
èr táng
  • disaccharide
二糖[èr táng]
  1. 实验结果表明,在相同的THz频段内二糖有着比己糖更多的特征共振吸收峰。

    The experimental results show that the spectra of disaccharide have more characteristic resonances in the same THz region .

  2. 单糖和二糖的C-C断裂产物的总选择性较高,而多糖则很低。

    Total selectivity of C-C cleavage product for monosaccharide and disaccharide are high , but the polysaccharide are low .

  3. 绿色木霉纤维二糖水解酶Ⅱ的X射线辐射损伤研究

    Damage Analyse of X-Ray Radiated Cellobiohydrolase ⅱ Molecule from Trichoderma Viride

  4. HPLC法测定玉米浓醪发酵酒精醪液中的纤维二糖和蜜二糖

    Determination of Cellobiose and Melibiose in the Distillate of High-Gravity Ethanol Broth from Corn by HPLC

  5. 此酶作用于纤维二糖的Km值为6.09mM。

    The Km for cellobiose , 6.09 mM ;

  6. 用TLC法测定研究所得的产物是以木糖、木二糖为主的低聚木糖产品。

    The TLC results showed that the main components in the products were xylose and xylobiose .

  7. 研究表明,热纤梭菌转化纯纤维素的产物主要有酒精、乙酸、还原糖、CO2和H2,还原糖成份为木糖、纤维二糖和葡萄糖。

    The results show that the products of pure cellulose fermented by clostridium thermocellum are alcohol , acetic acid , reduced sugar , carbon dioxide and hydrogen .

  8. 以CMC,滤纸和纤维二糖等作底物,用大量实验测定了纤维素酶活力。

    CMC , filter paper and cellobiose were taken as substrates for the activity determination of cellulases .

  9. 温度、时间、PH值对酶法水解淀粉生产葡萄糖二糖三糖四糖生成量影响的研究

    Study on Temperature , Time and PH Value 's Affection on the Volume Grown by Enzymatic Way to Hydrolyze Starch to Produce Glucose , Disaccharide , Trisaccharide and Tetrasaccharide

  10. 裂褶菌纤维二糖脱氢酶(cellobiosedehydrogenase,CDH)可以提高纤维素酶对纤维素的降解。

    Cellobiose dehydrogenase ( CDH ) of Schizophyllum could increase cellulose degradation by cellulases .

  11. 有些菌株对温度和pH值等环境条件的适应性强;有些菌株还有较强发酵利用松三糖、蜜二糖、棉子糖等糖的能力。

    Some strains had high adaptability to environmental temperature and pH , and even , some of them had stronger capability of using melezitose , melibiose and raffinose , etc as carbon source .

  12. 天然纤维素的有效酶解取决于外切葡聚糖纤维二糖水解酶(CBH)和内切葡聚糖水解酶(EG)的协同作用。

    Cellulose is degraded mainly in nature by the synergistic action of endoglucanase ( EG ) and cellobiohydrolase ( CBH ) .

  13. 纤维二糖在低浓度时可以促进t-PA的生物合成而在高浓度时对t-PA生物合成起反馈阻遏作用。

    Cellobiose could promote the biosynthesis of t-PA when its concentration is low and could produce feedback repression when its concentration is high .

  14. 在电子供体纤维二糖存在下,CDH可以还原由豆壳过氧化物酶(SHP)氧化多种芳香化合物所生成的产物。

    In the presence of cellobiose , CDH could reduce many oxidized products catalyzed by soybean hull peroxidase ( SHP ) .

  15. PROD对双糖中的麦芽糖催化率为3.19%,对乳糖、蔗糖、纤维二糖几乎无催化作用;

    The PROD had catalyzing effects for maltose ( 3.19 % ) but little effect for α - lactose , sucrose and cellobiose .

  16. CDH与纤维二糖水解酶或内切纤维素酶在降解棉花纤维素时没有表现出协同作用。

    CDH had little synergism with cellobiohydrolase I ( CBH I ) or endoglucanase I ( EG I ) in cotton cellulose degradation .

