
  1. 艾瑞咨询集团(iResearchConsultingGroup)提供的数据显示,10年之后,亚马逊中国的业务在网络购物市场中所占的份额不到2%。

    A decade later , Amazon 's China operation has less than 2 percent of the online shopping market , according to iResearch Consulting .

  2. 根据位于北京的互联网咨询公司艾瑞咨询集团(iResearch)发布的研究报告,总体上,中国2014年第二季度的移动互联网收入同比增长了1倍,从210亿元人民币增至440亿元人民币。

    Overall , mobile internet revenues in China doubled year on year in the second quarter of 2014 , from Rmb21bn to Rmb44bn , according to a study published by iResearch , a Beijing-based internet consultancy .

  3. 互联网咨询机构艾瑞咨询集团的分析师卢荣辉表示,这一新规可能不会进一步抑制百度的业务。

    Lu Ronghui , an analyst with internet consultancy iResearch Consulting Group , said the new rule may not further dampen Baidu 's business .

  4. 艾瑞咨询集团和中国最火的微博平台——新浪微博在上海的一个论坛上发布了该报道。该论坛由微博和通信巨头华为联合举办。

    The report by iResearch Consulting Group and Sina Weibo , China 's most popular microblogging platform , was released at a forum in Shanghai , co-organized by Weibo and telecom giant Huawei .

  5. 研究公司艾瑞咨询集团说,虽然网上订餐只占餐饮行业一小部分比例,但就更多的消费者习惯于网上订餐而言,其市场规模有望在2017年突破400亿。

    Although online food ordering only accounts for a small proportion of the catering industry , research company iResearch Consulting Group says its market volume is expected to hit 40 billion yuan in 2017 , as more consumers develop the habit of booking meals online .