
  1. 一种高速数据采集便携式激光测云仪

    A Portable Lidar Ceilometer Using Technique of Fast Data Acquisition

  2. 激光测云仪中用单片机实现回波信号高速数据采集

    Using Monolithic Processor to Sample and Collect High Speed Echo Data for Laser Ceilometer

  3. 一种便携式激光测云仪的云底高度反演方法

    Portable lidar ceilometer for cloud-base height measurement

  4. 本文介绍了激光测云仪中用单片机实现云体回波信号高速数据采集的方法。

    This paper presents a sampling and collecting high speed cloud echo data method using a monolithic processor for laser ceilometer .

  5. 遥测自动云纹引伸仪&实时位移测量系统

    An Automatic Moire Telemeter-Real Time Displacement Measuring System

  6. 云纹制栅仪是一种可实现无防震要求、灵敏度随意可调的高密度空间虚栅制作的仪器。

    Moire grating-making instrument is an optical equipment used for making high density space virtual gratings and with sensitivity adjusted freely and no requirement of shockproof .

  7. 本文叙述了云纹图诊断仪的一般原理,讨论了仪器参数的选择、光学系统和机械结构的特点,还提出了检验仪器精度的方法。

    In this paper the general principles of the Moire topography is introduced . Selection of parameters for the diagnostic instrument and characteristics of optical systems and mechanical structure are discussed . We have also proposed a method for checking the precision of the instrument .

  8. 本研究根据云纹产生的原理,试制了SCC&I型头部云纹摄影仪。此仪器设计及制作简便,易于操作,易于推广。

    According to the principle of Moire , Moire cephalometric apparatus ( model SCC-I ) was made , with the features of simple design and easy popularization .