the new generation formation of network community , specially as WEB2 .

  3. 传统的互联网逐渐发展成一类全新的网络社区&社区化网络(socialnetwork)。

    The traditional Internet has gradually changed into a new category of communities – Social Network .

  4. 文章提出了一种采用Agent联邦技术来管理和控制的网络社区系统。

    This paper proposes a Net Society System based on Agent Federation technology .

  5. 霍兰:我们有一个“欧洲女性”(WomeninEurope)网络社区,它有23000名会员。

    Horan : we have a women in Europe community with 23,000 members .

  6. 基于Agent联邦的网络社区系统

    Net Society Based on Agent Federation

  7. 在当今社会,管理者而临的一个关键挑战,是如何能在不断变化的组织形式中实现高效的知识共享,例如,在线社交网络社区(OSN:Onlinesocialnetwork)这种新兴的组织形式。

    A key challenge that managers and administrators face today is how knowledge sharing can be achieved efficiently and effectively in the changing form of organizations , e.g. , Online Social Network ( OSN ) communities .

  8. 自称网络社区运动的发源地的TheWell创立于1985年,时值互联网时代的黎明。在它的电子公告论坛上,曾有一众颇具影响力的杰出网络人物出没。

    Founded in 1985 , at the dawn of the Internet , the Well , the self-proclaimed birthplace of the online community movement , hosted an influential cast of dot-com luminaries on its electronic bulletin board discussion forums .

  9. 我们可以期待新BN的网络社区可以达到哪样的水准吗?

    Can we expect social networking functionality on that level in the new Battle . net ?

  10. 自称“网络社区运动的发源地”的TheWell创立于1985年,时值互联网时代的黎明。在它的电子公告论坛上,曾有一众颇具影响力的杰出网络人物出没。

    Founded in 1985 , at the dawn of the Internet , the Well , the self-proclaimed " birthplace of the online community movement , " hosted an influential cast of dot-com luminaries on its electronic bulletin board discussion forums .

  11. 而众多类型的网络社区中,SNS社区网站格外引人注目。

    Among various types of the online communities , Social network sites ( SNSs ) were particularly noticeable .

  12. Tobit模型在网络社区信息传播与管理中的应用

    A Tobit Model on Message Transfer and Control in Virtual Community

  13. 乐高积木公司(LEGO)的高管也在利用网络社区为公司产品搜集创意。

    At Lego , executives are using their online communities to generate new ideas for Lego sets .

  14. 本文介绍如何利用基于JXTA平台的P2P技术去构建一个虚拟网络社区,虚拟校园的过程。

    This article introduced how to use P2P technology which based on JXTA platform to design a virtual community , virtual campus .

  15. 在LevoLeague网络社区中协商起薪的女性中,约一半人的起薪得到了提高。

    Of the women in the levo League community who are negotiating their starting salary , about half are getting more money .

  16. 记得一年前Facebook购买照片应用Instagram时,也差不多为每个用户支付了这么多(总计10亿美元)Instagram同样没什么收益,但代表了一个不断成长而且充满活力的网络社区。

    ( Recall a year ago Facebook paid roughly that price per user $ 1-billion in total for the photo app Instagram that also lacked revenue but did represent a growing and passionate community ) .

  17. 很多公司聘请像LiveWorld这样的咨询公司来建立和管理它们的网络社区。

    Many companies hire consultants like liveworld to build and moderate their communities .

  18. 作为创建网络社区以帮助市场推广者洞察消费者需求的先行者,赫森在1999年联合创办了Communispace公司。

    A pioneer in creating online communities to help marketers gain consumer insights , hessan co-founded communispace in 1999 .

  19. 根据相关机构的研究报告,我国已有比例超过全部网民的半数、数量过亿的网民曾经参与过SNS网络社区,更有一部分是其中的忠实用户。

    According to the research report by relevant institutes , we have more than one half ( over 100 millions ) of internet users have even took part in SNS website , and a part of them are loyal users .

  20. 除了使用Flickr的一般小贴士,如果你喜欢使用或者分享图片,那请关注许多即将迅速发展的网络社区。

    Other than the general tip of using Flickr if you like to take or share photographs , I 'd say it 's to pay attention to the many online communities that are springing up .

  21. 2007年,他在上海为推出“新茶”(Neocha)主持一场豪华的招待会。“新茶”是中国新潮艺术家和音乐家的网络社区。

    In2007 , he hosted a lavish party in Shanghai to launch Neocha , an online community of alternative Chinese artists and musicians .

  22. 两年前,西雅图的专利律师戴维布拉丁(davidbradin)开始关注将各种“挑战”张贴在其网络社区上的研发网站innocentive。

    Two years ago , David bradin , a patent attorney from Seattle , was looking at innocentive , a research and development website that posts " challenges " to its online community .

  23. Etsy成立于2005年,由一个仅出售木制商品的网站发展成为手工艺者们的网络社区,提供无法批量生产或转售的独特商品。

    Founded in 2005 , Etsy has grown from a website selling just wooden objects to an online community of crafters offering unique goods that cannot be mass produced or re-sold .

  24. 在过去的十年当中,互联网、mp3随身听、iPhone、其他便携式设备以及网络社区、网上教育课程、高校网络教程等等都改变了我们学习知识的方式。

    In the last decade , the Internet , the MP3 player , the iPhone , and other mobile devices , as well as social networking sites , language exchange communities , online learning systems , university courses online and more , have changed how we deal with knowledge .

  25. “自驾之旅”通过独立研发的TL-CMS等内容管理及搜索引擎优化技术,成为中国专业的自驾游网络社区和互联网用户浏览“自驾游信息”的首选入口。

    Through independent research and development of the TL-CMS and other content management , self-driving trip can be a professional online community in China .

  26. 幸运的是,地震发生后不久,GeoEye,一个商业公司发布了卫星图象并有一个许可证允许公开网络社区使用这些图象。

    Fortunately , just after the earthquake , GeoEye , a commercial company , released satellite imagery with a license which allowed the open-source community to use it .

  27. IC:动态社会关系网络社区结构的增量识别算法

    IC : Incremental Algorithm for Community Identification in Dynamic Social Networks

  28. 本研究的分析发现,对于研究网络社区的舆论引导有一定的参考价值。

    So this paper has referential value to the following research .

  29. 网络社区下的学习建模及其应用研究

    Modeling of Learning and Its Application Study Based on Network Community

  30. 大规模动态社会网络社区结构挖掘与分析方法

    Detecting and Analyzing Community Structure in Large-scale Dynamic Social Network