
  • 网络bod5;bod;bod_5
  1. 一个完整的因子试验设计被应用,考虑到温度,培养液类型和水力停留时间作为主要的变量,以及五日生化需氧量减少的相应向量。

    A full factorial experimental design was applied considering temperature , type of inoculum and hydraulic residence time as principal variables with response vector of reduction of BOD5 .

  2. 表面反应的曲线表明,在高温和中等水力停留时间时,五日生化需氧量的清除达到最佳(图4A)。

    The surface response curved showed that at high temperatures and middle hydraulic residence times , the removal of BOD5 was optimal ( Fig.4A ) .

  3. 基于TM影像数据的五日生化需氧量浓度估计

    The estimation of biochemical oxygen demand after five days based on TM image data

  4. 五日生化需氧量(BOD5)测定中接种液的几种获取方法

    Several Preparation Methods of Inoculums for the Determination of BOD_5

  5. 水质五日生化需氧量(BOD5)测定不确定度的评定

    Evaluation of the Uncertainty for the Determination of the Biochemical Oxygen Demanded in Five Days Content of Water

  6. 五日生化需氧量(BOD5)是评价水体受有机物污染的相对耗氧指标。

    BOD 5 is the synthetical evaluation index of water polluted by organic location .

  7. GB/T7488-1987水质五日生化需氧量(BOD5)的测定稀释与接种法

    Water quality Determination of biochemical oxygen demand after 5 days ( BOD5 ) Dilution and seeding method

  8. 结合现阶段我国的经济技术条件选择了适用于河流水质月报的评价项目即pH、溶解氧、高锰酸盐指数、五日生化需氧量、氨氮、石油类、挥发酚、汞和铅等9项。

    According to the actual economic and technological conditions of China , the assessing indicators for river water quality monthly report are pH , dissolving oxygen , permanganate value , BOD_5 , NH_3-N , oils , volatile phenol , mercury and lead have been selected .

  9. 用YSI-58型溶氧仪测定五日生化需氧量的注意事项

    Notable Matters for BOD _5 Determination by Dissolved Oxygen Meter Model YSI-58

  10. 五日生化需氧量的最佳清除温度是35℃。

    The best removal of BOD5 was obtained at35 ℃ .

  11. 五日生化需氧量测试结果的快捷计算

    Shortcut Calculation of BOD_5 Measured Value

  12. 评价结果表明:该段主要污染指标高锰酸盐指数、五日生化需氧量、氨氮。

    The result indicated that the main pollution target of this section is permanganate index , five days'biochemical oxygen demand and ammonia nitrogen .

  13. 通过表面反应的分析和因子图,就能选择每个变量的值得到五日生化需氧量的最大清除量(图3和4)。

    Through an analysis of the surface response and the factorial graphics it was possible to select the value for each variable that would remove the largest amount of BOD5 ( Figs . 3 and4 ) .