  17. 但若棉花事先在纤维二糖存在下用CDH预处理,则变得易于被水解。

    But if the cotton cellulose was pre-treated by CDH in the presence of cellobiose , it became to be easily hydrolyzed by CBH I or EG 1 .

  18. 肝素(Heparin,Hep)是由不同硫酸化程度的葡萄糖胺和葡萄糖醛酸/艾杜糖醛酸二糖单位所组成的粘多糖,是目前临床上最重要的抗凝血和抗血栓药物。

    Heparin ( Hep ) is a mucopolysaccharide consisting of glucosamine with different degree of sulfation and glucuronic acid / iduronic di-saccharide units . Hep is the most important anticoagulant and antithrombotic drugs in clinical .

  19. 堆肥系统中,微生物降解木质素的代谢过程由一系列酶共同完成,而锰过氧化物酶(MnP)和纤维二糖脱氢酶(CDH)在其中起了关键性作用。

    The metabolic process during microbial degradation of lignin is completed together by a series of enzymes in the compost system , in which manganese peroxidase and cellobiose dehydrogenase play the key role .

  20. 纤维二糖脱氢酶(CDH)可以吸附棉花、微晶纤维素和酸处理纤维素,4min便都达到平衡。

    Equilibrium of adsorption of cellobiose dehydrogenase ( CDH ) of Schizophyllum commune on cotton cellulose , microcrystalline cellulose , and phosphate swollen cellulose was reached within 4 min.

  21. 该重组菌可以在以纤维二糖为唯一碳源的培养基中生长,培养36h,β-葡萄糖苷酶酶活达到0.967μ/ml。

    The recombined yeast ( Saccharomyces cerevisiae BGL-19 ) could grow on the medium with cellobiose as sole carbon source and the highest enzyme activity ( 0.967 μ / ml ) was achieved at 36h .

  22. 纤维二糖脱氢酶对杨木CTMP的热返黄具有一定的抑制效果,但木聚糖酶、纤维素酶等处理对降低纸浆返黄值的作用不大。

    Pretreatment with cellobiose dehydrogenase ( CDH ) also has showed a positive influence on inhibiting the heat-induced yellowing of the aspen CTMP , while xylanase or cellulase showed little effect on decreasing the PC number of the pulp .

  23. 粗酶液用SephadexG-100凝胶过滤柱层析,以CMC-Na和纤维二糖为底物追踪纤维素酶活力,结果两种底物均显示单一的酶活力峰。

    The crude enzyme solution was purified by Sephadex G-100 gel filtration column , when CMC-Na and cellobiose were used to trace the activities of the cellulase system . The result was that each of them had one activity peak .

  24. 内切型B-1,4-葡聚糖苷酶(也称Cx酶或CMC酶)属于纤维素酶系,能将大分子纤维素降解为纤维二糖,在纤维素酶系水解纤维素的过程中起关键作用。

    β - 1,4 - endoglucanase , also called Cx enzyme or CMC enzyme , belongs to the cellulases . It can degrade the macromolecule cellulose into cellobiose , and very important in the process of the hydrolysis of celluloses by cellulases .

  25. 利用纤维二糖的酵母工程菌构建

    Construction of Recombinant Yeast Strain Using Cellobiose as Sole Carbon Source

  26. 化合物8为从该种中分离得到的第一个二糖化合物。

    Compound 8 was the first disaccharide compound from this species .

  27. 高粱糖蜜与蜜二糖应用草酸催化的水解动力学

    Kinetics of hydrolysis of sorghum molasses and melibiose with oxalic acid

  28. 有机硅化合物在aD葡二糖合成上的应用

    Application of Organosilicon Compounds in the Synthesis of α - D-Glucobiose

  29. 饲喂大豆黄酮对仔猪肠黏膜二糖膜消化的影响

    Effect of Daidzein on Membrane Digestion of Disaccharide in Piglet

  30. 纤维二糖脱氢酶在纤维素降解中的作用研究

    Study on the role of cellobiose dehydrogenase in cellulose degradation