
  1. 对贵州五城镇城镇化发展水平的综合评价

    A comprehensive evaluation on the level of the development urbanization of five cities and towns in Guizhou

  2. 小城镇户改试点中的计划生育工作&苏州市属五城镇综述

    FP Work in Experimental Units with Residence Reform & General Account of Five Dependant Towns and Cities of Suzhou

  3. 第五、城镇化进程与社会文化变迁存在着内在联系和互动关系。

    Second , I study the culture changes in the urbanization process .

  4. 第五章城镇居民金融资产结构的发展趋势预测。

    Chapter V Trend Forecasting of the structure of urban residents ' financial assets .

  5. 由于长期放射性照射带来的威胁,该禁令同时也正式向疏散区外围的五个城镇村庄发布。

    It also has issued a formal evacuation notice to residents of five towns and villages outside the zone due to the threat of long-term radiation exposure .

  6. 五年城镇新增就业和转移农业劳动力各达到4000万人,城镇登记失业率控制在5%左右。

    The number of newly added urban employees and that of transferred rural labor force in the five years will reach 40 million respectively , and the registered unemployment rate in cities and towns will be kept at around 5 percent .

  7. 第五章:城镇住房制度改革的历史经验。

    Chapter V : the Historical Experiences to Housing System Reformation .

  8. 十一五期间中国城镇污水处理设施建设发展概况

    Outline on Construction and Development of Urban Sewage Treatment Installations for Eleventh-Five-Year-Plan Period in China

  9. 以阿冲突升高伤亡增加以军占领五个西岸城镇。

    Israel-Arab conflict escalates ; casualties rise while Israeli military occupies five West Bank towns .

  10. 第五部分农村城镇化质量提升的对策。

    The fifth part discusses the tactics of how to improve the quality of rural urbanization .

  11. 第五,浙江城镇最高收入阶层居民的购房行为具有一定的非理性特征。

    Finally , as to the purchase of houses , the behavior of Highest Income residents of Zhejiang Province proves to be a bit irrational .

  12. 国务院关于进一步对外开放南宁、昆明市及凭祥等五个边境城镇的通知

    " Circular of the State Council Regarding the Further Opening of Nanning , Kunming , Pingxiang and Other Four Border Cities ( or Counties or Towns )"

  13. 第五章小城镇土地集约利用的建议和措施,根据对评价结果的分析,提出促进小城镇土地集约利用的政策建议。

    The fifth chapter the suggestion and the measure of city land intensive use , according to measure results analysis , proposed policy suggestion that promotes the cities land intensive use .

  14. 五是加强城镇管理,要加强规划、建设、流动人口和城镇综合管理,全面提高城镇管理水平。

    Fifth , strengthening management . It is necessary to strengthen the planning , construction , floating population control and the comprehensive management of cities and towns , so as to enhance the management level in an all-round way .

  15. 《新疆第十一个五年计划城镇化发展重点专项规划》中明确指出,新疆城镇化进程仍然较慢,滞后于经济发展水平,表现在城镇体系的客观布局和规模结构不尽合理上。

    Moreover , it is clearly stated that the process of urbanization is still slow , the impersonal layout and scale structure of cities and towns is unreasonable in Xinjiang in the Urbanization Development Special Plan of 11th Five-Year Plan of Xinjiang .

  16. 就这样,我去了三所不同的大学学习,在五个不同的城镇生活过。

    In this way I went to three different universities to study and lived in five different towns .

  17. 五是农民和城镇部分居民收入增长缓慢,收入差距大,农民收入需稳步增长。

    The peasants ' income increases slowly and needs steady rise .

  18. 以色列军队已占领约旦河西岸哲宁、卡奇里亚、伯利恒、贝杜尼亚和图卡瑞姆五个巴勒斯坦自治城镇。

    Israeli troops have occupied Jenin , Qalqilya , Bethlehem , Beitunia and Tulkarem , the five Palestinian self-rule towns in the West Bank .

  19. 有关部门披露,我国五分之一的城镇建设存在“政绩工程”。

    According to the revelations of concerned departments , the development of one fifth of all the cities and towns in China has involved ' achievement projects ' .

  20. 第五部分,重庆城镇化发展的目标及对策建议,预测了重庆市城镇化发展的目标,提出了重庆市城镇化可持续发展的道路和主要对策。

    The last , The Targets and Countermeasures of Chongqing 's Urbanization , discussing Chongqing 's targets of urbanization and the primary countermeasures for urbanization of sustainable development .

  21. 第五,对新疆城镇化水平进行地区分类,在综合评价基础上进行聚类分析,并结合新疆地理特征和区域一体化发展战略,提出新疆城镇化水平地区分类方案及发展方向。

    Fifthly , based on the result of comprehensive evaluation , it obtains the scheme of regional classification by Cluster Analysis , and puts forward the developing direction of urbanization in Xinjiang .

  22. 利用中国第四次人口普查和第五次人口普查的资料,分析了在四普至五普期间中国城镇化的发展状况及出现的问题,揭示了中国城镇化发展的地域差异。

    According to the data of the forth population census and fifth population census , this paper analyzes the development of the urbanization and problems in this process in China , and reveals the regional differences of urbanization development of China .