
  • 网络Recipes for fifty-two ailments;Formulas for Fifty-Two Diseases
  1. 《五十二病方》与巫术文化

    《 Prescriptions of Fifty-two Diseases 》 and Magic Culture

  2. 马王堆帛书《五十二病方·祛疣》所涉之巫术与民俗

    Mawangdui Silk Book " 52 Prescription " Treatment Warts of the Implications of Witchcraft and Folklore

  3. 《五十二病方》的发现,补充了《内经》以前的医学内容,是一份非常珍贵的医学遗产。

    " Fifty-two patients side ", added the " Classic " before the contents of the medicine is a very valuable heritage of medicine .

  4. 《五十二病方》口语性强,是研究战国时期语言的较好材料。

    Because of its spoken Chinese , the document is a kind of better material for studying the linguistics of the period of ZhanGuo .