
  1. 车开啦?

    Has the bus left ?

  2. 再过几天,你就更高不开啦。

    After a few days , you won 't want to leave .

  3. 这份杂志专注于青年人的生活方式,月平均点击量达到1000万次,今年4月以来徐静蕾开始出售“开啦”品牌的饰品。

    The magazine , focusing on youth lifestyle , has average monthly page views of10 million , and she 's started selling jewelry under the Kaila brand since April .

  4. 2007年4月,在她占据中国最知名的博客作者位置时,她创办了一份名叫《开啦》的电子杂志。

    She started a monthly digital magazine called Kaila , meaning ' opened ' or ' started , ' in April 2007 when she was the top blogger in China .

  5. 现在姑娘家也会开飞机啦!

    Nowadays girls pilot planes , too !

  6. 她最喜欢什么游行啦、演讲啦、开大会啦、营火会啦、福音布道会啦--实际上各种各样的娱乐

    She adored parades , lectures , conventions , camp meetings , church revivals-in fact every kind of dissipation .

  7. 但她真的超可爱的她…开玩笑啦她叫joanna我很喜欢她她是我的嫂子婚礼很美我很为我哥哥高兴

    But she 's so sweet . she 's uh ... No , it 's joanna and I love Joanna . So she 's my sister-in-law.And that was beautiful .

  8. 老爸我在开玩笑啦

    God , Dad I 'm kidding . What the H. ..

  9. 先生们女士们,准备开开心啦。

    Get ready to be happy , ladies and gentlemen .

  10. 开玩笑啦。说真的,喜欢干邑白兰地的人包括贵族、政治人物,还有享乐主义者。

    joke aside , its royalty , it 's politicians .

  11. 开玩笑啦,车手不会那么早就进维修站的。

    Just a joke , racers won 't appear in the pit so early .

  12. 你们把门开着啦;那些&那些可恶的东西不肯给火添煤。

    You left it open ; and those & those detestable creatures won 't bring coals to the fire .

  13. 不我开玩笑啦这样环着你的鞋底现在穿上鞋

    No , just kidding.And it also is gonna cushion your shoe and now you are gonna put your foot in there ,

  14. 所以从一个亚轨道火箭上把牛排扔下来,并派出一支回收小队把它找回来,擦干净,再加热一下,去掉烧焦的部分,然后就可以开吃啦。

    So drop your steak from a suborbital rocket , send out a collection team to recover it , brush it off , reheat it , cut away any badly charred sections , and dig in .

  15. 妈妈开玩笑的啦镇定他找到了新女友疗情伤

    Mom.Just kidding.Calm down.He found his rebound girl . Oh .

  16. 我只是开玩笑的啦,我是弗雷德。

    I 'm only joking , I am Fred .

  17. 你老婆在场耶我开玩笑的啦,如花

    Your wife 's right over there . I 'm just kidding , Muumuu !

  18. 我开玩笑的啦,只是想试着让你放轻松而已。

    I 'm just kidding ! Trying to keep you relaxed , that 's all .

  19. 我刚才开玩笑的啦!

    I was just kidding !

  20. 我开玩笑的啦因为结果我忘了这档子事,而且…

    I was kidding . Kidding you see , because it turns out I forgot the thing and ...

  21. 比如说,环游世界开个唱啦,我从来没有想到过我会有可能做这些事情。。

    You know travel the world , I never really thought that , you know , that this was possible .

  22. 当我告诉他们,这对耳朵是真的的时候,他们摆出一副疑惑的表情,好像等着我说开玩笑的啦但我说的是真话。

    When I tell them they are real , they look pretty confused as if they are waiting for me to say ' just kidding ' & but I am not .

  23. 我们不能再拿此开你的玩笑啦。

    Now we don 't make fun of you anymore .

  24. 他们是不是流水线开得太快啦?

    Sounds like they might be running the production line too fast , you know ?

  25. 哪位帮我开一开窗户,拜托啦?

    Would someone like to open the window for me , please ?

  26. 我开玩笑的,我是在开玩笑啦

    I was kidding . That was me kidding .

  27. 嘿,这屋里你开空调了吗?京晶:开啦。

    Hey , do you have the A / C on in here ? We do .

  28. 你可以开你杀了人的玩笑,但是你后面得说“开玩笑的啦”。

    You can joke about murdering people , but you have to say , " just kidding . "