
  1. 一般而言,所谓抵销是指二人互负债务,各以其债权充当债务之履行而使其债务与对方债务在对等额内相互消灭。

    Generally speaking , the so-called set-off means that two people are in debt for each other , who pay off the debt by the creditor 's rights in order mutually to exterminate the debt in the equal amount the debt .

  2. 当事人互负债务,有先后履行顺序,先履行一方未履行的,后履行一方有权拒绝其履行要求。

    Where the parties owe performance toward each other and there is an order of performance , prior to performance by the party required to perform first , the party who is to perform subsequently is entitled to reject its requirement for performance .