
  • 网络interactive research
  1. 宁夏跨越式发展与生态环境保护的互动研究

    Interactive Research of Ningxia Great-leap-forward Development and Ecological Environmental Protection

  2. 建筑节能政府管理与市场机制互动研究

    A Interactive Research of Construction Conserves Energy Government Management and Market Mechanism

  3. 演化博弈论在虚拟企业和谐互动研究中的应用

    Application of evolve game theory in harmonious interaction of virtual enterprise

  4. 区域自主创新与城市经济可持续发展互动研究

    Inter - dynamic study on regional independent innovation and urban development

  5. 中国会展旅游与城市的互动研究

    A Study on the Interaction between MICE Tourism and City in China

  6. 神圣的叙事&民间传说与民间信仰互动研究

    Sacred Narration & Research on the Interaction between Folk Legends and Beliefs

  7. 林业与西部开发互动研究

    Research of Mutual Promotion on Forestry and the Western Development

  8. 产品市场竞争与融资结构互动研究

    The Research on the Interaction of Product Market Competition and Financial Structure

  9. 我国城市化与休闲游憩业发展的互动研究

    A Study On Interaction Between Urbanization And Development of Leisure Recreation Industry

  10. 中学课堂师生互动研究

    A Study on Teacher-Student Interaction in Classroom of Middle School

  11. 城乡经济联系与互动研究

    Research about Mutual Relation and Promotion between Urban Economy and Rural Economy

  12. 会展高等教育与区域会展产业互动研究

    Study on the Interaction between MICE Higher Education and Region MICE Industry

  13. 大学英语词汇教学的师生互动研究

    College English Vocabulary Acquisition and Teaching : An Interactive Study

  14. 高校社区商业空间与城市商业空间结构互动研究

    Interaction Research on Community Colleges and Urban Commercial Space Commercial Space Structure

  15. 旅游客源地与目的地的文化交流和互动研究

    Study of Cultural Intercommunication and Interaction between Tourist-Guest Source and Tourist Destination

  16. 商品经营和资本运营的互动研究

    Research into Interaction of Goods Management and Capital Operation

  17. 湖北省改革与开放互动研究

    A Study on the Interaction between Reform and Opening up in Hubei province

  18. 乡村旅游与城镇化的互动研究

    On the Mutual Influence Between Rural Tourism and Urbanization

  19. 企业竞争力与企业治理结构的互动研究

    The Interaction Between Corporate Competitive Power and Governing Structures

  20. 技术与制度的互动研究学科互动:民俗学与人类学

    On the Interaction of Technology and Institution Subject Reactions between Folklore and Anthropology

  21. 中心城与周边卫星城旅游经济发展及互动研究

    Research on Tourism Economic Development and Interactivity of Central City and Satellite City

  22. 情感视阈中的师幼互动研究

    The Study of the Interaction between Teacher and Child in Affect Field of Vision

  23. 亲子互动研究及其进展

    The study of parent-child interaction and its development

  24. 基于网络学习环境的互动研究:教师观念和体验

    Interaction in a Web-based Constructivist Learning Environment : EFL Teachers ' Perceptions and Experiences

  25. 性别理论与美国汉学的互动研究

    The Interaction of Gender Theory to American Sinology

  26. 教学中师生情感、态度的互动研究。

    Four , teachers and students ' emotion , attitude are studied in teaching .

  27. 区域金融发展和经济增长差异的互动研究&以甘肃省为例

    Financial Development and Disparity of Economic Growth & A Case Study of Gansu Province

  28. 合作学习中的生生互动研究

    The Study of Student-Student Interaction in Cooperative Learning

  29. 金融需求与供给互动研究&对我国部分地区商业银行金融创新的考察

    The Interact Research of Financial Demand and Supply

  30. 网络经济条件下企业技术创新与组织创新互动研究

    Studies on the co-evolution of Technology Innovation and Organization Innovation Based on the Network Economy