
zàng xiàng xué shuō
  • theory of visceral outward manifestation
藏象学说[zàng xiàng xué shuō]
  1. 藏象学说,是中医基础理论的核心组成部分。

    Viscera doctrine is core component of the basic theory of TCM .

  2. 藏象学说研究进展述评

    Research Progress on Theory of Visceral Manifestation

  3. 危机、危机的化解与新生&肾藏象学说的发生学概论

    Crisis and 1ts Dissolution and Rebirth the Review of origin-science in Viscera-state Doctrine of Kidney

  4. 中医藏象学说,一直是中医理论的核心和精华所在。

    The theories of five Zang are the core and soul of theories of TCM .

  5. 根据藏象学说,运动性疲劳的发生发展大致与脏腑有关。

    According to the visceral manifestation theory , the occurrence and development of exercise-induced fatigue approximately is related to viscera .

  6. 命门学说为中医学的藏象学说增加了新的内容。

    The theory of Mingmen ( Life-Gate ) has further enriched the doctrine of Viscera and Their Manifestations in traditional Chinese Medicine .

  7. 脏腑辨证是运用中医藏象学说指导临床的重要辨证方法之一。

    Viscus discrimination is one of the important discrimination method that use the viscera theory to guide the clinical diagnosis and treatment .

  8. 藏象学说的发展,是与一定的社会现实状况和社会思潮紧密地联系在一起的。

    In traditional Chinese medicine ( TCM ), the development of the theory of Zang-Xiang always has close relation to social status quo and thoughts .

  9. 膜原理论是研究膜原的形态结构,生理活动规律及其与脏腑、经络、形体、官窍之间相互关系的理论,是藏象学说的重要组成部分之一。

    The Mo-Yuan theory research its structural characterization and the law of activities , as well as the interrelationships with zang-fu organs , Channels , body and organs .

  10. 结果:中医藏象学说、经络学说及现代针灸经络研究成果中蕴含着丰富的心主二经的思想和内容。

    Results Viscera-state doctrine of TCM , meridian theory and modern research achievements of acupuncture , moxibustion and meridians contain rich thinking and contents about the heart governing two meridians .

  11. 肝气理论是中医藏象学说的一部分,是对肝气的概念、特性和功能的理性认识。

    The liver qi theory , one part of the visceral manifestation theory of Traditional Chinese Medicine , is rational recognition of concept , character and function of the liver qi .

  12. “脑主神明”理论修正了“心主神明”理论藏象学说的不足,进一步完善和发展了中医传统文化,在脑病的治疗中起着举足轻重的作用。

    The " Brain Govern the Spirit Light " theory corrects the insufficient of " Heart Govern the Spirit Light " theory , makes Chinese Traditional Medical culture more perfect and more developed .

  13. 对该学说的系统、全面、深入的研究,不仅有助于藏象学说的深化和自身完善发展,而且对提高整体中医学术水平,有着重要意义。

    The systematic all-sided and in-depth study of this theory will have important significance not only to the development and perfect of the theory itself , but also the improvement of the whole science level of Traditional Chinese Medicine .

  14. 藏象经络学说是药物归经的主要依据,是指导用药的基本原则。

    It mainly depends on the viscerastate and channel theory , which is guiding Principle of Chenese herbal medicine .

  15. 中医藏象神志学说的心理学意义辨析意象翻译过程中格式塔心理学的应用

    Analysis of the Psychological Significance of Theories of Viceral Manifestation and Spirit-mind in Traditional Chinese Medicine Application of Gestalt in the Process of Image Translation

  16. 某医学高校大学生心理健康状况测评中医藏象神志学说的心理学意义辨析

    The Psychological Health Evaluation of Undergraduate at a Medical University Analysis of the Psychological Significance of Theories of Viceral Manifestation and Spirit-mind in Traditional Chinese Medicine

  17. 脾在液为涎为中医藏象理论的经典学说之一,它是长期临床实践的经验和规律的总结,必然具有其科学的内涵。

    The " spleen controlling saliva " is one of the classical theories of Chinese medicine . It is experience of the long-term clinical practice and summary of the law , would be the certain scientific connotation .

  18. 目的:通过对《中国中医基础医学杂志》所刊藏象及肾文献的统计及分析了解藏象学说的研究现状。

    Objective : To understand the present research status of viscera-state theory in Traditional Chinese Medicine ( TCM ) through statistics and analysis on literatures of viscera-state and kidney in the China Journal of Basic Medicine in Traditional Chinese Medicine .